Chapter 420 420. Challenge
A new week started again, Yusuke and Yui went to school together, two weeks had passed since the conflict with the president of the student council, no one pointed at Yusuke when walking on the road, everyone had already forgotten about it.

In the class, everyone is used to Yusuke's low profile, and never looked at him strangely again.

"Morning, Mu!"

"Morning, Yusuke!"

Yusuke took a look, but Sakata Osamu hadn't come yet.

The two chatted there.
"Yusuke, are we going to climb the mountain this Sunday? I found a new place." Gao Chengmu said excitedly, his hobby is outdoor exploration, and Yusuke and Sakata Osamu also followed him once.

Yusuke thought for a while and said, "I'm fine."

"Then I'll ask about it later," Gao Cheng said excitedly.

But unexpectedly, until the class bell rang, Sakata Ji did not come to school, and the two were a little surprised.

Gao Chengmu asked in a low voice at this time: "Is there something wrong with Zhihui?"

"Let's call at noon to ask." Yusuke replied, we have been together for half a year, and we are already good friends, and we are worried about anything.

When it was lunch break, Yusuke called Sakata Osamu, and after a long time the call was finally connected. Sakata Osamu said vaguely on the phone: "I have something to ask for leave today, and I will go to school tomorrow."

Hearing his strange tone, Yusuke asked, "Are you okay?"


Sakata Osamu didn't seem to want to say more, so Yusuke hung up the phone and told Takashiro Mu the news, and he will know the details when he comes tomorrow.

When it was time to leave school, the two said goodbye to each other, and then went to their club classrooms.

The club's movie hasn't finished filming yet, and if nothing else happens, it will end this week.

When Yusuke and the others were filming a movie, Saijou rushed over anxiously.

"It's not good, it's not good, senior Sanze!"

Everyone stopped and looked at her curiously.

"Senior Sanze, people from Dongchuan High School are here again!"

Everyone's expressions changed, they probably came to kick the hall again, right?
Unwilling to lose in the Yulong Banner competition last time, want to come over and get back?
But there are two big demon kings in the school: Seiko and Yusuke, the two are invincible all over the world, are they showing off?
"No." Xicheng Wu shook her head, "They pointed to senior Sanze."

"Find me?"

"Yes, four people, two men and two women"

Yusuke remembered, Semi said: Nishi Kujo will come to find him this week, it seems that they are the ones.

Yusuke nodded, "I see, I'll go now"

Seiko leaned over at this moment, "Yusuke, let's go there together."

"No, they're here for me"

"That's not allowed!" Eri said at this time: "The visitor is not kind, we can't be careless!"

"Okay." Yusuke didn't mind if they walked together.

At this time, the atmosphere in the Kendo club became very serious. The members of the club had no training at this time, and they all stood together, staring at the four young men standing at the door.

The members of the kendo club of these four people all know each other. They were the people who came to kick the club last semester. They are really brave!

It came once last semester, and it will come again this semester. Do you think we are easy to bully!
The crowd was full of enthusiasm, and it was only after Gao Shan Xiangzi gave an order that everyone stepped forward and started a group fight.

"Do these guys need to be like this!" Xi Kujo said disdainfully, not afraid at all in the face of this situation, very calm.

"These guys don't look like the team that won the championship at all. They are nervous and have no courage at all!"

Semi, who was traveling with her, said worriedly: "Denghua, don't say it so loudly, what should they do when they hear it?"

"What are you afraid of? The two of us run fast. Let Beichuan and the others take the blame."

"Are you speaking human language!" Kitagawa Hideki yelled angrily, "I wouldn't have come with you if I knew it."

"No one asked the two of you to come, you came here by yourself!"

"Okay, stop arguing," Sahara Moriyuki said, "Let's not let others see the joke."

Only then did everyone stop arguing, and Semi pulled the corner of Nishi Kujo's clothes at this moment, and said in a low voice: "Denghua, wait a minute..."

"I know what you want to say." Xi Kujo said seriously, "Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for him."

After a while, the members of the Kendo club were a little commotion, and Yusuke and his party came over.

Xi Kujo frowned, these two guys are so flirtatious!
Walking in front were Yusuke and Seiko, surrounded by stars and moonlight, they were very conspicuous.

In the eyes of everyone in the Kendo Club, these two are well-deserved protagonists, invincible!
Yusuke also saw Semi at this time, and nodded with a smile, Semi also nodded in response.

The Seiko who accompanied her were a little surprised, and Yusuke seemed to know her.

Yusuke looked at Nishi Kujo and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm here to find you," Xi Kujo said seriously.

"Then why did you come to the Kendo Club?"

"I don't know where you are, so I can only find you through the people from the Kendo Club."

This is very her style!
Yusuke was suspicious, why hasn't she been beaten up by others with such an arrogant character?

"Yusuke, do you need help?"

Gao Shan Xiangzi came over at this time, and she also heard the conversation between the two.

Yusuke said apologetically to Shoko Takayama: "I'm sorry, Sister Takayama, they are here to find me, please trouble you."

"It's okay, let me know if you need help."

At this time, Yusuke said to the Nishi Kujo and the others: "Let's leave here first, don't disturb the Kendo club's practice here."

Nishikujo and the others didn't object, so they followed Yusuke and left, leaving only the whispering members of the Kendo Club.

But unexpectedly, Xicheng Dance also followed.

Eri, who was walking in front, asked in a low voice, "Yusuke, do you know that girl?"

She saw Yusuke greeted that girl, she was very skeptical, Yui and the others also looked over.

"Her name is Ibuki Semi, she is my friend"

"You two know each other!" Yui and the others were very surprised.

"It's a long story. We have known each other before, but because of the competition, everyone's position is different, so we didn't say it."

After thinking about it, everyone felt that this was a bit weird.

"Then what are they looking for you today?" Yui asked.

"Solve the previous conflict, write it off, and won't come to bother me again in the future"

"Tch, this group of people are really arrogant, who do they think they are, talking to themselves," Eri said unhappily at this moment, "I don't want to think about who caused it, if they didn't come here to challenge themselves, they wouldn't be here in the future." So many things happened"

Everyone nodded, what Eri said made sense, they were the ones to choose, and now they are coming here to make trouble again, it's all up to them to decide.

Yusuke smiled and said: "We are the winners, and the winners must have a little heart and give others a chance."

Everyone nodded.

"Do you need help?" Shengzi asked at this time, Yusuke shook his head, "No."

A group of people came to the corridor and stopped.

"Tell me, how do you want to solve it?" Yusuke asked at this time.

Xijiutiao Denghua stood up and said seriously:

"Yusuke Misawa, I want to challenge you!"

(End of this chapter)

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