Chapter 385. 385. Swordsman Assessment
It was finally Saturday, and Yusuke set off for Sasaki's house early in the morning.

Going to school, studying and working, Yusuke's time is getting more and more busy, but every Saturday morning, Yusuke has to go to Sasaki's house for training, which is Hutoru's request.

"Holy Son, good morning." Yusuke greeted the Seiko who opened the door, Seiko nodded with a smile, and led Yusuke into the house.

"Yusuke, have you had breakfast yet?"

"I have eaten, is the master here today?"

"Daddy is home today"

Huche sometimes has something to go out, and at this time, only Seiko is practicing against Yusuke.

When she was at home, Seiko always wore kimonos. She had a demure temperament, and the classical temperament on her body matched the kimono very well. This is a classical beauty, and her every move has a special charm.

Walking slowly at this time, the sun shone on her body, and it felt like a quiet time, even Yusuke was infected, and his mood relaxed a lot.

After sitting quietly in the gymnasium for a while, Huche came over, and Yusuke greeted him respectfully.

"Okay, let's start training!" Hu Che said.

Yusuke had already put on his kendo uniform, and the two went to practice, while Seiko sat beside him and watched.

Soon, the sound of fierce bamboo sword hitting sounded in the gymnasium.

After a fierce discussion, the two were resting next to each other, and Hu Che said with relief at this time: "Yusuke, your progress is not bad, just continue to practice at this speed."

Yusuke's qualifications are really good. Although he hasn't practiced for a long time, he has made rapid progress. Huche was worried that his foundation is weak, but unexpectedly, Yusuke's basic skills are very solid, as if he has been tempered a lot.

Although there is only one morning of practice time per week, Yusuke has made great progress every time he competes with each other, which makes Huche feel very emotional. Yusuke is definitely the most talented disciple he has ever seen!
"Yusuke, you're almost ready for the swordsman assessment."

"Swordsman assessment?" Yusuke was a little puzzled.

The Holy Son next to him explained.

Kendo has a rank assessment, and each rank upgrade has certain requirements.

Early stage, Tier 14 qualification owner, [-]+.

1nd stage, over 15 year after obtaining qualifications for the first stage, and over [-] years old.

Three-stage and two-stage qualifications must be over 2 years old and over 17 years old.

3th stage, 20rd stage and above [-] years after obtaining qualifications, and over [-] years old.

Five-dan and four-dan qualifications must be over 4 years old and over 24 years old.

Six-dan and five-dan qualifications must be over 5 years old and over 29 years old.

Seventh-dan and six-dan qualifications must be over 6 years old and over 35 years old.

Eighth-dan and seven-dan qualifications must be over 10 years old and over 45 years old.

This made Yusuke a little surprised. He always thought that as long as he had the ability, he could go to the examination of the corresponding rank and title, but he didn't expect there to be such an old-fashioned rule.

That is to say, Yusuke can only test the first-level swordsman now. Although his strength far exceeds the first-level swordsman, but the rules are like this, which is very painful.

It can only be said that equivalent titles have at least equal strength, but equal strength does not necessarily have equivalent titles.

"This assessment method is very controversial, but this is not what we care about." Huche said at this time: "Yusuke, you are about to step into the kendo circle, and you must abide by the rules."

Yusuke nodded, it doesn't matter if he is a wild swordsman, but since he wants to step into this circle, he must abide by it, no matter whether it is reasonable or not, the rules are there.

Unless he can sweep Japan and become a contemporary sword master, he might be qualified to change this way.

Huche gave some guidance, and then Yusuke and Seiko continued to practice.

The whole morning is kendo practice.

There are no quick fixes in martial arts, you have to work hard step by step.

It wasn't until noon that the three stopped training, and Yusuke was already sweating profusely.

"Yusuke, let's take a bath" Huche said with a smile.

Yusuke nodded, becoming an introductory disciple of the Sasaki family, his nature is similar to that of his family, so Yusuke is also very familiar with everything in this family.

Yusuke also has his own cleaning supplies here. After taking a shower and wearing clean clothes, Yusuke came to the dining room, and Huche was already waiting at the dining table.

"Master, where is Toranojiro?" Yusuke asked, but he didn't see Toranojiro here.

"He went out with his friends." Hu Che said with a smile, "I didn't go home for lunch at noon."

Toranojiro is completely different from his elder sister Seiko. He has a lively personality and a wide range of social contacts, but because of this, it is difficult for him to settle down.

Yusuke and Huche were chatting, and Seiko put a plate of dishes on the table.

"Dad, Yusuke, this is my new dish, how do you guys taste it?"

The Holy Son has already put on new clothes. He is now wearing a white apron and his long black hair is tied behind his head. He looks a bit like a housewife.

"Then I'll try it." Hu Che picked up the chopsticks with a smile, "Yusuke, you should try it too. Seiko is very interested in Chinese cuisine recently and has made a lot of new dishes."

"Then let's try the Holy Son's craft."

What Shengzi cooks is dry roasted shrimp.The shelled shrimps are fried, thickened with red sweet and sour sauce, surrounded by a circle of broccoli, the combination of red and green is very beautiful, and the appearance alone is very good.

Yusuke picked up a shrimp with his chopsticks, tasted it, and nodded.

“It was delicious”

The Holy Son suddenly smiled, "Just as long as you like it."

Hu Che said with a smile at this time: "Come on, let's have dinner together."

After eating at Sasaki's house and resting for a while, Yusuke left and went back to the studio.

Greeted Yui and the others, Yusuke was getting ready for work, and Xiao Hei walked over at this time.

"Meow meow (Yusuke, the task you entrusted to me has been completed)"

Yusuke was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, there was only one thing to ask Xiao Hei: to find the stray cat who could understand human language.

"Did you find that stray cat?" Yusuke asked.

Xiao Hei nodded.

"What about the other party?"

Some stray cats have very violent personalities and are deeply hostile to humans. I don't know how this cat is.If the character is too bad, Yusuke can only give up.

"Meow Meow Meow Meow (the personality is not bad, and there is no hostility towards humans, and our communication with it is also very smooth, but it has a request, it wants to meet you)"

Yusuke thought for a while, then nodded, he still cares about this local tyrant, if this problem can be solved, it would be good to establish contact with her.

"That's no problem, can we go find it now?"

"Meow (can)"

Yusuke greeted the others, took Xiao Hei and went out.

"Meow meow (Yusuke, go to our holy place first, look for Xiaobai, Xiaobai found it)"

He found Xiaobai in the holy place of cats, and under the guidance of Xiaobai, Yusuke finally saw the cat, which was an orange cat.

(End of this chapter)

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