Chapter 543 543. Master
The three of Eri were all in the gym, they were already training, and even Toranojiro was there, so the four of them happened to be divided into two groups.

The three of Yusuke entered and watched from the side.

"Miss Sanzhiyuan, do you know swordplay?" Shengzi asked at this time.

According to Yusuke's introduction, the other party is a master of self-defense, and he came to accompany the training tonight, so he must have two brushes in kendo.

"I have practiced before," Sanzhiyuan Zuohua replied with a smile.

"How about we practice our hands?"


Both wanted to test each other's strength.

"Then I'll be the referee," Yusuke said.

The two changed their armor and faced each other one-on-one, with Yusuke in charge of refereeing.

"Miss Sasaki, can you not follow the rules of kendo? I am good at barbaric fighting style." Sanchiin Soka said with a smile, "I am not very used to the rules of kendo."

"No problem." Shengzi nodded seriously, "Then let's change the rules. Whoever hits the opponent first wins, regardless of the method."


The two sides reached an agreement.

Eri and the others had also finished their training, and they were watching from the sidelines.

"Who is that girl?" Eri took off her hood and asked curiously, she had never seen her before, so she had no memory of her at all.

Everyone else shook their heads, but since the other party was brought by Yusuke, there must be two brushes.

It's just that the girl is too short, and her height is about the same as that of a primary school student. They all doubt how much strength this guy can display!


As Yusuke's voice fell, the two acted at the same time, and the reactions of both sides were extremely fast.

Shengzi didn't dare to be careless, Yusuke thought that the opponent was a master and must have something special, facing an unknown opponent, she immediately launched an attack.

Sure enough, the other party's reaction was also extremely fast.

This kind of sensitive speed was faster than any opponent she encountered on the Jade Dragon Banner!
Although her movements were not standard, but her indomitable momentum, like a little tiger, rushed towards her fiercely.

The bamboo swords of both sides collided together.

Shengzi was a little surprised, this guy is very powerful!Where did such a small body and such a strong force burst out from?

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua was a little excited. Sure enough, the champion of the Yulong Banner was different. His speed and strength were very strong, which was not much worse than that of an adult!

Although I am not good at kendo, I still remember the basic moves. A real master can solve the opponent with only basic moves!
At this time, the Holy Son bullied him, and he had an advantage in height, so he wanted to maximize this advantage and suppressed it violently.

At this moment, the opponent hurried backwards, as if there were eyes on the back of the head, and the speed of retreating was very fast.

This is not a small step in the way of the sword!

What kind of footwork is this?
Sanzhiyuan Zuohua immediately got out of Shengzi's attack range, and Shengzi's bamboo sword swept past the mask.

The next moment, Sanzhiyuan Zuohua stopped, exerted strength on his feet, leaned forward, and rushed forward as if loaded with a spring. The bamboo sword in his hand was already placed across his waist, and he swept forward go.

It's a clean break!

Shengzi's reaction was also extremely fast, twisting his arm, the bamboo sword in his hand was lifted up at this moment, and he slashed towards the opponent obliquely, the target was the opponent's head.

This is to die together!
Sanzhiyuan returned to defense in an instant, and the two bamboo swords collided together.

Both sides exerted strength at the same time, and then Sanzhiyuan Zuohua jumped away with his strength, moving his body quickly.

She understands her disadvantages. She is relatively short in height, small in size, and has a short attack range.

However, she has a small body and a small body style of play, and this match did not follow the rules of kendo, that is to say, she can fully display her martial arts.

Shengzi is also a little excited, this guy is very strong, stronger than all the female opponents she has met!Facing her is a bit like facing Yusuke who has not been trained. Although his style of play is messy, he relies on his physical fitness to overwhelm the opponent. He is also a born warrior!
Xicheng Wu and the others were a little surprised. They didn't expect this short guy to be able to fight back and forth with Shengzi, which surprised them very much.

"Why are their styles of play so strange?" Xicheng Wu asked strangely, she always felt a sense of disobedience.

"Because their competition is closer to actual combat"

At this time, a steady male voice came from the side, and everyone came back to their senses, turned their heads, and a tall man was walking in.

He has a majestic appearance and a tall and straight figure. Although he is wearing ordinary training clothes, his momentum is very majestic.

"Father!" Toranojiro greeted respectfully.

The person who came was Sasaki Toru.

Eri and the others quickly greeted each other, and Xiangzi and Xichengwu were even more excited. This is the person known as the closest to the sword master. This is a legend!

Sasaki Toru waved his hands with a smile, signaling that everyone should not be restrained, and said, "The Holy Son told me the matter, I will come over tonight to have a look."

"Thank you uncle!"

The three nodded respectfully, the shadow of the famous tree, although Sasaki Toruru looked very kind, but the aura he showed inadvertently made even the three of them shudder.

Sure enough, great people are different!
Eri has a strong sense of sight, her sister also has the same aura, this kind of person is the overlord!
While a few people were exchanging pleasantries, the outcome of the field had already been decided.

Shengzi's bamboo sword had already hit the opponent's armor, and Sanzhiyuan Zuohua's movements stopped.

"The Holy Son wins!" Yusuke declared.

The two sides returned to their seats, bowed to each other, and nodded their heads.

"You are very strong!" Shengzi took off his hood and praised, although the opponent used basic moves, but the explosive power and flexibility, as well as the dodge movements, obviously have the foundation of martial arts, the opponent is a master!

Relying on one's own hard power, to be able to play like this in an unfamiliar field is already very powerful!

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua also took off his hood, and responded with a smile: "You are also very good, you are definitely the strongest high school student I have ever seen."

"I'm not the strongest." Seiko shook his head, "Yusuke is the strongest."

Sanzhiyuan was a little surprised, and murmured softly at this moment, "But the boss lost to me last time"

"Impossible!" Seiko shook his head firmly, "Yusuke is stronger than me."

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua looked at Yusuke in surprise at this time, "Could it be that boss, did you release the water last time?"

Yusuke smiled, "It was just a test last time."

"A test?" Sanzhiyuan thought for a while, "That is to say, I just met your standards."

"That's what it means"

"Then you didn't try your best last time?"

Yusuke nodded, although the reality is cruel, it is the truth.

Sanzhiyuan raised his eyebrows at this moment, and his eyes became serious.

"That being the case, then I will fight you again!"

(End of this chapter)

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