Chapter 549 549. Roasted Sweet Potatoes

The two sides looked at each other, Roscoe Nitti snorted coldly at this moment, turned his head and left.

She wanted to argue a few more words at first, but when she saw the people at the scene who were gearing up, she decided to turn to the battlefield first.

If she was to be beaten here, she really had nothing to do, she was just scaring the other party just now.

Anyway, if the plan is successful, all these people will die socially!
The girl left, and the scene fell silent.

Beichuan Hideki and the others had a tangled expression. What happened just now made them very aggrieved, but they didn't have any good solutions. This was the first time they felt such a sense of powerlessness.

"I'm leaving first, everyone"

Yongsuke waved his hand and said, although there are grievances and grievances between each other, they are still acquainted, and they don't want to watch them being cheated to death.

"That" Hideki Kitagawa stood up at this moment, and said seriously:
"Thank you, although I see you are upset, but thank you anyway"

This guy is quite simple.

Yusuke smiled, if it wasn't for the wrong way of getting to know each other, maybe we could still become good friends.

When we came to the park, we walked along the path to the small lake.

Jessica and Evangeline were already here, two of them were wearing school uniforms, sitting on the stone next to them and chatting.

good phenomenon!
I used to play games every time I saw them, but this time I finally didn't, and I finally graduated from Secondary Two!

Seeing Yusuke, the two hurried over.

"Yusuke, big crisis, big crisis!"

"What big crisis?"

"Winter is coming!" The two looked serious, as if facing the enemy of life and death.

"That's right, the weather is starting to turn cold." Yusuke smiled and said, "Put on more clothes and keep warm."

"No, it's not this!" Jessica shook her head and said seriously: "Once a year, the cold winter that freezes the Three Realms is coming!

Yusuke's smile froze.

"Every winter is very cold, everything fell into hibernation, angels and demons fell into a deep sleep, and our magic power disappeared." Ewen Jielin cried out in grief and angrily at this time: "We Turned back into a mortal!"

Yusuke didn't know what expression to use at this time.

I thought you guys were normal and didn't play sand sculpture games anymore, it seems that I was thinking too much!
"Yusuke, our current magic power is gone, what do you think we should do?" The two asked anxiously.

"Drink more hot water and calm down," Yusuke said speechlessly.

"It turns out that drinking more hot water can unlock the magic power!" Jessica and Ewen Jielin seemed to have opened the door to a new world, with surprise on their faces.

"No, I didn't mean that." Yusuke shook his head helplessly.

"Why then?"

"Because drinking hot water cures all diseases"

"Is that so?" The two were at a loss.

Yusuke rubbed his face, calmed down, and then said: "In such a cold weather, it's good for us to take a break, and we don't need to fight any more. For the time being, peace is the most important thing for everyone."

The two pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, then let's reconcile for the time being!" Jessica said, stretching out her palm.

"Okay, let's become mortals, let's live in peace." Ewen Jielin also stretched out her hand.

The two hands were clasped together.

"This is a commemorative moment, the first handshake between an angel and a demon!" Jessica said in surprise.

"Would you like to take a picture as a souvenir!"

"Good idea! Yusuke, please!"

Yusuke had no choice but to take out his phone and take a picture of them.

"What are you doing?" Semi also came over at this time, looking at them curiously.

"Semi, why are you so late?" Ewen Jielin asked, letting go of her palm.

"Meet Yusuke on the road just now, I have some things to come over late"

"You met Yuusuke just now, why didn't you come over together?"

"Because something happened"

"What's going on?"

Jessica and Evangeline were very curious, Semi looked at Yusuke, and Yusuke replied calmly: "It doesn't matter."

Semi told what happened just now, Jessica and Evangeline were very surprised, so there is such a thing!
"That guy is really annoying!" Jessica said angrily.

"How about, let's go cheer up Yusuke this Saturday!" Evan Jielin suggested at this time.

Jessica's eyes lit up, "Okay, let's go there together, let's cheer for Yusuke!"

"This is not allowed!" Yusuke was startled, and stopped immediately, if you were in the past, it would be more troublesome than it is now!

"I appreciate your kindness, but you can't go there"

"Why?" Semi looked over with strange eyes, "On Saturday, the school should be able to enter."

Yusuke turned his head quickly, and quickly found an excuse.

"Because there is an inside story about this matter, it is not appropriate to publicize too much"

"The inside story?" The three were a little surprised.

Yusuke briefly explained that the opponent wanted to take the position of the two champions stepping on the Jade Dragon Banner, and Yusuke and the others aimed to sabotage the opponent's plan and minimize the impact of this matter, so this matter should not be too much Many people know.

Although all the students in the school knew about it, after discussing with Shoko Takayama, it was decided that the day's competition would be managed in a closed manner. Except for people from the Kendo Club, other people were not allowed to enter, so even if they wanted to go in to watch, they couldn't get in.

The three felt a little regretful.

"Let's not talk about that," Yusuke asked with a smile, "What's going on today?"

"We want to bake sweet potatoes!" Ewen Jielin said excitedly, and Semi and Jessica also came back to their senses at this time, looking forward to it.

"In winter, we must eat something warm. Let's roast sweet potatoes together. I've bought all the sweet potatoes!"

Sure enough, there was a big bag next to the stone.

That being the case, everyone started working together.

Yusuke cleaned a place and dug a hole, Semi went to wash the sweet potatoes, and Jessica and Ivan Jieyi went to collect some twigs and leaves.

Everything is ready.

Yusuke put the sweet potato in the pit, covered it with branches and leaves, lit it, and the flames burst out.

Everyone stood together, stretched out their hands, and leaned against the flame, feeling the temperature of the flame.

"It's so warm!"

Everyone showed expressions of enjoyment.

"Don't get too close, watch out for the flames to come out," Yongsuke warned.

"How long will this take to bake?" Ewen Jielin asked curiously.

"We should wait for the flame to go out," Jessica replied at this time, "Yusuke, what do you think?"

Yusuke thought for a while and said, "It's better to prepare more branches and leaves, or they won't be cooked properly."

"Then let's get some more."

After baking for more than half an hour, the branches and leaves were all reduced to ashes, leaving only traces of ash smoke.

Yusuke took a branch, picked up the remaining ashes, and turned out a few sweet potatoes.

The sweet potatoes are all black and emitting heat.

Yusuke observed for a while, smiled and nodded, "Successful!"

The girls suddenly cheered happily.

(End of this chapter)

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