Chapter 363.
"Yusuke, Mu!"

Just when he was mentioned, Sakata Osamu's voice came.

The two turned their heads, and in front of them was a dark-skinned young man, tall and strong, looking very sunny.

The two looked at the spirited young man in front of them, and the image of a slightly fat young man suddenly appeared in their minds.

"Are you Zhi?"

Yusuke and Gao Chengmu were very surprised. From an obese nerd boy to a sunny boy, this change is too scary!
"What's wrong? Don't you recognize me?" Sakata smiled and sat in his seat.

Both of Yusuke nodded, this guy became so sudden and mature all of a sudden, they were not used to it.

"People will change." Sakata Osamu raised his head and looked at the scenery outside the window with deep eyes.

"What happened to you during your summer vacation?" Gao Chengmu asked, the way he looked just now was really quite a story.

"It's a long story, do you want to listen?" Sakata Osamu looked at the two and asked, Gao Chengmu looked at the time.

"I haven't had class yet, let's make a long story short"

"Okay, then let me briefly talk about what happened this summer vacation."

Sakata Osamu said calmly, that was the tone of looking down on life after experiencing various things.

"During the summer vacation, I went to my grandfather's place in the country for vacation. It was a remote mountain village hidden deep in the mountains, with more than 1000 households in the village.

The place is very remote, the internet is not good, and the most important thing is that there is no air-conditioning. Although the old house is insulated, the temperature is not as hot as here, but there is no air-conditioning at night, how can I sleep! "Sakata Ji looked back with a look of unbearable.

"Then the fat on your body was lost at that time?"

"I'm not finished yet, don't interrupt"

Sakata Osamu continued:
"The place is very remote, but one thing is good, the air there is very clean, the food is all natural, and I also met a few good friends there"



Sakata Osamu said with a look of reminiscence: "Her name is Mihara Matsuka, and she is a neighbor of my grandfather's house. I still have a deep impression of her when we first met.

It was at noon, she was wearing a white dress and hat, smiling and waving to me, that was the first time I saw her.

Songhua is very beautiful and soft-spoken, and I quickly became good friends with her.

The village is very small, with only elementary and middle schools. High school students have to go to the city to study, and I was the only high school student who returned to the countryside during the summer vacation, so she asked me a lot of questions.

Songhua has always lived in the village, and she can only learn about the outside world through TV, so she is very curious.

We chatted a lot and became good friends. In the following days, she took me to play in the village and met some friends. Although everyone has some problems, they are all very good friends.

The whole village is surrounded by deep mountains and there are no rich entertainment facilities, but they also have their own unique entertainment methods.

We went to climb mountains and play in the water. The streams in the mountains, the fireflies in the woods, and the frogs in the fields were all things I had never seen before.

You saw it too"

Sakata Osamu showed off his complexion at this time.

"My black skin was tanned at that time, and I went out to mess around every day, and my grandpa said I was like a child.

It's just that I was really happy at that time, really like a child, unrestrained." Sakata said with a smile, his voice was very hearty, and the breath of sunshine rushed towards his face.

"There must be other things," Yusuke said.

Youth can not only have a beautiful life, but also various unforgettable memories.

Boys only grow up through setbacks, and Sakata must have experienced a lot of things like this.

Osamu Sakata nodded and said, "I'm broken in love."

These words startled Takashiro Mu, looked at the calm Sakata Osamu, and asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"It's been so long, and now I can talk to you calmly, do you think there's something else?"

"makes sense"

"Don't worry, my ability to resist blows is very strong, and it's not like I don't have a chance." At the end, the voice became quieter.

"Do you still want to continue?" Yusuke asked, after all, this was his sad thing.

"It's okay, I've already thought about it, and I just want you to help me with my staff."

Sakata Osamu continued:
"Although we have only been together for more than a month, Songhua is different from other girls. I have never seen a girl like her. Her smile and her voice are the first time I have seen such a unique girl. , I was moved, I went to confess, and was rejected"

Sakata Osamu had a look of memories.

"Songhua is a good girl. She rejected me because she was afraid of hurting me. Because Songhua was an orphan. When she was young, her parents died of illness. She was taken in by her grandparents, but soon her grandparents also passed away. up.

When Songhua's parents died, she was talked about by many relatives, and after the death of her grandparents, the situation intensified. In this environment, no one wanted to take care of the young Songhua. Everyone is kicking the ball.

Fortunately, a pair of distant relatives adopted her. They have no children, so they treat Songhua as a daughter.

Songhua is excellent and has not let them down, but the eyes she has received since she was a child make her heart very fragile.She longs for warmth, but is afraid of hurting others.

I'm just a foreigner returning to the village during the summer vacation. After the summer vacation, I will return to the city. She doesn't want to hurt me, and she doesn't want to hurt herself, so..."

Both Yusuke and Gao Chengmu understood that this relationship is really full of twists and turns.

The long-distance relationship, and the heroine with a fragile heart, will be separated just after meeting, and suffer from lovesickness every day. I have to say that this is a kind of torture for Mihara Matsuka, and her lack of confidence in herself since she was a child made her feel good about herself. The future is even more frightening.

Therefore, it is better to cut off all these at the source.

This is a tortuous love affair that many people have never experienced. Sakata Osamu experienced this kind of bloody plot throughout the summer vacation. No wonder he suddenly grew up.

"You probably haven't given up yet, or else you wouldn't have said you were going to help you as a staff officer just now." Yusuke asked, and Sakata Ji nodded.

"Because I still have a chance. My hometown is a very remote place. There is no high school there. If I want to go to high school, I have to study abroad."

"So you want Songhua to come here to study, so you have a chance"

Gao Chengmu suddenly realized that this was a good idea.

"But there are two practical problems," Yusuke said at this time.

"The first one, does Mihara Matsuka have the heart to continue her studies? Does she have the conditions?"

In many remote places, because of poverty, many people give up to continue their studies, such as Xiaozhizi.

Does Mihara Matsuka have this condition?

Sakata Ji nodded and said: "We have talked about this topic before. Songhua wants to continue studying. She knows that only studying can change her destiny. She has already started saving money when she was in junior high school, and her adoptive parents respect her very much. her choice"

(End of this chapter)

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