Chapter 386. 386. The Fastest Commission
This orange cat has a beautiful fur color, with two big golden eyes on its round face. From Yusuke's point of view, it is also very beautiful.

Among the stray cats, there are many cats with very good looks, such as the little blacks around Yusuke, but stray cats are wild and difficult to train, so few people think about these stray cats.

But these are no problem for Yusuke.

The orange cat kept staring at Yusuke, and Yusuke smiled.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Meow meow (can you really understand what we say?)" the orange cat called out with a puzzled expression.

"Is that why you asked me to come?"

"Meow (yes)"

The orange cat suddenly realized, "Meow (it seems that what they said is true, I thought they were fooling me)"

It seems that this stray cat is very alert!

Yusuke smiled and asked, "How about your proposal for us?"

The orange cat thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Meow meow (sorry, I thought they were fooling me, so I just agreed, I never thought of becoming a human pet)"

Xiaohei and Xiaobai suddenly became a little angry, this guy dared to play with them, but Yusuke waved his hand.

"Well then, I won't force you anymore."

"Meow (thank you for understanding)"

The orange cat nodded, turned around and left.

At this time, Xiao Hei shouted angrily: "Meow Meow (this guy, I will teach him a lesson later!)"

Yusuke shook his head: "No need, this is a lifelong decision for it, and we can't force it." Xiao Hei then gave up.

"Meow (Xiao Hei, I have something to tell you, come with me)" Xiao Bai called out at this time.

Xiao Hei glanced at Yusuke, and Yusuke nodded, "You go, you can go home later."

Xiao Hei nodded, and then left with Xiao Bai.

Yusuke went back to the studio, and when he was downstairs, he happened to meet Ryoko Sakura coming out of the clinic.

Ryoko Sakura said with a smile: "Yusuke, did you just come back from outside? Just right, I have something to ask you"

Yusuke froze for a moment, "Doctor Sakura, do you have a new commission?"

Ryoko Sakura nodded and said, "Come in and talk inside."

Yusuke followed Sakura Ryoko into the clinic.

The two came to a room inside. There was a cage in the room, and there was a golden retriever lying on its stomach. It looked listless at the moment. Seeing the two coming in, the golden retriever glanced at it, ignored it, and was still lying on the ground. There.

Sakura Ryoko said at this time: "This golden retriever is in good health, but I don't know why, it has been lacking energy, and this state has lasted for more than a month."

"There must be something on his mind," Yusuke said.

"I think so too," Dr. Sakura replied with a smile, "Animals' psychological problems can only depend on you."

Yusuke nodded, squatted down, and looked at the golden retriever.

Seeing Yusuke squatting down, the golden retriever turned its head, looked at Yusuke, and then returned to the appearance of a salted fish.

Yusuke looked at the nameplate on its neck, this golden retriever is called Pochi.

"Pochi, what's on your mind? Can you tell me?"

At this moment, Pochi turned his head and looked at Yusuke. For some reason, as soon as this human being spoke, it felt a strange sense of intimacy, as if it had met the same kind.

"Wow woof (you can't understand what's on my mind!)" Pochi sighed at this moment.

"How would I know if you don't tell me?" Yusuke replied with a smile.

For a split second, Pochi turned his head and was surprised to see Yusuke.

"Wang (you understand what I say?)"

Yusuke nodded, Pochi suddenly became interested, got up immediately, and looked at Yusuke excitedly.

"Wow woof (how can you understand me, that's really strange)"

"The world is big, and there are always things you don't know"

"Woah (oh, I see)"

Ryoko Sakura, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but nodded, Yusuke still had a way.

"Can you tell me what's on your mind? Your master is worried about you like this."

Pochi thought for a moment, then called: "Wow, woof (it's ok, but after you've heard my thoughts, you have to do me a favor)"

This guy can even bargain!
"As long as I can help, I will help," Yusuke replied.

After getting a satisfactory reply, Pochi shared his thoughts.

Its mind is actually very simple. It is a good friend with a Samoyed next door, and the two dogs often go out to play together.

But a month ago, its friend suddenly disappeared, which made the golden retriever very worried, and he couldn't even eat.

"Wow woof (can you help me find out where my friend is going?)" Pochi looked at Yusuke expectantly.

I didn't expect this to be a dog that values ​​love and righteousness!

"Okay, let me ask for you."

Yusuke stood up at this time and told Sakura Ryoko about the situation. After hearing this, Sakura Ryoko suddenly realized that this was the case.

"Then let me ask its owner." Liangzi came out, went to contact the customer, came back after a while, and said with a smile: "My customer said that this is indeed the case. His neighbor has to go on a business trip, so Send Samoyed back to his hometown and let his parents raise him.

But my guest was very curious. He asked me how I knew this.I almost gave it away just now, but luckily I made things round."

It was only then that Yusuke remembered that through communicating with animals, he could pry into the privacy of many people. If his heart was darker, he could catch many people. This also reminded Yusuke that sometimes his ability Can't be too obvious.

Yusuke repeated Sakura Ryoko's words, and Pochi cheered up. It turned out that his friend was fine, and he was jumping around excitedly in the cage.

Ryoko Sakura was very happy after solving the problem of the golden retriever. After paying the reward, the two exchanged some pleasantries, and Yusuke went back to the studio.

This is the fastest commission ever completed!
When Yusuke returned to the studio, he found that Xiao Hei had returned. Seeing Yusuke's return, the cats all ran over and stood in front of Yusuke and shouted: "Meow meow (Yusuke, emergency, emergency!)"

"whats the matter?"

"Meow (The Battle for the Holy Land has begun!)"

Battle for the Holy Land?
Yusuke was a little curious, so Xiao Hei explained.

There are many stray cats in this city, and these stray cats form a huge group, and the group that Xiao Hei was in before is one of them.

With the development of human beings, there is less and less space for stray cats, and the sanctuary for stray cats has also begun to decrease.Once the holy land is discovered by humans, it will soon fall, and the groups it belongs to will have no place to rest, and they will go to find a new holy land.

But there are fewer and fewer holy places, and more and more stray cats. At this time, another situation will break out, robbing other people's sites!So the battle for the Holy Land began!

(End of this chapter)

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