Chapter 399 399. Xiao Hei is gone

After a day of class, it was finally time to leave school.

Yusuke said goodbye to Takashiro and Sakata, and came to the club, where Seiko was already waiting.

"You're here, Yusuke," Seiko said excitedly.

Yusuke was a little strange, "Seiko, you look happy"

"Because this is my first time playing a leading role, I feel so nervous!" Shengzi took a deep breath at this time, "But I will work hard!"

Yusuke smiled, "Let's work hard together!"

The two stayed in the classroom for a while, and other people came over. When everyone was here, Eri announced that the first movie of the new semester had officially started!
The plot of the movie is about a boy who rescued a cat. In order to repay his kindness, the cat turned into a girl and fell in love with the boy. The story is very simple, and the whole movie is full of scenes of throwing dog food.

This is the first time for Shengzi to take on this role, but unexpectedly he performed very well.Although there is no expression, but the eyes are very in place, looking at the male protagonist's admiring eyes, you can feel it through the camera.

Lixiang and Yui were greatly surprised, Seiko's acting skills are amazing!

Eri feels a little different, Seiko's eyes don't seem to be all acting skills, but also have some sincerity in them.

At this time, they were filming on a lawn in the school.

In this scene, the hero and heroine tell their innermost feelings, confirm their love for each other, and become an official couple. This is the most important scene in the movie.

Yui turned on the lights, Rika acted as the cameraman, Eri the director, and all the actors were in place.

Yusuke was sitting on the grass, Seiko was sitting next to him, and the two were reciting their lines.

"Xiao Ai, I don't know why, I am so familiar with you, it seems that we have met before." Yusuke said with a frown.

"Because we have met before, and you saved me not long ago." Although Shengzi was expressionless, her eyes perfectly showed her inner world, watery eyes full of infinite tenderness, especially It was her healing voice that added a lot of color.

"I saved you?" Yusuke asked suspiciously.

"Yes, when I was about to be hit by a car, it was Zhiren who saved me, you are my benefactor"

"You are that kitten!" Yusuke said in surprise, "How did you become a human?"

"Because of my love for you, I became human"

Seiko raised his head and stared at Yusuke, those watery eyes were full of Yusuke's shadow.

"because I like you!"

Yui with the lights on and Rika with the camera nodded involuntarily, the acting was so similar!
Only director Eri was a little upset, this line should be mine!


Yusuke was about to speak when Seiko rushed over and pushed Yusuke down on the grass.

Everyone was startled, it seems that there is no such scene in the movie!

At this time, a black shadow flashed past, brushed past the two of them, and landed on the grass in front of them.

That is a football.

"Sorry, we went too far!"

A member of the football club ran up from behind and asked nervously, "Are you injured?"

Eri shouted angrily: "You guys, be careful when you play football!"

"Sorry, did you hurt anyone? Do you need to go to the infirmary?"

"No, it's fine." Yusuke and Seiko climbed up from the grass, "Be careful next time"

The people from the football club apologized a few words and left soon.

Seeing Eri's angry look, Yusuke said with a smile: "Okay, don't be angry, just take another shot."

"Forget it, since you forgive them, Yusuke, let them go," Eri said with a sigh of relief.

Yusuke turned around and nodded to Seiko, "Son, thank you just now."

"It's nothing, if you were in my position, Yusuke, you would do the same," Seiko said calmly.

"Okay, if there's nothing wrong, let's continue shooting." Eri said at this time: "This place is too close to the football field, if that kind of thing happens again, it will be troublesome."

Everyone nodded, but then, for some reason, everyone was not going well. The camera was always stuck when shooting, and a scene had to be shot several times.

"It's all the football's fault!" Eri said angrily, "It's all that brought us bad luck!"

"Why don't we take a break for a while," Yusuke said.

The state is interrupted, and it is very difficult to re-enter the state. It is better to take a short break and adjust your mentality.

Eri thought for a moment, then nodded.

Several people sat on the grass and rested.

On the grass, the students sat together in twos and threes, some were reading, some were basking in the sun.

On the way, the students were wearing various club uniforms and walking in a hurry.

Below, the students of the football club are playing football, and the competition between the two sides is very fierce.

Not far away, students from the baseball club are playing baseball.

There is a youthful atmosphere everywhere here, which is a scene that can only be seen in the student days.

Everyone watched all this quietly, and their moods gradually settled down.

"Okay, let's rest enough, let's continue shooting." Eri stood up and said, everyone nodded.

But it may be because of the football, or it may be that everyone is not in good condition. The progress of filming is not very fast, and only 1/10 of the plot was filmed by the end of school.

"That's the end of today," Eri said regretfully, "It's too late, we should go home"

It's not going well, and that's something that can't be helped.

Everyone packed up their tools and went home.

After saying goodbye to everyone in the car, Yusuke headed towards the studio. He originally wanted to visit the studio after the shooting, but today's shooting time was a bit long, which disrupted his plan.

When Yusuke came to the studio, it was already dark.

But unexpectedly, the lights in the studio were still on.

Yusuke came to the studio and found Xiaozhizi reading a book there.

Seeing Yusuke, Xiao Zhizi was a little surprised, "Boss, you are here."

"Little Zhizi, you haven't gone back yet?"

"It's okay, I want to read a book here for a while"

Yusuke nodded and said, "You go ahead, don't worry about me, I'll take a look at the situation of the animals."

Yusuke walked over to the animals, and when the cats saw Yusuke, they ran over happily, gathered around him, and rubbed his trousers affectionately.

Shiji and Wuji ran over from the table, jumped onto Yusuke's shoulder, and rubbed his head affectionately.

The animals hadn't seen Yusuke all day and missed him very much.

Yusuke comforted him a bit, but at this moment he found that Xiao Hei was not here, and asked a little strangely, "Xiao Zhizi, where is Xiao Hei?"

"Xiao Hei saw it in the afternoon, but when work was over, Xiao Hei disappeared"

"Well, it should be home"

Xiao Hei often goes home alone, and everyone is used to this kind of thing.

After playing with the animals for a while, he told Xiao Zhizi not to go home too late, so Jie went back.

Back home, after eating, Yusuke went back to his room to do some work.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the evening, when Yusuke was about to go to bed, that he realized that he hadn't seen Xiao Hei all night.

Normally, Xiao Hei would come over to say hello no matter how late he came back, but not tonight.

Yusuke went downstairs with some doubts, and looked at Xiao Hei's bed, Xiao Hei was not in the bed, and the cat food in front of the bed was also motionless.

Where did Xiao Hei go?
(End of this chapter)

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