Chapter 546 546. Mature
Nakamoto smiled, the answer was self-evident.

"Can this project be terminated?" Yusuke asked at this time, and Nakamoto Yuichi shook his head, "The investment in the early stage has been spent, the project has been established, the personnel are ready, and the work has been completed, now the termination will be a loss A lot of money, the TV station will not agree to it”

"That's not necessarily the case," Hu Che said at this time, "It can't be changed, it's because you are not capable enough."

Yuu Nakamoto was taken aback for a moment, his calm tone seemed to be saying some kind of fait accompli, it seems that this great swordsman's ability should not be underestimated!

Suddenly a little excited, it seems that this time is the right time!

At this time, he said courteously, "Please tell me how I need to cooperate in this regard."

"It's great that Mr. Nakamoto can cooperate." Huche said with a smile: "I'm very happy to be friends with you."

Yuichi Nakamoto bowed respectfully, "I am also happy to be friends with Sasaki-sensei."

The three of them laughed immediately, and in an instant, they formed an alliance.

The meeting is still going on...

In the kitchen of Sasaki's house, a few girls were busy. They had been training for so long, and they were a little hungry. They were preparing for supper.

There are a lot of people and strength, and the table is quickly filled with dishes.

"It's amazing!" Meiqin praised with a smile: "Everyone's craftsmanship is very good!"

of course!
Tonight's supper was originally just an ordinary meal, but I don't know when it started, and it suddenly turned into a contest of female power.

Everyone didn't want to admit defeat, and each of them showed their specialties, and finally made a large table of meals.

"Can you finish eating so much?" Xicheng Wu asked at this time, everyone accidentally cooked too much, can you finish the supper?
"It doesn't matter, men's appetites are relatively large, especially after exercising, the appetite will be even better." Mikoto replied with a smile, "Yusuke also has a very good appetite after every training."

In an instant, Eri discovered the blind spot.

"Yusuke is eating here too?"

Mikoto replied with a smile: "Yusuke trains here every Saturday night, and also eats here."

Eri was shocked immediately, isn't this a family!

At this time, he looked at the Holy Son with a look of warning.

Unknowingly, the Holy Son has achieved this level, which is too amazing!
Could this be the power of a good wife and mother to capture a man without knowing it?
Oops, it seems that the bride's advanced study has to be put on the agenda!

At this time, the door of the reception room opened, and Kotoru and Nakamoto Yuichi walked out from inside, followed by Yusuke.

"This matter will trouble Mr. Nakamoto," Hu Che said with a smile.

"Mr. Sasaki is too polite. This is my duty. Tonight is too sudden. I will definitely visit again next time."

"Then I'll be waiting for you." Toru said with a smile, "Yusuke, give Mr. Nakamoto a treat."

Yusuke nodded and said, "Mr. Nakamoto, please come with me."

Yuichi Nakamoto was sent away, Yusuke came back, everyone in Eri looked over curiously.

what on earth is it!

At this time, Meiqin clapped her hands and said, "Okay, the food is getting cold, let's eat first, if there is anything else, we can talk about it later."

Everyone smiled, nodded, and took their seats one by one.

After the meal, Huche and his wife left first, leaving the place to Yusuke and the others.

Looking at the curious crowd, Yusuke introduced the situation again, and everyone was a little surprised. They didn't expect such an inside story to be hidden.

It was a long-planned plan, only they were kept in the dark.

These guys are counting on them!

Thinking of this, everyone is in a bad mood, especially Xiangzi Gaoshan. She also mobilized the entire Kendo club members, but she didn't expect that all of this was planned by the other party. This feeling is too bad!At this time, she was so angry that tears were about to fall, and Eri quickly comforted her.

"Don't worry, Shoko, I'll take care of them," Eri said seriously, she dared to bully her friend, and even bullied Yusuke, this must not be let go!

After going through so many things, she no longer rejects the situation at home, and she will use some methods that should be used!

Looks like I need to ask for help at home.

"Don't worry," Yusuke said at this time, "The show will not go on again, the master has already arranged it, and it will be just an ordinary game then, but"

Yusuke's eyes sharpened instantly, "We are not to be manipulated by others, since they dare to challenge, they must be prepared to be beaten!"

The Holy Son also nodded seriously, "I will fight with all my strength!"

Shengzi became serious. Even in the Jade Dragon Banner match, Shengzi was able to handle it with ease, but this time he was really irritated by the opponent.

The tone of the matter was set. The matter of the TV station was resolved by the master and Mr. Nakamoto, while Yusuke and the others were preparing for the battle with all their strength, and wanted to teach each other an unforgettable lesson.

And it was late at this time, and everyone had to go back.

Saying goodbye to each other at the station, Sanzhiin Soka walked towards the school.

It was already late when I got back to the dormitory, I greeted my roommates, washed up and went to bed.

At this time, I also received a message from Kimura Rimi, who was asking about tonight.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua thought for a while, and then told what he saw tonight.

What happened tonight was completely beyond her imagination!
I thought it was just ordinary training, but I didn't expect that there are so many inside stories, and most importantly, the boss's social circle is too wide, he is not like an ordinary high school student at all!

There are people from the TV station, and there is a great swordsman. What he said and did did not match his age at all, which really opened her eyes.

You must know that her roommates usually discuss where to go and what job to find, but the boss and the others are already discussing the inside story of the high-level, which makes her feel a little incredible, feeling that everyone lives in two different circles.

Misawa Yusuke is too mature!
She has seen how powerful the boss is tonight. Not only is he capable, but he also has strong connections. This guy is stronger than many college students. As far as Sanzhiyuan Zhihua knows, there is no such person in the school. Just a freak!

Sanzhiyuan Soka paid more and more attention to Yusuke, and the proposal made by Kimura Satomi before became more and more clear.

Perhaps, Yusuke Misawa is a good investment target.

Sanzhiyuan Souka told the story again, and Kimura Satomi was stunned!
She seemed to be listening to a book from heaven. She didn't expect that a TV station was involved in it. This is too incredible. Is the boss's connections so strong?

As for the previous ideas, the two also began to reconsider.

Now we are waiting for the result of this matter. If the matter is resolved perfectly, then we will look at it with different eyes.

All we have to do is wait for Saturday's game.

(End of this chapter)

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