Chapter 419 419. The Most Precious
In the eyes of Kentaro Kashiwamura, his father has always been an omnipotent superman. Although the family is not very rich, his father works very hard, his mother is also very gentle, and the family lives happily.

Such a happy life until the age of 9, parents divorced.

Mom couldn't stand this poor life and abandoned them. Kentaro still remembers: Dad hugged him and said in a calm tone: "It's okay, I will always be by your side"

In the days that followed, Dad worked harder, leaving early and returning late, and the father and son saw less and less time.

Kentaro Kashiwamura remembers that when he showed off his good grades to his father when he was a child, his father would always praise him and play games with him.

But now that he got a new certificate, Dad would just praise him: "Good job," and then he was busy with his own affairs.

There is also less and less communication between father and son, and Kentaro is very lonely.

When he was alone, Kentaro began to read books, movies, anime, and TV series. He watched a lot of things and learned a lot.

Kentaro began to change. He felt that he was too weak before, living under the protection of his parents all the time, and he was not a man at all.

He learned to dye his hair, learn to fight, and learn to smoke, and then he found that he really became a man, because everyone around him was afraid of him.

The strong is lonely, the strong is lonely, he walks alone, this kind of life is really wonderful!
He began to look down on his father. Although his father started to make money, he still looked down on his father, because his father's job was an entertainment agent, and in his opinion, he was just asking for work on the streets.

There is less and less communication between father and son, and every communication is just for living expenses.

He took money from the old man this evening, but the old man demanded to have a meal with him. They haven't eaten together for a long time.

Really, there is something good to chat with the old man!
But because of the cost of living, I had no choice but to come out with the old man.

What I didn't expect was that the old man's professional habit broke out. He harassed the little girl in the restaurant.
But unexpectedly, the old man came back with a gloomy expression, which made him feel very strange.

"Old man, what's the matter?"

The old man shook his head, "It's okay."

No wonder!
The old man's face was very ugly. Under his threat, the old man had no choice but to tell the story.

The old man was threatened by a young man, and what is even more heartbreaking is that the old man chose to calm down, do you have the backbone!
Won't you give him two slaps?How can you tell him to respect his elders!
Seeing this useless old man, Kentaro was very angry, and I will help him vent his anger!

He found the boy who insulted the old man, that guy looks like a dog, and he eats with three girls, this kind of person must be a bitch!
The real strong are lonely, such a person can only deceive girls, let me, Mr. Kentaro, teach him a lesson!
The little boy noticed it and got scared, so he called a car to leave!

Damn it, this completely messed up Kentaro's plan!

But the strange thing is that this little boy didn't leave with the car, it's so good!

Kentaro followed the little boy all the way, and the little boy seemed to have found him, and the two met in the alley.

This little boy is so arrogant!

Although Xiaobailian is older than him, he is not afraid at all, because he has taught adults a lesson. That guy was very arrogant at the beginning, but in the end he was not shivering under his own bat. Still vivid!

It's so good!
Kentaro was already fantasizing about such a scene.

Kentaro rushed over, but the boy grabbed the bat with one hand.

This is impossible!how so!
Most importantly, the guy is laughing at himself!

He stretched out his foot to kick him, but was also caught, and now he was in the independent shape of a golden rooster.

"You bastard, let go!"

Then the next moment, he flew up.

The wall magnified in front of him, and his face hit the wall directly. The severe pain made him burst into tears. This was the first time he felt such pain.

He is afraid!

It was only then that he remembered that the ones he bullied in the past were all lower grade students, and he was holding a stick while everyone was empty-handed, of course he had an advantage, and the so-called adult was just a drunken drunk.

Looking at the cold eyes of the little white face, he seemed to be stared at by some kind of carnivorous animal. It was when I went to the zoo with my parents when I was a child, and when I saw the tiger, the tiger stared at him with the same eyes. Torn eyes!

Kentaro is scared!My legs started shaking!

He's freaking out!
Just then, my father appeared.

In an instant, he felt relieved a lot, and suddenly recalled the image of his father being omnipotent when he was a child.

However, Dad actually knelt down to him, which made him very angry, why did he kneel down!

Hit him!Just beat him up!

But unexpectedly, his father, who was always gentle, reprimanded him.

Kentaro was stunned, it was the first time he saw such a father.

Yusuke sighed, Dogeza is the highest etiquette, representing the deepest apology.

Seeing Kashiwamura kneeling in front of him like this, Yusuke's senses are not good.

Although Baicun's way of doing things is annoying, his concern for his son is real.

He's not necessarily a good guy, but he's definitely a good dad.

Be forgiving and forgiving.

Yusuke withdrew the frightening aura from his body, and regained the calm boy, and said calmly, "Don't bother me again in the future."

"Absolutely not! I promise!" Baicun said seriously.

Until the footsteps got farther and farther away, Baicun raised his head, and the boy had already left.

At this time, he got up, walked to his son, looked at his blood-stained son, and immediately took out a tissue from his body to help his son wipe it.

Wiping off the blood on his face, looking at his terrified son, Baicun smiled and said calmly, "It's okay, Dad is here."

For a moment, the father's smile overlapped with the one he had when he was a child, and tears flowed from his eyes.

Kentaro was scared, and hid in his father's arms and cried, he was just a child.

After leaving the alley, Yusuke walked back to the main road, and soon returned home.

The whole family is at home, my father is reading the newspaper in the living room, my mother is washing the dishes in the kitchen, and my sister is doing homework on the table.

Everyone was happy to see Yusuke back.

With a serious father, a gentle mother, and a cute younger sister, Yusuke was very relieved.

Peaceful life is the most precious!
(End of this chapter)

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