Chapter 544 544. Inside Story
"That's fine," Yusuke replied.

After getting along for a few days, he has almost figured out the character of Sanzhiyuan Zuohua. Other aspects are easy to talk about, but this guy is definitely serious about martial arts, and she doesn't want to be perfunctory.

That being the case, Yusuke didn't mind a full-on competition with her.

"But we have to change the time." Yusuke continued, "Today is not suitable."

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua also nodded to express her understanding, and she was not too short of time.

Sasaki Toru came over, and everyone went over to say hello.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua finally saw the Great Swordsman. According to her original idea, she wanted to practice with the opponent to test her strength, but it is unnecessary now, his daughter is so strong, let alone her father, or Let's knock down his daughter first.

"I already know the matter," Hu Che said at this moment, and everyone looked at him respectfully.

"There is no shortcut to the improvement of strength. It requires hard training day after day, and this Saturday you will have a competition. There are only a few days left. Now special training is actually meaningless. I can do it." It is to help Yusuke and Seiko adjust to the best condition. As for the others, if you have any questions, I can solve them for you."

Everyone thought about it and found it reasonable.

"Isn't the special training meaningless?" Xicheng Wu said regretfully. They had been preparing for a long time, but they didn't expect it to be useless.

"It's still meaningful. You can practice against various opponents. After all, everyone's habits and styles of play are different. Sometimes unexpected tactics can win. For example, the little sister just now, oh, yes, Is it called Sanzhiyuan Zouhua?"

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua nodded excitedly.

Hu Che said with a smile: "Your strength is very good. Although you use the most basic moves, you have a foundation in martial arts. Your unexpected tactics made Shengzi a little flustered. You almost won just now. "

"Thank you Master Sasaki for your compliment!"

"You don't need to call me master, just call me uncle," Hu Che replied with a smile.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua blushed suddenly, the uncle is so charming!
Especially that powerful force really made her run wild, she admired such a strong and mature man the most!
After listening to Hu Che's explanation, everyone will know how to do it, just follow the daily non-stop training, and Xicheng Dance and the others can also take this opportunity to seek advice from Hu Che.

"Well, let me practice with you." Sasaki Toru said with a smile, "Which one of you wants to come?"

Xicheng Dance and the others instantly cheered up. This is a rare opportunity, maybe it will be gone in the future!

After all, not everyone has the chance to compete with the Great Swordsman.

"I'll come first!" Sanzhiyuan Zuohua said immediately, she changed her mind, she wanted to compete with such a powerful man!
Xichengwu and Xiangzi were a little disappointed at once, they didn't expect to be taken first by the other party, but the long night is long, there is still a chance!

At this time, a mobile phone rang, everyone looked over, it was everyone's belongings not far away, and now it was Yusuke's mobile phone.

Yusuke walked over, picked it up, was a little surprised when he saw the name of the caller, smiled apologetically at everyone, and went outside to answer the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Nakamoto"

The caller was Yuichi Nakamoto, the producer of TBS TV station. Since the last time they were on TV, both parties have each other's numbers, but they rarely contact each other. At this time, the other party suddenly called, which is really rare.

"Hello, Misawa-kun, long time no see"

Yuichi Nakamoto's laughter came from the phone, "Is your career going well recently?"

"It's ok, thanks for your good words." Yusuke replied with a smile, "Does Mr. Nakamoto have any advice?"

"I want to ask, Sanze-kun, are you practicing kendo?"

Yusuke was a little puzzled, and replied, "That's right, I'm practicing kendo."

"Then do you know a Korean named Park Peijun and an Englishman named Rosk?"

The smile on Yusuke's face narrowed, and he became serious in an instant.

"Where did Mr. Nakamoto know these two names?"

"It really is you"

"Mr. Nakamoto, can you explain? I don't understand very well here." Yusuke asked calmly, the attitude of the other party was really strange.

"It's very complicated, do you have time to meet up? It's better to talk face to face"

Yusuke thought for a moment and said, "Can we meet tomorrow?"

"You should be at Sasaki's house now," Yuichi Nakamoto's voice came, which surprised Yusuke.

"how do you know?"

"As long as you are sure that it is you, your information is easy to find. You are the champion of the Yulong Banner competition, and you studied under Sasaki Huche"

Yusuke had been featured in a sports newspaper, and with Yuichi Nakamoto's contacts in the entertainment industry, he could definitely find it if he wanted it.

"That's right, I'm at the master's house right now," Yusuke replied.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to visit now. I have a very important document in my hand. I believe you will be interested."

Yusuke pondered for a while, but the other party was not in a hurry, waiting for Yusuke's answer.

"Wait a minute, I have to talk to the master"

"It's okay, I'll wait for your call"

Yusuke hung up the phone, thought for a while, and returned to the gym.

Hu Che is instructing Xicheng Dance and the others, and they are listening carefully.

Seeing Yusuke's expression, Hu Che said with a smile: "As I said, you guys go to practice."

Several people nodded and went to practice.

Hu Che came over and asked calmly, "Yusuke, what's the matter?"

Yusuke recounted what happened just now, Hu Che listened calmly.

"Sorry to trouble the master," Yusuke said apologetically.

Yuichi Nakamoto was definitely not a simple visit. The other party even inquired about the reputation of his master. It was obvious that he had come prepared, and he definitely wanted to get something from here.

"It doesn't matter, that's the way of the world. If you want to get something, you have to pay something." Hu Che replied with a smile, "I'll go and prepare first, and you can let him come over."

Yusuke nodded, watched the master leave, and then picked up the phone to reply to Yuichi Nakamoto.

Yuichi Nakamoto's voice was very excited, "Then I'm here now."

Yusuke can be sure, this guy must know the background of the Sasaki family, and he must want to get something from here.

At this time, Shengzi leaned over and asked, "Yusuke, what's the matter?"

Just now when her father left suddenly, she felt something was wrong.And Eri and the others also stopped training and leaned over, they felt the atmosphere was weird.

Yusuke pondered for a while, and said, "It's about Saturday's game, but I don't know much about the specific situation. When a friend of mine comes over, he will explain."

Everyone was a little surprised. Could it be that Saturday's game was not an ordinary game, and there were other inside stories?

Half an hour later, Nakamoto Yuichi came over.

Surprisingly, he was very respectful, with a lot of gifts in his hand, and even bowed respectfully when he saw Hu Che.

"I have been famous for the name of Sasaki-sensei for a long time. I am so lucky to meet you today."

This guy flattered too much!

Huche responded with a smile, and greeted him, and Yusuke led him to the reception room.

Now there were only three people left, and the atmosphere instantly became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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