Chapter 387. 387. Cat World War
After listening to Xiao Hei's explanation, Yusuke couldn't help but sigh: The animal world is not that simple!
"Meow meow (every battle for the holy land has heavy casualties, this is a war in the cat world)"

Xiao Hei said: "Meow Meow (the last battle for the Holy Land was three years ago, but that time both sides died together)"

"It's so miserable!" Yusuke was a little surprised.

"Meow (Because they were all captured by humans, a large group of stray cats gathered together, alarmed humans, and then all were captured)"

The answer was somewhat unexpected to Yusuke.

But when you think about it, it makes sense.

"Then Xiaobai asked you to discuss this matter?"

Xiao Hei nodded, "Meow Meow Meow Meow (we all came from there, although we have already left, but we don't want to see our holy land fall)"

"Meow meow meow meow meow (so, Yusuke, can you help Xiaobai and them?)" Xiaohei looked at Yusuke expectantly, and the other kittens also looked hopeful.

Yusuke thought for a while, then nodded, "How do you think I can help you?"

This group of stray cats is a very big help, very useful, Yusuke does not want to lose them.

"Meow meow meow meow (the battle for the Holy Land is inevitable, but we can't let humans discover it)" Xiao Hei said.

After living in human beings for so long, it knows that human beings are very powerful. The annihilation of both sides in the holy land battle three years ago was a lesson.

But many stray cats have limited knowledge, they only live in their own world, and they cannot see the essence of the world clearly, and these stupid cats account for most of the stray cats.

They are already fearless in order to compete for the Holy Land, but they want to die, and they don't want to be buried with Xiao Hei.

"What are you talking about? Why is it so miserable?"

Yui asked curiously, and Rie and Xiaozhizi were also very curious at this moment. The kittens looked too serious just now, and this is the first time they have shown such expressions.

"Something important"

Yusuke stood up and said, and asked Yui and the others to put down the work at hand, and then told the news they just heard.

Everyone was a little surprised, and then looked weird.

Cat Wars?

This kind of thing really refreshes their three views!

Could it be a prank?

But the person who said this was Yusuke, and Yusuke would not joke, and they also recovered at this time,

Rie asked, "What do we need to do?"

This is completely uncharted territory.

Yusuke said at this time: "Stray cats cannot be allowed to gather on a large scale. Once an incident of stray cats breaks out, the Ministry of the Environment will definitely intervene, and then things will be troublesome, and the battle for the Holy Land will definitely break out, so we can only change to a place where there is no one. On the battlefield, find a way to transfer all the cats"

"But according to what you said, boss, there will be at least 1000 cats gathered at the scene, how can we transfer such a large number?"

This is the biggest problem!

"There are leaders in the stray cat team. They are responsible for guiding all stray cats. We only need to lure them, and other stray cats will follow suit"

Because Xiaohei and the others are too smart and human, they gave Yuyi and the others a strange understanding: all stray cats are so smart!
But in fact, most stray cats are very stupid, and there are only a small number of smart stray cats.

Like Xiao Hei's six partners, they are much smarter than other cats, so they are the leaders in the team.

After listening to Yusuke's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

Then it's much simpler.

"Then how to lure them?" Xiao Zhizi asked.

"How about using catnip?" Rie said

Catnip is a holy product for cats, and all cats cannot stand this temptation.

At the same time, there is another advantage of using catnip, which can disintegrate the opponent's combat effectiveness, which is a killer weapon for cats.

"But using catnip, our cats will also be affected, what should I do?" Yui asked.

"Let's use catnip to lure each other first, and after they are recruited, we will take back the catnip, and Xiao Hei will enter the battlefield." Yusuke said after thinking for a while.

"But who's going to seduce?" Yuyi asked, "Just the four of us, it's a drop in the bucket!"

"I have a solution!" Yusuke stood up, "I'll talk to Boss Ya!"

"That's right, there's also Boss Crow!"

Yui and Rie suddenly realized.

"That's right, there is Crow Boss who can help, and Crow Boss has an advantage in the air"

"Is the crow boss referring to the group of crows outside?" Xiao Zhizi asked curiously, and Yusuke nodded.

Only then did Xiao Zhizi suddenly realize that this is the real trump card of the boss!

The boss is really powerful!

"Okay, then I will arrange the tasks for everyone"

"Xiao Zhizi, you are responsible for buying catnip, and you will buy all catnip-related products"

Xiao Zhizi nodded, "Wrap it on me."

"Yuyi, you are responsible for buying some therapeutic medicines. Many cats will be injured. We can save as many as we can. If you don't know what to buy, you can go downstairs and ask Dr. Sakura, and she will give you advice. of"

Yui nodded.

"Rie, look for a remote and spacious place near here. It's best not to have a camera. I'll leave it to you."

Rie also nodded.

"I'm going to discuss it with Crow Boss, everyone, act faster, the battle for the Holy Land is tonight, everyone start to act!"

Everyone took action, Yui and Xiao Zhizi went out to buy things, Rie used Google Maps to find the place, Yusuke found the boss, and told the story, the boss suddenly showed excitement!

Cat Wars, it's so good!
"Whoah (how do you want me to help?)"

"Boss Crow, you are responsible for leading the stray cats to another place, and then there will be a decisive battle there. I will take you to meet some stray cats later, and they will lead you to the target."

"Wow (no problem)"

The crow boss nodded, flapped his wings and flew up.

"Whoah (War is so good! Let's do it!)"

This kind of turf war crow boss is really interested!

Yusuke brought Yaboda to the river slope, Xiaobai and the others had received the notification from Xiaohei, and they were waiting here at this time, and they all ran over when they saw Yusuke.

Yusuke explained the plan again, and the eyes of the kittens suddenly lit up. Humans really have a way!
At this time, the crow boss flapped his wings and flew down, standing on Yusuke's shoulder, while the younger brothers were circling in the air.

"This is the crow boss. They are responsible for luring the enemy. You need to point out the target. When you find the target, stand up, and the crow boss will understand."

Xiao Bai, they all nodded.

"Boss Crow, after a while, Xiaobai, they will give you a signal when they find the target. Once they stand up, that is the target."

Crow boss also nodded.

"Okay, let's act together!"

The crows and the stray cats are in action!

The cat world war is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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