Chapter 398. Daily life
"Okay, you don't need to say it, everyone is a man, I understand"

"I didn't expect Yusuke to be able to achieve the achievement of the harem. You are really a role model for us men. I suddenly had an inspiration to write a light novel with Yusuke as the protagonist. What do you think?"

"Not so good." Yusuke shook his head speechlessly.

I don’t know if all writers have this problem, they all like to write scripts with friends around them as the protagonists, Yuji Yamamoto is like this, and so is Rika.

"Don't rush to refuse, all I write are harem novels." Yuji Yamamoto said proudly, "It is a man's dream to open a harem!"

"is it?"

At this moment, Suzuki Ran's voice came from behind, and Yuji Yamamoto was struck by lightning for an instant, his whole body was stiff, and he turned his head slowly.

Suzuki Lan and Eri did not know when they had entered, and they were standing at the door.

Eri looked contemptuous, while Suzuki Ran's expression was half a smile, not a smile.

"It's really amazing. I never knew you had such a great dream. It seems that I have dragged you down."

Yuji Yamamoto instantly lost his soul.

Almost in the next second, Yuji Yamamoto immediately became serious.

"You misunderstood, I was just discussing the plot of the light novel with Yusuke"

"Is that so?"

Suzuki Lan stared at Yamamoto Yuji, Yamamoto Yuji looked serious at this time, looking like a gentleman.

This guy's acting is amazing!
Yusuke opened his eyes.

If I hadn't been here just now, I would have been deceived by him.

Seeing no flaws from Yamamoto Yuuji's expression, Suzuki Ran turned her eyes to Yusuke.

At this moment, Yusuke could feel Yamamoto Yuuji's breathing quickened.

This guy is nervous!

"We were discussing the plot of light novels just now. With the current trend of light novels, people only read them if they have a harem."

Yusuke replied calmly, and Yamamoto Yuuji's breathing returned to calm.

Looking at the two of them, Suzuki Lan always felt a little weird, but she couldn't tell where the flaw was.

"Lan, you've finished the interview, it's almost time for dinner, let's go eat," Yuji Yamamoto said at this time.

Suzuki Lan looked at the time and nodded, "Sansawa-kun, Enoka-san, let's have dinner together."

"You're welcome." Yusuke shook his head.

"It should be, didn't I agree to treat you to dinner last time, what's the matter? Do you want me to say nothing?" Yamamoto Yuji said with a smile.

"Then I would be more respectful than obedient."

"I'm going to drive now, pack your things and come out." Yuji Yamamoto left first.

"I'll make a call to my family first." Yusuke picked up the phone and said, and walked out of the room, only Suzuki Ran and Eri were left in the room.

"There is definitely something wrong with these two guys!" Eri said with a frown.

"I know!" Suzuki Lan nodded.

"Then why..."

"Always give a man some face in front of everyone, and you'll know when he comes back at night." Ling Mulan's eyes burst into a sharp light at this moment.

Open the harem, hehe!
Eri suddenly showed an expression of admiration, it turned out that this is the correct way to deal with it, I learned it!

Yusuke told his family and walked out of the coffee shop.

Yuji Yamamoto was waiting outside the coffee shop, and when he saw Yusuke coming out, he gave a thumbs up, and Yusuke also gave a thumbs up, which is a tacit understanding between men.

The group is packed and ready to go.

"What are we going to eat?" Suzu Mulan asked.

"Let's go eat barbecue." Yuji Yamamoto looked at Yusuke expectantly at this moment.

"Jie, this time it's up to you"

"rely on me?"

"Yes, the meat you grilled last time was delicious!"

"Yeah, Misawa-kun's food is delicious!" Suzuki Lan also said expectantly at this time, she still can't forget the delicious food last time.

Eri was a little surprised, "Yusuke, can you cook?"

"I've been a little interested in cooking recently," Yusuke replied.

"As expected of Yusuke, a genius is amazing at everything!" Eri said admiringly.

For a moment, Yusuke felt that Eri was weird today, why did he always praise him?
"Okay, that's our opinion, what about you, Sanze-kun?" Suzuki Lan asked.

Yusuke nodded, "No problem."

Everyone is looking forward to it so much, and he will not disappoint.

The group set off for the barbecue restaurant, and then Yusuke showed off his superb skills, and the delicious food surprised the three of them.

"Yusuke, if you can't get along in the future, you can consider working as a chef in my shop." Yuji Yamamoto said with a smile.

"Are you recruiting me? Or are you hurting me?" Yusuke shook his head with a smile.

Several people laughed, but Eri's eyes became more thoughtful.

It was also late, and Yuji Yamamoto sent Yusuke and the others home.

"Just take me to the station." Eri said at this time, "I made an appointment with my sister to meet there."

After dropping Eri off at the station, Yusuke and the others left.

Seeing the disappearing figure of the car, Eri picked up the phone at this moment.

"Sister Ritsuko, I'm here at the station"

"Sorry, I didn't intentionally let you go this afternoon, because I met Yusuke, and the book said: When you are in love, you have to take the initiative, so I took the initiative."

"Okay, I'm back now, by the way, sister, don't you know how to cook? Teach me!"

"There is no reason, I have always been interested in cooking"

"Well, it's still because of Yusuke"

"I'm back now, let's meet and talk"

Eri walked into the station while talking on the phone.

Yuji Yamamoto's car drove up to the door, and Yusuke got out of the car and waved to the two.

"Thank you for taking me home"

"We should be the ones thanking you today." Lin Mulan said with a smile, "Goodbye."


Seeing Yuji Yamamoto's car disappear at the intersection, Yusuke walked into the house and said with a smile, "I'm back!"

The second week of the new semester finally came, and Yusuke was waiting at the door of Miyajima's house early in the morning.

Yui came out soon.

"I've been waiting for a long time, let's go!"

The two walked together.

In the new week, Yusuke still received a lot of strange looks, but it was much better than last week.

Saying goodbye to Yui at the entrance of the school, Yusuke returned to his class, opened the classroom door, the voices in the class suddenly fell silent, but the next moment everyone resumed their original actions.

During the past few days of observation, everyone found that Yusuke Misawa was not the kind of irritable person, but was very low-key. Everyone gradually forgot about that incident and what to do.

Time is the best magician.

Soon, Sakata Osamu and Takashiro Mu also came over, and they chatted for a while.

The class bell rang, and the day's lessons began.

(End of this chapter)

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