Chapter 435 435. I Saved You

The atmosphere stiffened.

The woman in the suit felt that she had encountered the greatest crisis in her life. You must know that even if she was surrounded by 10 people, she would not be so scared, but just being stared at by this man's calm eyes, she seemed to be stared at by some kind of giant beast.

She is very familiar with this look, when the instructor stared at her during her training, it was the same look that would tear her into pieces.

You must know that the instructor is a retired special soldier who has fought in the war. Every strike will kill people. It is a real killing weapon.

At this time, the woman in the suit felt as if she was being watched by her instructor.

Where did this monster come from!
"Miss, you go first, I am the queen"

Right now, he can only hold him back by himself, and then pray that the eldest lady can run faster.

Just now, if the driver came down, he would definitely be able to protect the eldest lady and leave.

As for explaining to them?
Don't be kidding, this is obviously revenge. After seeing this scene, how can I let myself leave safely.

Sakata Makoto looked at Yusuke, what should I do now?Do you want to do it?

When this happened, she suddenly lost her mind.

Yusuke stared at the other party closely, his situation was even worse, he can be sure that his appearance just now was definitely seen by that woman, now he is in big trouble!

If it is not resolved here, there will be endless troubles!
It's easy to deal with them, but it's a little troublesome to make them shut up!
"They are not our people"

A crisp voice came, and it was the woman standing behind who spoke.

Her face was very calm, and she looked at Yusuke meaningfully.

She had already figured everything out, and she was caught in a strange misunderstanding.

This guy's shot just now was also unintentional.

Yusuke heard the woman's words, thought for a moment, and said: "We don't want to do anything to you, let us leave"

"Saga, let them go"

The woman in the suit leaned close to the woman, and slowly turned around, and Yusuke and the others followed suit.

The two sides switched positions.

The next moment, Yusuke and the two ran up and disappeared at the intersection in an instant.

Only then did the woman in the suit breathe a sigh of relief. The man put a lot of pressure on her just now. This is the first time she has encountered such a terrifying person!
"Saga, is he very powerful?"

A woman's voice came, and the woman in the suit nodded.

"Very powerful, his explosive power is extremely fast, and his strength is also great. I may not be able to walk 10 strokes under his hands."

"So strong!"

The woman was a little surprised, remembering what happened just now, she suddenly smiled, "It's quite interesting."

"Miss, let's get out of here quickly," Saga said at this time, there were 4 punks lying on the ground whose life and death were unknown, this situation should not stay for a long time.

The woman nodded, and the two quickly left the alley.

Yusuke and Sakata Makoto ran out of the alley, stopped at the entrance of the alley, took off their masks, lowered their hats, walked out slowly, and threw the masks into the trash can next to them.

"go this way"

Yusuke said, Sakata Makoto followed closely behind him, walking on the road at his usual pace.

At this time, a taxi came over, Yusuke waved his hand, the car stopped, and the two got into the taxi.

It wasn't until the car started that the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The car stopped in a nearby small park, and the two changed their clothes and threw away their hats in the bathroom in the park before walking out.

Yusuke was wearing an ordinary T-shirt and trousers, and Sakata Makoto was wearing a dress. The two of them were completely different from the image just now.

"The plan was successful!" Sakata Makoto said with a smile, "It went so well!"

Yusuke nodded calmly, he was sure that the woman must have recognized him, and the next thing would be very troublesome.

But since it happened, it's useless to sigh, you have to find a way to solve it.

It is better not to let Makoto Sakata know about this situation.

"Misawa-kun, you are amazing! Have you ever learned martial arts? You are so strong!" Sakata Makoto praised at this time, Yusuke's explosion just now was really amazing!

"You are not bad, your kick is very strong."

Sakata Makoto was a little excited and wanted to continue communicating, but Yusuke waved his hand.

"We have to go back, everyone is rotten in their hearts today, don't mention it to anyone"

Sakata Makoto nodded seriously.

"That's it, I'll go first"

"Thank you, Misawa-kun, come out and play together when you are free."

The two waved their hands and said goodbye at the park gate.

Seeing Makoto Sakata disappear at the intersection, Yusuke turned around and headed for Sasaki's house.

The current situation cannot be solved by him alone, so he has to discuss it with the master.

But when he turned the intersection, he found a car parked in front, and the woman in the car was smiling and waving to him.

Yusuke suddenly became nervous, this guy is following him?

The woman in the suit got out of the car, opened the door, and the woman got out.

Her temperament is very elegant, and her every move is like some kind of nobleman.

The woman stood in front of Yusuke, and he looked at her calmly.

"Let's talk," the woman said, Yusuke thought for a moment, then nodded.

He was having a headache on how to solve this matter, but now that the other party came to the door and made clear the carriages and horses, let's have a chat, it would be best if this matter could be resolved.

The woman walked ahead first, the woman in the suit kept walking, and Yusuke followed.

The three walked quietly without speaking.

Finally came to the small park just now.

"It's a good night tonight," the woman said with a smile. It was the first time she showed a smile since just now.

At this time, he turned his head and looked at Yusuke, and Yusuke also looked at him calmly.

"Don't tie your face, just smile, you were very heroic when you saved me!" the woman said with a smile.

Yusuke said calmly: "If you still remember this incident, then please forget everything just now."

"How could you forget?" The woman said with a smile: "You are very fierce. You killed three people by yourself. Saga said that you might not be able to do 10 moves under your command. You are so strong!"

"What do you mean?" Yusuke frowned.

"It's just a joke, don't be so nervous," the woman said with a smile.

The woman's attitude was so strange that Yusuke didn't know what she was thinking for a while.

"In order for you to chat with me at ease, let me tell you some good news. I have nothing to do with those bastards just now. Even if you beat them to death on the spot, I won't stop you."

"Then what do you want from me?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that I'm bored tonight. I happened to meet this matter and wanted to pass the time."

The woman said with a smile, as if everything was under her control.

"Then you were molested by a few gangsters tonight, is it also in your game?"

"That was an accident, but it's not a big deal, Saga will take care of them"

"But your bodyguard didn't show up in time"

Yusuke said seriously: "I saved you!"

(End of this chapter)

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