Chapter 397 397. Answer
"Mr. Yamamoto, Miss Suzuki" Yusuke greeted with a smile.

"Miss Suzuki, long time no see." Eri also stood up and said hello.

Suzuki Lan glanced at Eri, and it took a while to remember that this was the female student she had seen on the Jade Dragon Banner.

The most dazzling female contestant in the Jade Dragon Banner this time is Seiko, and the other female contestants are eclipsed by her brilliance, but Eri can be remembered by Suzuki Lan because she is the spokesperson of the club, and the interviewer She was also the one who came forward at that time, Suzuki Lan still remembered very clearly, this girl is very bureaucratic!
"It's Jiang Zhihua, long time no see," Suzuki Mulan responded with a smile.

"Yeah, it's been more than a month since the last time we parted." Eri nodded with a smile, looked at Yuji Yamamoto, and asked, "Is this Miss Suzuki's boyfriend?"

"My humble Yuuji Yamamoto, Ran's boyfriend." Yuji Yamamoto smiled and nodded.

"I'm Enohana Eri, Yusuke's classmate and the head of Yusuke's club"

The two greeted each other.

"Miss Suzuki, where are we talking today?" Yusuke asked.

"Today is an informal interview, so we found another place, I hope you don't mind"

"It's okay, well, Eri wants to go with me, is it convenient?"

For a moment, Suzuki Lan thought of a lot, this girl is very good at playing bureaucratic, could it be that...

"Sorry, actually we met here just now. I heard that Ms. Suzuki was going to interview Yusuke, so I wondered if we could go there together, just let it be inconvenient." Eri said with a smile, but her tone was a little regretful.

"This is not inconvenient." Suzuki Ran thought for a while, Yuuji and Misawa are good friends, seeing Yuuji's face, Misawa should not fool himself, and then said: "It's just that Enoka-san may Very bored"

"That's bothering you," Eri said happily, and it worked!

Yuji Yamamoto looked at the exchange of the three people at the scene, and then showed a meaningful smile.

This girl is amazing!
"Yuuji, let's go now." Suzuki Ran said, Yamamoto Yuji put away his smile and nodded, "I'm going to drive."

Yuji Yamamoto drove a car and brought a few people to a coffee shop.

"Let's do it here today." Suzuki Lan said with a smile, leading several people into the coffee shop.

"Welcome!" The waiter in the store greeted immediately, and then his expression froze.

"Ah, so it's the boss!"


Yusuke was a little surprised, he was shocked when he saw Yuji Yamamoto greeted them with a smile.

I didn't expect this store to be owned by Yuji Mimoto!

This guy turned out to be a hidden local tyrant!I really can't tell it at all, I wear ordinary clothes and drive an ordinary car, and I don't look like a local tyrant at all.

Yusuke remembered that Yuji Yamamoto wrote light novels.

In Japan, the income of every successful writer is very high. Whether it is traditional literature or light novel writers, as long as they are successful, the annual publishing fee can make them live well. No wonder they have money to open a shop and become a boss.

Yuji Yamamoto brought a few people to a box, the waiter served some desserts and drinks, closed the door, and everyone officially entered the theme.

Suzuki Lan picked up the briefcase at hand, and took out a notebook from it.

"Sanze-kun, I have prepared some questions here, you can answer them if you think you can, and skip them if you don't think so."

Yusuke nodded, "Understood."

"The first question, Misawa-kun, how long have you been studying kendo?"

"From High School"

The actual real situation is that I have only studied for more than a month, and I have never learned kendo before participating in the competition. The competition is all crushed by physical fitness.

But the real situation certainly cannot be said that way, otherwise it would be too outrageous.

"Second question, are you Sasaki Toru's direct disciple?" Suzuki Lan had doubts before, but he still wanted to confirm it himself.

"Yes!" Yusuke nodded.

Eri, who was listening next to her, was a little curious. The surname Sasaki sounds very familiar. Could it be Seiko's father? Combined with Yusuke's recent interaction with Seiko, the probability is very high!

In other words, the two are brothers and sisters of the same sect!

In an instant, Seiko's danger in Eri's mind rose rapidly.

I didn't expect that the Son of God had already reached this point without knowing it. It was too dangerous!

"The next question, Mr. Sanze, why did you only participate in the Yulong Banner competition, but did not appear in the national competition?"

"The reason is very simple. I joined the Kendo club after the national competition"

"Then will you participate in the national competition next year?"

"No, including next year's Jade Dragon Flag competition and I won't participate"

"Why?" Suzuki Lan asked in surprise.

"You have to give others a chance," Yusuke replied with a smile.

Suzuki Lan was a little stunned, what he said was really grand, but considering Yusuke's strength, only he could say it.

Suzuki Ran asked a lot of questions, but basically they were related to kendo. There were also some personal questions, but they were not very in-depth. They were all simple family situations, and Yusuke answered them one by one.

"I heard that you are a video blogger?" Suzuki Lan asked at this time.

Yuuji told her this, otherwise she wouldn't know it, and Sanze-kun is still a pet video blogger, which is even more strange. A master of kendo has a relationship with a pet, it always makes people feel very curiosity.

"It's not a conflict," Yusuke replied, "One is my career, the other is my hobby, and the two can run side by side."

"Did Sanze-kun not plan to take the path of swordsmanship?"

Suzuki Lan said with some regret, "With the strength of Misawa-kun, I can definitely bring Kendo to a new world."

"This idea may exist in the future, but it's not realistic yet," Yusuke replied with a smile.

Well, this is Sanze-kun's choice, and outsiders are not qualified to point and point, so Suzuki Lan will not be entangled.

"This is the end of my interview today, thank you Sanze-kun"

Suzuki Ran stood up, stretched out his hand, Yusuke also stood up, stretched out his hand, and clasped both hands together.

"I hope to interview you on a formal occasion next time"

"Accept Your Promise"

"When the time comes, Sanze-kun must accept my interview."

"No problem, as long as there is a chance, Miss Suzuki, you will definitely be the first"

The two smiled and let go of their hands. At this moment Suzuki Mulan said, "I'm sorry, I'll excuse you first." The interview went on for more than an hour, and she also felt a little anxious.

At this moment, Eri's cell phone rang. She glanced at it, greeted her, and walked out of the box.

Only Yuji Yamamoto and Yusuke were left in the room. Yuji Yamamoto leaned over at this moment and said narrowly, "Yusuke, you are very good."

"what do you mean?"

"You don't need to pretend, now there are only two of us left, let's tell the truth, how many girlfriends do you have?"

Facing this question, Yusuke didn't know how to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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