Chapter 551. 551. Very Envious
"It's much more comfortable now!" Yumi said with a smile, and both Muxi and Yuanzi had smiles on their faces.

After hitting the other party, he let out a sigh of relief, feeling very refreshed.

"By the way, Yusuke, why are you here?" Yumi asked curiously at this moment, and the other two looked over.

It's been a long time since we said goodbye to each other at the police station after what happened to Kinohana last time.

Now that they meet again, the three of them feel that Yusuke has changed a lot, and he has matured a lot.

Every meeting has a different feeling. At first, he was very handsome, but now he has a more introverted maturity, which makes people feel very safe.

Yuyi really has a good eye, and the three of them are a little envious.

"I happened to come here for something, and I'm going home now," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"Then Yusuke, you haven't eaten yet." Yumi said in surprise at this time, "Then let's go eat together."

Both Muxi and Yuanzi nodded happily.


"Please don't refuse!" Mu Xi said at this time, "Last time I said I would treat you to dinner, but there was no chance. This time, I helped us again. I definitely want to treat you to dinner. We are good friends now, so don't Refused"

That being the case, the courage did not refuse.

Everyone came to a restaurant, ordered a good meal, sat and chatted together.

Yumi asked at this time: "Yusuke, I heard that you and Yuyi have set up a studio together!" Sonoko and Mu Xi were both very curious.

At the last meeting with Yuyi, under their persecution, Yuyi said that they are actually video bloggers, which is really beyond their imagination!

They also follow Misawa-kun's account, and the videos made by Yusuke are very interesting.

The three of them were a little curious, they just went to high school, why did Mr. Sanze change so much?
That the stupid fool in the past would have such a big change, really fell through the glasses of many people.

Yusuke replied with a smile: "There is indeed work in this area."

"Where did those internet celebrity pets come from?"

All three are very interested!
The biggest feature of Sanze Jun's video is the animals full of spirituality, they are so cute!
Let every viewer wish to raise one that is exactly the same.

"I have my own channel"

"Is that difficult to shoot, do you have any skills?"

"What software do you use to edit?"

The three asked questions in one go, and Yusuke also answered many questions.

Watching videos is the greatest pleasure for many young people. The three of Yumi are often watching videos. This is the first time they have heard that their peers are doing this business, which makes them curious and excited at the same time.

Others can do it, and they can also try it. Anyway, it’s just shooting some videos. If they succeed, they can also earn some pocket money.

"Yusuke, what do you think about the three of us partnering up to set up a video account?" Sonoko asked a little excitedly, both Mu Xi and Yumi were interested.

"You can try it" Yusuke replied with a smile, "I can give you two suggestions"

The three of them all looked over at this moment and listened carefully.

"The first one is to have your own characteristics, the second one is not to follow the appearance route"

"In other words, it depends on talent!" Mu Xi concluded.

Yusuke nodded, and continued: "At the same time, you have to be mentally prepared."

"What mental preparation?"

"Being scolded, cursed, reported, framed, and exposed on the Internet, you must be mentally prepared for all kinds of things"

All three shuddered, "Is it that scary?"

Yusuke replied: "This is just the worst situation, and you have to plan for the worst in everything you do."

"Forget it, let's go to work." Yuanzi said with a smile, "Working makes me happy!"

Several people suddenly laughed.

"By the way, Konohana has transferred to another school." Yumi said at this time, after being punished by Yusuke last time, Konohana's father hired a barrister, and Konohana was acquitted, and the blame was thrown to the two college students .

However, this incident also spread in the school, and Kinohana's reputation was also ruined.

"For this reason, Kinohana changed schools, and I heard that she moved back to her hometown in Kyoto."

Yusuke nodded, not caring about it.

"By the way, I also heard that you have a bad relationship with Nishi Kujo." Yumi said with a smile.

Yusuke smiled and replied: "I do have some grievances with her, what's the matter?"

"Then don't let her see us greet you next time." Yumi said jokingly; "Nishi Kujo and the rest of us have a good relationship. If she knows, she might regard us as traitors."

"Although that guy has a bad personality, it's not like that," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"You know her well?"

"The one who knows you best is always your opponent"

"makes sense"

Several people talked and laughed, and after dinner, everyone said goodbye at the entrance of the restaurant.

Seeing Yusuke leaving, the three of them are very envious of Yui, they also want to find such a mature and handsome boyfriend!

On the other side, the Korean teenager who was knocked down by Hai Bian struggled to get up, and a girl's voice came over: "You're not dead yet!"

It was a foreign girl, and if Yusuke would recognize her here, it was Roscoe Nitty.

"Why are you alone? Where are the others?" the Korean teenager shouted angrily.

"There is no one else!" The girl looked unhappy, "The show has been suspended and we have been abandoned, so no one will support us anymore."

"What!" The boy exclaimed in surprise, ignoring the pain in his body at this moment, he struggled to get up, and walked towards the girl.

This action startled Rosk Nitti, and quickly shouted: "Don't come here, you stink to death, don't touch me!"

"Speak clearly, why should you pause? Isn't it agreed?"

"How would I know!" the girl yelled angrily, "The planner informed me at night, saying that the show had stopped, what a joke! I have already greeted my fans and said that I will be on the TV station , Now it’s embarrassing, how can I make up for my loss! It’s useless for you to yell at me, I want to find someone to get angry too!”

The Korean boy didn't care about the girl's anger, and he was in a very bad mood at this moment.

The reputation of Korean kendo is completely incomparable with that of Japanese kendo. Even if he is the Korean high school kendo champion, no one paid too much attention to him, which made him very angry.

Therefore, when he heard that someone invited him to participate in the program, the boy ran over without hesitation. As long as he can defeat the strongest high school student in Japan, his reputation will rise in the country, and it will be very useful for the future and future. It may not be able to enter the eyes of some big shots, after all, he is also a glory for the country.

Everything is going smoothly, everything is going according to plan, and the game will be held the day after tomorrow, why this sudden change?
This is absolutely not possible!
You must know that he had already boasted before he came, and all the friends around him knew about it, but now that it is cancelled, where will he put his face?
"I want to go back to the TV station!" The boy said anxiously, "I'm going to find out about it with the planner!"

The girl shrugged her shoulders, as if asking for permission.

Seeing the figure of the boy leaving in a hurry, the girl curled her lips. The matter is a foregone conclusion, and she has to find a way to make up for the loss.

(End of this chapter)

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