Chapter 548 548. Threats
This is a foreign girl, she should only be in her teens, with boundless youthful vigor.

At this point she was holding a selfie stick in one hand and a small microphone in the other, looking at Yusuke with a smile.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am a video blogger. Now I am doing an exclusive interview to introduce the customs of Japan to the audience. Can you accept my interview?"

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a colleague!

"Youtube video?" Yusuke asked.

"That's right!" the girl said excitedly, "My YouTube video account is Roscoe Nitti, you can follow me"

Yusuke's eyes narrowed, and he asked calmly, "Do you know a Korean named Park Peijun?"

The girl's smile narrowed, and only then did she look at Yusuke seriously.

"I forgot to introduce myself." Yusuke's expression became serious, "Yusuke Misawa, the champion of the Yulong Banner competition, is also the opponent of this Saturday's competition."

The girl's movements stopped, and the scene fell silent.

After a while, the girl realized that her expression became cold.

"It turned out to be you, it's really a narrow road to enemies."

Kitagawa Hideki and the others saw the strange atmosphere at the scene, so they all gathered around.

Xijiutiao Denghua watched this scene excitedly, could it be this guy's enemy?This is so much fun!
After a while, Roscoe Nitti explained to the phone screen with a smile and a microphone.

This guy is still live!

Kitagawa Hideki and others who were watching were a little confused. What's going on?

But soon, they understood what had happened.

"My friends, today's luck is good. I actually met an opponent who is going to compete on Saturday. Let me show you."

Roscoe Nitti adjusted the camera so that it was right on Yusuke's face.

"It's handsome. I didn't expect the opponent to be a handsome guy. It's really unexpected!"

"But it's really exciting to think about knocking the opponent down!"

Kitagawa Hideki and the others already understood, Semi looked at Yusuke in surprise at this moment, and asked in a low voice, "Yusuke, do you want to compete?"

"Well, some small problems, don't worry about her"

Yusuke looked at the time and said, "I'll go first."

Only then did Semi come to her senses and nodded.

Roscoe Nitti was still talking to himself.

"I will definitely work hard, and I will definitely beat him to the ground. I heard that he is the champion of the Yulong Banner competition and is known as the strongest boy."

"But, that's what Japanese kendo is all about."

Yusuke's footsteps stopped involuntarily, the expressions of Kitagawa Hideki and the others also became serious at this time, and the expressions of Nishikujo Toka and Semi changed.

This guy is insulting the sport they've been up to!

Several people gathered around, staring at the girl covetously.

Roscoe Nitty was still smiling and didn't seem to care.

"Look, the Japanese are really rude. They are going to rape me. If I get beaten later, you must remember to call the police for me. By the way, remember to contact the embassy for me. There are so many bad boys in Japan Woolen cloth!"

"By the way, I know their names and schools."

Kitagawa Hideki and the others were about to explode!

This guy greeted them with a smile just now, saying that he is a video blogger, and they would only agree if he wanted to introduce Japanese people and customs to his fans, but he didn't expect to sell them in the blink of an eye. Playing them!
Thinking of the way I chatted with her just now, I felt sick for a while.

Xijiutiao Denghua is gearing up and ready to make a move. She doesn't care if the other party is a woman or not, and she will manage any embassy. This guy insulted herself, and my mother will beat her up!
"Wait a minute, Nishikujo!" Yusuke's voice came, and at this moment he came over, looked at the people with a calm face, and said, "Don't fall into her trap."

It would be bad if they did something wrong. The matter involved foreigners, and they were video bloggers. Coupled with the relationship with the TV station, Yusuke was sure that it would definitely not be good for Nishi Kujo and the others if there was a big trouble.

Nishi Kujo was a little angry and subconsciously wanted to refute, but at this moment Semi pulled her up, "Trust Yuusuke"

For Semi's sake, Nishi Kujo stepped back angrily.

"Stop arguing here, you ugly bastard," Yusuke's calm voice came at this moment.

Roscoe Nitti's smile froze for a moment, and became violent the next moment.

"Who are you calling ugly!"

At this time, the phone's camera sounded, Yusuke raised the phone, and the interface showed her angry appearance just now.

"If I post what you just said, your appearance, and your current location on the Internet, what do you think will happen?" Yusuke said calmly.

"Stop scaring me! Who do you think you are!" Roscoe Nitti said disdainfully.

Cyber ​​violence also depends on the target. If your influence is not enough, then the so-called cyber violence is a joke.

This young man wouldn't think that if he just took a photo, someone would rape him online, that would be the biggest joke in the world!
"Forgot to mention." Yusuke suddenly realized, "I also shoot videos on Youtube. I am also a video blogger. My account is animal expert Misawa-kun."

"Not just any cat or dog can be a video blogger!" Roscoe Nitti sarcastically said, but her hands kept moving, and she immediately checked the Youtube video.

The next moment I was a little surprised, the other party turned out to be a big blogger with millions of followers!It's not at the same level as my own hundreds of thousands, completely blowing myself up!

Roscoe Nitti was a little startled. As an Internet expert, he knew the power of the Internet, and the power erupted by some brainless fans was terrifying.

She immediately turned off the live broadcast and pulled her face stiffly, "I was just joking just now, I still like Japanese culture very much, so I came here to promote it for you"

"Bitch!" Toka Nishikujo curled her lips in disdain, but at the same time she was a little surprised at Yusuke Misawa.

This guy turned out to be a video blogger, I never heard of it.

And the account he mentioned just now seems to be called some kind of animal. Could it be very powerful, otherwise why did the other party suddenly change his attitude?
Beichuan Hideki and the others were also a little surprised. At this moment, they suddenly discovered that the opponent's realm was far from theirs!

Yusuke spat out a word coldly.

Roscoe Nitti's face froze, and now he retracted his smile.

Internet violence is Internet violence, who is afraid of whom, my battlefield is in the UK, but not in Japan, can you still come along the network cable and kill me?

"Prepare to die for Saturday's game!" Roscoe Nitti said with a ferocious expression. When the plan is successful, let's see if you will be as arrogant as this.

"You should be lucky." Yusuke stared at her coldly, "Your opponent is Seiko, otherwise, you don't want to go out of Japan."

(End of this chapter)

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