Chapter 429 429. Very Pleasant

"Sister, give me the fried shrimp and let me tell you a little secret," Xiao Ye said mysteriously.

"I do not want to know"

Xiaoye's face froze immediately, and she said unwillingly, "It's about brother Yusuke."

Yui's chopsticks paused for a moment.

Seeing her sister's actions, Xiao Ye's IQ went online immediately, and she immediately said, "Today we met Brother Yusuke in the park, and I know a lot of secrets."

Yuyi thought for a while, picked up a fried shrimp, put it on Xiaoye's plate, "tell me after dinner"

"it is good!"

Xiaoye started immediately, finished three bites, and then stared at Yuyi's plate again.

"Sister, I can tell you two secrets."

"What's the secret this time?" Yuyi asked with a smile.

"It's still brother Yusuke's"

"All right"

Yuyi took another fried shrimp and put it on Xiaoye's plate.

"This is the last one, there are no more"

Xiao Ye nodded, and after eating the fried shrimp, she was finally satisfied.

While washing the dishes, Yui asked, "What secret did you find out about Yusuke?"

Xiao Ye said nervously: "I found out that Brother Yusuke has maintained an improper relationship with a few girls."

Youyi stopped washing the dishes for a moment, then pretended to be nonchalant and asked, "Really? How did you know?"

"I happened to meet Aiyi and the others when I went to the park to play in the afternoon."

Yui remembered the conversation in the afternoon, and immediately lost her breath.

"What is an improper relationship! They are members of the same club!"

"It turns out that sister, you already know, it's really boring"

Xiao Ye curled her lips and said, "You must not know the second secret."

"What's the second secret?"

"Brother Yusuke is good at acting"

Yuyi felt that she must have been tricked by Xiao Ye.

This sister can't do it!When did it become like this!

"Your ice cream is gone"


Xiao Ye immediately realized, and said in shock: "You lied to me, you said that you would give me ice cream for washing the dishes! You liar!"

"Then you lied to me too, what kind of secret is this!"

"What I said is true, Brother Yusuke is very good at acting!"

"They're making a movie, of course they're going to act"

"Okay, then I'll tell you the last secret. I was afraid that it would hurt you what you didn't want to say, but now I have to say it. I hope you don't cry out later." Xiao Ye said seriously, as if she had made a big decision .

"you say it"

Looking at her sister with a calm face, Xiao Ye hated iron for being weak!
"There is a sister named Enoka who is interested in brother Yusuke"

Yui's hand holding the plate paused for a moment.

"Aiyi and I discovered this together, even brother Yusuke didn't know about it."

"How did you find out?" Yuyi's calm voice came.

"Because she has been courting Aiyi all the time in the afternoon. It is said in the book that if she has nothing to show courteousness to, she must have planned it beforehand."

"How do you know her target is Yusuke?"

Saya looked at Yui as if she was looking at a fool, and sighed regretfully.

"Stupid sister"

"Your ice cream is gone"

"No, pretty sister, smart sister, pretty sister"

"Okay, that's all for now, let's continue talking about your findings"

"Aiyi said that a long time ago, this elder sister went to the house once, but she never went there again, and this elder sister also forgot about her.

But after hearing that she is brother Yusuke's younger sister, she suddenly became very enthusiastic, and she was courteous for nothing. It was obvious that her target must be brother Yusuke. This was to start with her family and launch attacks from other directions. ! "

"Where did you learn that saying?"

"TV dramas!" Xiao Ye replied seriously, "We have watched a lot of TV dramas, and we know these tricks like the back of our hands."

"Stop watching those messy TV shows and learn more"

Yuyi knocked Saya on the head, with a helpless expression on her face.

Sometimes you don't even know what these kids are thinking.

"Sister, then my ice cream..."

Saya's voice came, and she looked at Yui nervously.

"I'll buy it for you tomorrow"

"Long live sister!"

After washing the dishes and finishing the housework, Yui returned to her room, and remembered what Xiao Ye said.

Although it was a child's nonsense, Yuyi did some research and found out that maybe Xiaoye and the others really hit the mark.

In fact, this situation has long been a sign. Since the Yulongqi competition, Enoka's attitude towards Yusuke is as if he is looking at his own things. Behavior is always weird.

Looking back at this moment, she was always approaching Yusuke intentionally or unintentionally.

Yui was shocked!
This guy really wants Yusuke to attack?

Oops!They are in the same club and often meet, isn't Yusuke very dangerous!
For a moment, Yuyi felt a strong sense of crisis.

I didn't expect such an opponent to be hidden, it's really scary!

There are too many people grabbing food!
For a moment, Youyi thought wildly.

It wasn't until her mother's voice sounded outside the door, "Yuyi, go take a shower", that she came back to her senses this time.

Go take a shower and calm down.

But after taking a shower, Yui's head was still very messy.

so annoying……

That night, Yuyi suffered from insomnia.

On the second morning, when we went to school together, Yusuke found that Yui's spirit was poor, he yawned from time to time, and asked strangely: "Yuyi, did you sleep well last night?"

Yui glared at him, "It's all your fault!"

"It's all my fault?" Yusuke was a little surprised.

"That's right, it's all your fault, can you give me a punch to make me feel better"

Before Yusuke could answer, he reached out and pinched Yusuke's waist.

Yusuke was taken aback by the sudden attack, jumped away instantly, clutching his waist with a distorted face.

Is this woman's natural ability to pinch people full?
It's just a small hand, why is it so painful to pinch someone!Even his own defense power of up to 8 points can't stand it!

"Didn't you say to punch me? Why did you suddenly pinch me?"

"Ah, I feel better seeing you like this."

Seeing Yusuke's surprise, Yui's mood improved a lot, and the depression from last night disappeared.

Yusuke was speechless, "Could you be using me as a sandbag?"

"Everyone is so familiar, so what if you pinch you, and you won't lose a piece of meat"

"I'm in pain"

"Men can't cry out in pain!"

"I want to pinch it back too!" Yusuke stared at Yui's chest at this moment.

Yuyi noticed it instantly, her face flushed red, and she raised her fist angrily, "You bastard, where are you going to pinch!"

"Everyone is so familiar, so what if you pinch you, and you won't lose a piece of meat"

"go to hell!"

After playing around for a while, Yui finally gave up after Yusuke begged for mercy.

And Yui finally felt refreshed.

It suddenly occurred to me, is this guy trying to make me happy on purpose?

For a moment, Yuyi was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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