Chapter 430.
When school was over, Eri excitedly ran to the club room.

Now that the filming is over, the next club activity can begin!
But when I got to the club classroom, I found that only Lixiang was there, and no one else came.

"What about the rest?"

"Isn't the movie finished? Everyone went to their own activities," Lixiang replied.

It was only then that Eri remembered that club activities were only when necessary, and everyone would get together. After the filming, everyone went to their own jobs.

Eri felt a little regretful, if she had known earlier, she wouldn't have set such loose rules.

"Now is the right time, Eri, let's start the battle meeting." Lixiang put down the book in her hand and said seriously.

"A battle meeting?"

"Have you forgotten? You haven't made an appointment with Yusuke yet, all your activities have failed!"

Eri was struck by lightning for a moment, and almost forgot that the plan to go on a date with Yusuke has not yet succeeded.

That being said, she is still standing still!

At this time, he looked at Lixiang with eyes like asking for help, "Rika, help me!"

"That's why I'm here!" Lixiang smiled calmly.

Eri regained her spirits in an instant, and it turned out that Lixiang was still reliable!

The two little girls started whispering in the classroom at this time.

At the school gate, Yusuke, Yui, and Rie walked towards the studio together.

"Is your film finished?" Rie asked.

Yusuke nodded, "The filming is over, I will trouble you for a while."

"It's good that you know it." Yuyi said, "You have to make it up to us."

"How about we go out for a big meal?"

"You are so insincere!" Yui pouted, and Rie nodded in agreement.

"Oh okay……"

Yusuke thought for a moment, then remembered his skills.

"How about I cook myself and cook for you?"

The two of them were immediately moved. This proposal seemed very good. It sounded very romantic to cook by themselves.

"Okay, then it's settled!"

Both Yui and Rie nodded happily.

Everyone came to the studio and started working soon.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, everyone packed up and was ready to go home.

"Yuyi, Xiao Zhizi, there is a new dessert shop opened at the station, do you want to try it?" Rie asked at this time.

“New Dessert Shop!”

Yuyi and Xiaozhizi's eyes lit up immediately, sweets are every woman's favorite!
"Okay, let's go there now!" Yui said, "Yusuke, let's come together"

Yusuke smiled and shook his head, "No, you go."

"Don't be so disappointing." Rie said at this time: "It's rare to relax, just treat it as a welfare time for the studio"

Xiao Zhizi also looked at Yusuke expectantly, and Yusuke thought for a while.

Indeed, they are working all the time and have no time for benefits.

Even the company occasionally has dinner parties, but they haven't had a dinner party until now. Thinking about how incompetent this boss is!
Then he nodded and said, "Then let me treat you this time, let's go together."

"Great!" X3
Everyone packed up and set off together.

The four of them were walking on the shopping street, the girls were excited and chattering.

At this time, a commotion erupted in the crowd ahead, everyone stopped and looked ahead curiously.

Not far ahead, a boy in a school uniform was sitting on the ground with his back against the wall, with a painful expression on his face.

That's Sakata Osamu!
Yusuke was taken aback!
"That's my friend!" After telling Yui, Yusuke immediately ran up, and Yui and the others also realized at this time, and immediately followed.

"Ji, are you okay?"

Sakata Osamu raised his head at this time, Yusuke was running over from the crowd, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

"I was kicked just now"


"Walking on the side of the road just now, a motorcycle suddenly kicked me when it passed by. I was caught off guard and hit the wall, as if I hit a wound."

"Are you okay?"

"arm hurts"

Yuyi and the others also came over at this time, Yusuke turned his head, and said to Yuyi and the others: "Sorry, Yuyi, you go by yourself, I want to take him to the doctor"

Rie asked worriedly, "Do you want us to go with you?"

"No need!" Yusuke shook his head, "Go and play, sorry for today"

"Forget it, let's get together again some other day." Yui said, Rie and Xiao Zhizi also nodded, they were not interested in such a thing.

Yusuke didn't bother with this issue anymore, he helped Sakata Zhi, called a car, and rushed to the hospital.

In the car, Osamu Sakata said with a stiff face and said with a smile: "Yusuke, you are amazing, you can go shopping with three girls at the same time, I remember one of them seems to be your childhood sweetheart, and who is the other one, yes Oh, that's our school belle, crap, you're really amazing, who's the last one?"

Yusuke shook his head, "Why do you still have time to care about such things?"

"My hand is hurting now, I can only find a way to divert my attention"

Sakata Osamu gritted his teeth and said, cold sweat came out on his face.

"All right"

Yusuke chatted with him about messy topics to divert his attention.

When we arrived at the hospital, after seeing the doctor, the doctor said that the wound was accidentally pulled, nothing serious, just a painkiller injection, Yusuke heaved a sigh of relief.

Sakata's parents rushed over on the road, and Yusuke and Sakata were waiting in the hospital.

"Zhi, do you know what the person who kicked you looked like?"

"I don't know, he wears a helmet, but I already know it"

Sakata Osamu gritted his teeth and said, "It must be that guy!"

Yusuke remembered that the only two people who could have such a big conflict were those two people who were beat up by them.

This is their revenge!
The situation at that time was very dangerous. Osamu Sakata fell in the direction of the road. If he was kicked in the middle of the road, there would be a car accident at any time.

But it is a pity that the other party is wearing a helmet and there is no evidence. It is useless to tell the police about Sakata's guess. Without evidence, there is no way to convict.

In other words, today's beating was for nothing.

"Ji, how do you plan to solve it?" Yusuke asked at this time.

"I will call my sister, she will deal with it, this matter is also caused by my sister, she also needs to know"

Yusuke nodded, believing that his sister could handle it well, so he stopped asking.

After a while, Sakata Osamu's family members came, and they were relieved knowing that there was nothing serious, and thanked Yusuke.

Sakata Osamu was about to go home with his parents, sat in the car, and said to Yusuke:

"Thank you, Yusuke!"

"Speak up when you need help"

"Don't worry, we can handle it"

Yusuke nodded, watched them leave and went home.

On the way, Yusuke receives a call from Yui.

"Yusuke, is your friend alright?"


"Could you be fighting?"

Sometimes a woman's intuition is really accurate!

Yusuke's voice paused for a moment, Yui knew immediately.

"Fighting is not allowed! You can't get hurt!"

Hearing Yui's caring voice, Yusuke's heart warmed up, and he replied seriously: "Don't worry, it's my friend, not my business."

"Then you have to be careful."

"I will, I'm sorry about today's incident, everyone is so happy"

"It's okay, let's play together again when we have a chance next time."

(End of this chapter)

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