Chapter 550 550. Women Fight
4 people sat in a row, facing the lake, each holding a small sweet potato in his hand.

Tearing off the black outer skin with small mouthfuls, the fragrance immediately came out, and the four of them were refreshed.

After taking a sip, it was sweet and glutinous, and everyone tasted it quietly, enjoying the warmth of this moment.

"Autumn is the autumn of appetite!" Semei said with emotion.

"I suddenly want to eat hot pot." Jessica said at this time, "I had hot pot with my father last time, it was very delicious."

"What hot pot?" Ewen Jielin asked curiously.

“Beef hotpot, very delicious”

"It's really drooling!" Yiwen Jielin said at this time: "I just want to eat something warm in winter, why don't we have hot pot together next time?"

"Not bad!" Semi nodded in agreement, Jessica looked at Yusuke and asked, "Yusuke, what do you think?"

"I don't care," Yusuke replied with a smile, "but where is the location?"

"How about an outdoor hot pot?" Jessica suggested

"It's too troublesome." Yusuke shook his head, "The outdoor barbecue is not bad."

"But you need to prepare a bunch of ingredients for barbecue," Semi replied.

“You have to work hard to eat good food”

Everyone is chatting, and the afterglow of this autumn is about to end.

After eating, everyone looked at each other and laughed immediately.

The corners of everyone's mouths were blackened.

"Black?" Yiwen Jielin had an idea at this moment, "How about we make a dark hot pot, everyone brings different things into it, and eat whatever they find?"

Jessica and Semi's eyes lit up immediately, "Good idea, this is so interesting!"

Dark hot pot!
Yusuke had heard about it, but hadn't tried it, and found it interesting, so he decided on it.

Everyone cleaned up the garbage, washed their hands, and prepared to go back.

"That, Yusuke" Semi stopped Yusuke at this time, and the others looked over curiously.

Semi hesitated for a moment, then finally spoke.

"Xi Kutiao asked me to tell you, thank you for what happened just now."

I didn't expect Semi to bring such a message.

Yusuke smiled and said, "I know."

Although everyone has different positions, they still have clear grievances.

Only then did Semi breathe a sigh of relief, sometimes it's hard to be a human being caught in the middle.

The best solution for both parties is to keep them from contacting each other in the future.

Say goodbye at the gate of the park, and everyone goes home.

Walking on the road, the neon lights on the road have been turned on, night falls, cold weather, everyone is walking in a hurry.

At this time, a figure in front of him suddenly flew out from the side.

Yusuke stopped, and the figure just passed by in front of him, and fell directly to the ground.

It was a young man, tall and burly, with a Japanese cowherd hairstyle, his face was reddish, and he smelled of alcohol. He fell to the ground at this time, and the banknotes in his hand also fell and scattered all over the ground.

The boy raised his head angrily, and a girl's angry voice came from the side.

"I said, we are not that kind of people, take your stinky money and get out!"

Three girls came out from a nearby store.

Seeing the three of them, Yusuke was stunned for a moment, and the other party also found Yusuke at this time, and was also stunned.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an acquaintance!

The three are Yuyi's friends, Yumi Ohara, Nozomi Ibuki, and Sonoko Ichinoba.

I didn't expect to meet them here.

The other party was also very surprised, did not expect to meet Yusuke here.

"You three bitches!"

The boy got up from the ground at this time, rushed towards the three of them angrily, waved his fist, and directly hit Yuanzi standing in the front.

Yuanzi just reacted at this time, and the whole person was frightened.

Suddenly, the opponent's fist stopped in front of her eyes, and she didn't go any further.

A palm tightly grasped the boy's arm.

Yusuke grabbed his arm with one hand, and with a wave of his right hand, the man was pulled aside in an instant, smashed to the side, and just hit a trash can, and the trash was dumped on him.

Suddenly, a strong stench came, and the man came back to his senses.

"Let's go!" The man cursed with a red neck, got up from the ground, and rushed towards Yusuke.

But the Koreans also follow suit!

Yusuke grabbed the opponent's arm with one hand, slapped him backhand, and pushed him directly to the ground.

The boy's strength is quite strong, but to Yusuke, there is no difference at all.

The Korean boy fell to the ground and cursed a few words in Korean angrily, not knowing what he was talking about.

Yusuke looked at Yuanzi and the others, and asked, "What did he do to you?"

Sonoko was a little embarrassed, his face was reddish, and he didn't know how to speak, but Yumi next to him said at this time: "This guy thinks we are engaging in compensated dating!"

Yusuke immediately understood that the island country has a special culture!

Everyone who comes to Japan has more or less expectations in their hearts. It seems that this Korean regards Yuanzi and the others as such people.

What happened next was obvious. The three of Yuanzi directly refused. The other party thought it was because the price could not be negotiated and wanted to make a move, but they pushed them away and fell to the ground. The young man became angry and wanted to hit someone. up.

I heard that Koreans beat women very badly. Sure enough, this is evident in Korean teenagers.

"You bastard, don't go, I'll find someone to kill you!" The Korean boy yelled drunkenly, with arrogance on his face.

Yusuke looked at him calmly, where did this guy get his confidence?

Are Koreans all idiots?

You think the whole world is Smecta!
Then, the other party took out the mobile phone under Yusuke's nose, and called someone directly.

This guy's brain circuit is really strange!
Yusuke pointed at the Korean, and asked Yuanzi and the others, "Do you want to hit him a little? Let's do it together."

The three of Yuanzi nodded excitedly, and looked at the man with gritted teeth, and regarded us as this kind of person. This is an insult to us!If people found out, they would be ashamed!

They were shopping, but the Korean suddenly came over and asked in smothered Japanese if he wanted to go out with him, and even took out banknotes and waved them in front of them.

The three of them immediately understood that this guy regarded them as those girls who had sex with them, and directly rejected them on the spot, but this guy still didn't give up, he was so confident, he said that he could add more money, and very disgustingly asked the three of them to go together. They were disgusted.

The three of them couldn't help but started to fight directly, and drove each other out, but they didn't expect that the other party became angry and wanted to fight them.

Sure enough, all Koreans beat women!

Although there are three of them, they are definitely not a man's opponent in terms of force. If the opponent comes over, they will suffer on the spot.

Fortunately, Yusuke shows up and everything changes.

At this time, a few people surrounded them with vicious faces, now they have revenge and complaints!

"What do you want to do?" The Korean teenager didn't know if he was poisoned by alcohol, and he realized it at this moment, screaming in horror.

Then Yusuke stepped on his back with one foot, and three women surrounded him.

Women fight is also very powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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