Chapter 547 547. Strong

Day 2, inside the classroom.

"Yusuke, how did the training last night go?" Sakata asked with a smile.

"I heard that you are going to fight against the Koreans and the British." Gao Chengmu also surrounded him excitedly at this time, and encouraged him: "Yusuke, you have to work hard!

"Of course, Yusuke is absolutely fine!"

"Mu, you also know about this?" Yusuke asked at this time.

Gao Chengmu nodded, and replied: "Basically everyone in the school knows about it."

Shoko Takayama announced this matter at the Kendo club yesterday. With the speed of the students' dissemination, everyone knew about it the next day, and they were all discussing this matter at this time.

Foreign friends come to ask for advice on martial arts, which sounds very passionate!
One is Korean. The Japanese have a very bad impression of Korea. As long as it is Korean, everyone hates it very much. But if Koreans dare to come to ask for Japanese kendo, it is audacious!All of a sudden, the students' sense of honor was aroused, and everyone was condemning, wishing to treat this as a Korean murder!
One is British. There are actually a lot of controversies about Japanese kendo, and now it is going to compete with Western kendo, which is even more eye-catching.

These two matters are extremely controversial, and they are very gossip when they are put together.

Yusuke felt that everyone looked at him differently today. Those eyes used to be fear and dread, but now they are full of expectation.

It was only then that everyone remembered that Yusuke Misawa was a record-setting kendo master, the No. 1 high school student kendo!
I was confused by the rumors in the school before, only to find out at this time that Yusuke Misawa is so good!

Islanders worship the strong, and when Yusuke's strong attributes were discovered, those fearful eyes turned into admiration in an instant.

As for the fact that Misawa Yusuke stepped on a few boats, that's not a big deal. The strong have more women, which is a default rule.

Yusuke could notice that the eyes of many girls looking at him were full of little stars, which made Yusuke a bit chilly, not as good as the scared eyes before!
Especially Nana Okawada who was standing in front of him now, the adoration in his eyes made Yusuke a little ashamed.

"Mr. Misawa, you must work hard to kill those foreigners, and I will cheer for you!" Okawada Nana said seriously, the voice was so loud that everyone in the classroom could hear it.

The classroom suddenly became quiet, and after a while, the encouragement of the students came.

"That's right, Sanze-san, I support you!"

"You must defeat them!"

"Fuck them!"

Yusuke was speechless, when did the situation become like this?
But the enthusiasm of the students was unbearable, so Yusuke had no choice but to deal with it: "I will win, everyone, don't worry."

"As expected of classmate Sanze, you are really amazing!"

"Misawa-san is the strongest!"

"Student Misawa is definitely number one in Japan!"

"San Ze is our savior!"

This flattery is getting more and more outrageous!
Finally, when the class bell rang, Yusuke was relieved, which was unbearable.

But he also knows that these are all based on his ability to win. If he loses, no matter how high he was praised before, he will suffer as much as he fell.

This is a human problem.

One can imagine how vicious the person who came up with this plan was!
The same trouble happened to the Son.

Shengzi still went to school as usual, but he didn't expect to be surrounded by female classmates as soon as he sat down, asking all kinds of questions one by one.

I didn't expect everyone to pay so much attention to Saturday's game!

However, this is too enthusiastic, even stronger than the last time I won the Yulong Banner championship.

Surprisingly, Shengzi even received love letters from several female classmates!

That's right, it's a female classmate!
This completely refreshed the three views of the Holy Son, and there was a female classmate who had a crush on him, and was almost frightened to death!
The education she received since she was a child didn't tell her that such things can happen between female classmates!

The Holy Son was so scared that she ran out of the school immediately, and now she needs to find a place to calm down.

After thinking about it, I decided to go to the studio. It's been a long time, and I just met my new friends.

On the other side, Yusuke also left the school and headed towards the park.

Yusuke was going to meet Jessica and the others. The shrine where they had been meeting before was too remote, the winter was cold, and the sunshine time was short. It was very inconvenient and unsafe there, so Yusuke proposed to change to another place.

And now the meeting place is the park where the crow fought before. It is relatively remote and surrounded by trees. Yusuke will know what's going on right away.

Walking on the road, he was attracted by several figures in front of him.

That's Semi!

Along with her friend Xikujo Toka, the kendo trio, a group of five, was chatting with a blond foreign girl with a selfie stick in front of her.

In other words, the foreign girl was visiting them.

The three of Kitagawa Hideki seemed a little excited, and were enthusiastically answering the girl's question, while Semi and Nishikujo looked a little cold, they were looking around boredly, and then happened to meet Yusuke's eyes.

The two froze, Yusuke waved his hand with a smile, Semi also waved back, and Nishikujo Toka curled her lips in disdain.

Kitagawa Hideki and the others also noticed Yusuke at this time, and immediately shut up. The foreign girl who was visiting was a little curious, and turned her head, just in time to see Yusuke coming from the opposite road, and her eyes lit up immediately.

What a handsome boy!

Even by Western standards, this boy is very handsome!
The foreign girl was very clever. Seeing the expressions of Kitagawa Hideki and the others, she immediately reacted and asked with a smile, "Is he your friend?"

"is a friend"

"not friend"

Suddenly, two different voices appeared at the scene.

It was Semi who answered 'friend', and several other people who said 'not friends', and the scene suddenly became very awkward.

"A rival in love?" The foreign girl asked with a smile at this moment.

"No!" Semi shook her head, "We are just ordinary good friends"

"He is my lifelong enemy!" Kitagawa Hideki said seriously, "I will definitely defeat him!"

"Win him? Is he also practicing kendo?" The girl asked curiously. Under her guidance, Beichuan Hideki quickly exposed their grievances.

Yusuke also came over at this time, and said hello to Semi, "I didn't expect to meet you here, why don't you go over?"

"Wait a while," Semi said in a low voice, "I'll leave after I separate from them."

Today is the day of their reunion. We haven't seen each other for more than a week, and the power of the middle school is almost unbearable!

At this time, a figure appeared in front of Yusuke, it was the foreign girl just now.

"Hello, this classmate, can I interview you?"

(End of this chapter)

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