Chapter 428 428. Here comes the idea
"Make a movie?" Aiyi's eyes lit up, and she asked expectantly: "Can I also be the heroine of a movie?"

"Of course, do you want to try it?" Eri said holding the phone, "You can play with your brother."

"Brother" Aiyi looked at Yusuke expectantly at this time, Yusuke nodded with a smile, and he didn't mind playing with Aiyi once.

"Then what lines are you going to say?"

"Let's talk about this!" Shengzi was holding the script just now, Ai Yi took the script, read it, read it silently for a while, and nodded, "I've already memorized it."

"Very good!" Eri gave a thumbs up, "You are really talented, then let's shoot."

"Then I'll help you light it up," Shengzi said, and Yusuke acted as the leading actor, following Aiyi in the scene.

Aiyi was very excited, with a serious face, trying to bring in her own feelings.

Seeing this scene, everyone thought it was very interesting. Sure enough, children are the cutest when they are serious!
"Hahaha, I won!" At this moment, a burst of triumphant laughter came, and everyone looked over curiously.

I saw the twin sisters sitting weakly on the sand, with a frustrated expression on their faces, while Yui on the opposite side had her hips crossed, her head raised, and laughed three times.

"What's wrong with you?" Yusuke and the others walked over curiously.

"I won the competition!" Yui said excitedly, "Look, this is my work!"

On the sand, a sand sculpture more than half a meter high stood there, with windows and doors, and even the texture of the wall was drawn.Everyone was very surprised, this pile is so beautiful!
Next to it is a small castle. Although it is also very beautiful, compared with this huge castle, it is instantly reduced to scum.

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect Yui to have such a skill.

As expected of a sand sculpture girl!
The twin sisters stood up at this moment, took out two lollipops from their pockets and handed them to her, and said unwillingly: "We will definitely take revenge!"

"Just let the horse come here!" Yui happily accepted two lollipops.

That complacent aura has a hint of the aura of punching elementary school students and kicking kindergartens.

Looking at the two angry little girls, Yui smiled and said, "The competition is over, so why don't you play some fun games with your sister?"

"Game?" Saeka Tsukino asked curiously.

"Only one castle is too lonely, we need more castles, please help my sister, wait a moment, my sister treats you to ice cream"

Eat ice cream!
The twin sisters' eyes suddenly brightened.

Although I was very angry when I lost, but for Ice Cream's sake, forget it and forgive her.

"Then let's get started!" the twin sisters said excitedly.

"Wait a minute, I want ice cream too!"

Xiao Ye also heard it at this time, ran over, and shouted loudly: "I can help too!"

"Okay, let's play together!" Yui said with a smile.

Soon, the game is just a group of people playing with sand.

Yui's ability to play with sand is really good. He built castles one after another on the sand field, and dug out a moat to make a huge city.

There are more and more children watching, and this place has completely become a venue for her to perform alone.

"Okay, let's go to the side to finish the results today." Yui stood up and clapped her hands.

The entire sand pool behind has changed its appearance. The castles with high and low heights are like a miniature city, which is very spectacular.

"Ah!" The little girls were a little surprised at this moment, "No, let's continue playing."

"It's too late, you have to go home for dinner, children are not allowed to spend the night outside"

The little girls nodded unhappily.

Yusuke said with a smile: "The game is over, now we are going to eat ice cream"

The little girls smiled.

Wash your hands in the park and wipe off the dirt on your body. After everyone finished eating ice cream, they said goodbye to each other at the intersection.

Ai Yi and Xiao Ye walked in front holding hands, while Yusuke followed behind.

"Xiaoye!" Yuyi's voice came from behind at this time, and the few people stopped, Xiaoye waved happily, "It's my sister!"

Yuyi chased up from behind, saw Yusuke and Aiyi, and asked with a smile: "Why are you two together?"

"We were shooting a movie in the park, and we happened to meet Aiyi and the others, and then we came back together."

"Oh, isn't your movie over yet?"

"It's finished today, I'm sorry, you have worked hard these days"

"Then did you express anything?" Yuyi asked with a smile, "It's useless to say it with your mouth."

"Then let me treat you to ice cream."

"A piece of ice cream just wants to get rid of me?"

"Then two"

"I want 10"

"That's 10"

"Then sister, do I have a share?" Xiao Ye asked expectantly from the side at this time, and she wanted at least two of the 10 ice creams.

Looking at Saya who looked expectant, Yusuke and Yui suddenly laughed.

The two were just joking, but Xiao Ye didn't expect Xiao Ye to take it seriously.

But if you say it directly, Xiaoye may be sad, Yuyi thought for a while, and said: "Then help my sister wash the dishes tonight, how about a piece of ice cream at a time?"

Xiaoye nodded, "No problem!"

For the ice cream, she worked hard!

Back home, Xiaoye threw away her schoolbag and was about to run to play, but at this time Yuyi caught her.

"Do your homework first, play later"

"The same goes for homework after playing"

"No, you want to be lazy again, I have to watch you"

Looking at the serious-looking elder sister, Xiao Ye was a little reluctant, and looked around at this moment.

Yuyi smiled and said: "Don't look at it, Dad hasn't come back yet, just accept your fate obediently."

With her father away, Xiao Ye had no choice but to pick up her schoolbag obediently and write her first homework with a sad face.

Finally when it was dinner time, Xiao Ye also finished all her homework.

Looking at the finished homework, Xiao Ye is full of sense of accomplishment, it seems that I am also quite good!
"It's time to eat!" Mom's voice came, Xiao Ye immediately threw away the pen, ran to wash her hands, and was ready to eat.

"Mom, what are you eating today?"

“Have your favorite fried shrimp”

"Fried Shrimp!"

Xiao Ye smiled, she will have double the happiness tonight, because her father will give her that share, and asked expectantly, "When will Dad come back?"

"Dad worked overtime today and didn't come back"

Xiao Ye's smile suddenly froze.

At this time, he said unwillingly: "The father didn't come back, so let's eat his share."

"Don't you love Dad?" Mom asked with a smile.

"I love Dad very much!" Xiao Ye replied seriously.

"Then why did you eat Dad's share?"

"Because Dad has to work overtime"

"Then you have to eat when you work overtime."

"All right"

Xiaoye left the kitchen dejectedly.

Lingxiang smiled, and finally added two more fried shrimps to Xiaoye's plate.

"We're on!"

The family had dinner together, and Xiao Ye quickly finished her favorite fried shrimp, but she still couldn't get enough of it.

I took a look at my father's seat, I can't eat my father's portion, but I haven't eaten enough yet!
At this time, she looked at her sister's plate. She hadn't finished eating her fried shrimp yet, and looked at her expectantly, Yui shook her head.

Xiaoye pursed her mouth unwillingly.

At this moment, when I turned my head, an idea came to me!
(End of this chapter)

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