Chapter 436 436. Solved

"Are you asking for favors with me?" The woman asked with a smile.

"That's right!" Yusuke nodded.

I don't know you well, so of course I'm taking the credit directly.

"Yes, that's right, you saved me," the woman said with a smile, "but what if I am a wolf-hearted man? I like to repay my kindness with revenge?"

"Is what you said true?"

Yusuke stared straight at the woman, and in an instant, a terrifying aura erupted from Yusuke.

The woman suddenly seemed to be stared at by some kind of giant beast, the smile on her face froze, her heart trembled violently, her breathing accelerated, and she was about to be out of breath, she was in a bad mood!

The female bodyguard next to her immediately stood in front of the woman, posing in a fighting posture.

Is this guy finally turning his back?

Yusuke walked over step by step, every step, the footsteps seemed to knock on the hearts of the two of them, and they were a little out of breath.

will die!
In an instant, this strong feeling spread in the hearts of the two of them.

The next second, the woman withdrew her smile, and her face became serious: "I was joking just now, of course I have to repay my kindness."

The next moment, the momentum disappeared.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, but they were also a little curious about what that was just now. This was the first time they were under such tremendous pressure.

Is it the so-called murderous intent?
"Since you want to repay your kindness, just forget what happened tonight and let everyone pretend nothing happened." Yusuke's calm voice came.

"Okay" the woman nodded. The development of the matter was beyond her expectation, and she felt that she could no longer joke around.

At this time, he asked, "Are you interested in doing something for me?"

She originally wanted to tease the other party and pass the time, but she was not interested in whether she would report on the other party.

But the man's outburst just now made her a little interested. This boy seems to be different!

In an instant, she realized that this young man is definitely a talent!

And what she likes most is to recruit people as subordinates.

"Not interested in"

"Don't rush to refuse." The woman waved her hand, "The salary is 1000 million a year, just follow my orders and do things."

This salary is already very high. You must know that the annual salary of the ordinary working class is about 500 to [-] million, which is already doubled.

Yusuke shook his head.

"Why, the salary is not satisfactory? The conditions can be negotiated"

"It's impossible to work part-time," Yusuke replied calmly.

"Well, you have already missed the opportunity." The woman said calmly, "The next time you come to me, it won't be this salary."

Yusuke doesn't even know where her self-confidence comes from. Why do you think I will definitely help you work?
"Saga, give him a business card, let's go"

The female bodyguard took out a business card from her body and handed it over with both hands.

Yusuke took a look

President of KKD Group, Yukino Shizuka
Yusuke recalled it and remembered that KKD Group is a very large group with many companies under it.

This guy turned out to be the president!

Yusuke looked at this woman in surprise, she was too young!
Many companies in Japan are family-owned businesses, which are passed on from one generation to the next, but it is really rare to take over the entire group at such a young age.

Looking at the two who had already left, Yusuke thought for a while and put away his business card.

Everyone is uncertain about the future. It may or may not be useful.

However, it finally worked it out.

For the next two days, Sakata Osamu and Takashiro Mu both asked for leave and did not come to school, and the seat next to Yusuke suddenly became empty for two, leaving him alone sitting there alone.

And Yusuke also felt the strange look in his eyes again.

Sakata and Sakata were beaten outside the school, and many students witnessed it at the time, so by the second day, rumors about them were already flying everywhere.

The two are punks in the society, and they often associate with those social people, and they were beaten because of conflicts outside.

Coupled with everyone recalling what Yusuke did before, the behavior of these three people is very similar!

All of a sudden, the status of the three of them was isolated, and Yusuke felt everyone's fearful eyes again.

But Yusuke didn't care about it, and continued to act according to his own style. No one dared to bother him, but it was easier.

It's also Saturday.

The party in the studio was unexpectedly canceled last time, and Yusuke planned to compensate them. After everyone discussed it, it was decided that Yusuke would cook the meal himself.

"This is the boss's house!" Xiao Zhizi looked around the house curiously, "Is Auntie there? Let me say hello to her."

Yusuke replied with a smile: "Mom took my sister out."

I have already told my parents about this matter, this Saturday I will invite my work partners to have dinner at home, Meihe agreed with a smile, and at the same time decided to take her sister out and leave the place for them.

"After all, the elders are here, and you young people can't let go!" Mom said with a smile.

So today there are only a few of them at home, and there are no elders around, so they have relaxed a lot.

"Then I'll go grocery shopping first," Yusuke said.

"Let's go together!" Youyi and the others also stood up.

A party is fun only when a group of people get their hands together!

Everyone packed up their things and went out.

"Then please, Xiao Hei, take care of the house."

Xiao Hei nodded, "Meow (wrapped on me)"

The animals in the studio are also here today, and in a sense, they are also partners.

Four seasons and five seasons have lived at home, and they are very familiar with the situation at home, and they ran to play as soon as they came here.

Xiao Huang and the others came to Yusuke's house for the first time, looking around curiously.

"Meow meow (This is Yusuke's home! Kuro lives here)"

Xiao Hui looked around, then ran to the TV cabinet, and stuffed his body into the middle compartment of the TV cabinet.

"Meow meow (this position is just right!)"

"Meow (Little Hui, don't run around)" Xiao Hei called out.

Xiao Hui nodded, "Meow Meow (Don't worry, it's very comfortable to lie here)"

Xiao Hei felt relieved, looked around and found that the three kittens were gone!
"Meow meow (they ran into the kitchen just now)" Xiao Huang said lying on the sofa.

"Meow (why didn't you stop it!)" Xiao Hei shouted angrily.

"Meow meow (didn't you say you want to relax? Don't be so nervous)"

"Meow meow (there are a lot of sharp things in the kitchen, it will be troublesome if you get hurt)"

Xiao Hei immediately ran into the kitchen, and the three kittens were already jumping around on the cabinet, the sink, and the table.

Ah Yi was about to pull out the kitchen knife from the knife holder, and Xiao Hei was startled instantly.

"Meow (don't move!)"

Ah Yi was startled by Xiao Hei's cry, twisted his body, and pushed down the knife holder next to him.

The knife holder hit the ground, and the kitchen knife slid out of it, and rushed directly to Xiao Hei, startling Xiao Hei, and quickly dodged.

The kitchen knife drew a distance, and finally stopped.

Only then did Xiao Hei breathe a sigh of relief, and was almost killed by a friendly army by mistake!
At this time, there was a sound of "Ka Ka Ka", Xiao Hei turned his head, and saw Ah Er trying to push open a small door of a cabinet, but his strength was insufficient, and the whole cabinet was shaken violently.

"Meow (don't push there!)"

The next moment, the cabinet door was pushed open!
(End of this chapter)

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