Chapter 552 552. Winning

When Friday came, Yusuke went to school as usual.

Walking on the road, Yui asked at this moment: "Yusuke, tomorrow is the game, are you okay?"

Yusuke glanced at her calmly, and replied, "Who do you think I am! The championship is easy for me"

"So confident!" Youyi said with a smile, "If you win, I will give you a reward."

Yusuke was immediately interested, and asked, "What reward?"

"you guess"

"That would be disingenuous," Yusuke said regretfully, shaking his head.

"Okay then, I'll just say it"

At this time, Yuyi's face was slightly red, she lowered her head, and whispered, "How about spending a day with you?"

Looking at Yui who was blushing, Yusuke was a little moved, and said with a smile: "Then what if I take advantage later?"

"Then..." Yuyi's face turned red instantly, and a shy voice came, "Then I'll beat you up"

"Can you beat me?"

"You, you are playing a hooligan!"

Yui yelled angrily, at this time striding forward, Yusuke could see her ears turning red.

Yusuke smiled, the girl is so cute!

Arriving at the school, Sakata Osamu asked excitedly, "Yusuke, are you ready for tomorrow's competition?"

After discussing with Xiangzi, Yusuke decided not to tell the inside story to the members. The members thought it was just an ordinary friendship.

In addition to some rumors in the past two days, I heard that the TV station will intervene, so everyone in the Kendo club is very concerned about this matter.

"Don't worry," Yusuke replied with a smile, "Who do you think I am!"

"Yusuke still has confidence!" Gao Chengmu said with a smile at this time, "There must be a lot of people watching tomorrow, so I'll go over tomorrow to cheer you up."

"Tomorrow we will have a closed game, and no one else will be allowed in," Sakata replied at this time.

"Why?" Gao Chengmu was very surprised, "Students are all paying attention."

"This is the president's decision, and an announcement will be made at noon."

"That's a pity," Gao Chengmu said with some regret.

"It's okay, if you want to come, Mu, I can take you in." Sakata Ji said with a smile, as friends of Yusuke, they still have some privileges.

The competition in the Kendo club was indeed very interesting, and even the teacher asked about the situation.

In the teaching office, looking at the homeroom teacher Noya Mishima, Yusuke said calmly: "Don't worry, teacher, I can win!"

"It's good if you have confidence!" Noya Mishima replied with a smile. Although Yusuke Misawa is very good at making troubles, he is indeed the best student.

The foreigner challenged the kendo club, and the school knew about it, but didn't pay much attention to it.It wasn't until they heard that a TV station was going to intervene that the school's senior management paid attention to it, and the head teacher came to ask about the situation.

Yusuke shrugged his shoulders and didn't care about it. He believed in the master's method, but the information received by the school was a little behind, and the news did not come until lunch break.

It had been rumored that the TV station's incident was fake before, but the school immediately changed its attitude and stopped paying attention.

The Kendo Club also posted an announcement during the lunch break that tomorrow's competition is just an ordinary competition, and everyone is declined to visit.

Due to the influence of two aspects, the heat of this matter has dropped.

In the TV station, Park Peijun is making the last effort. He is persuading the planner of the show that the show cannot be stopped.

But under the influence of all parties, the planner of the show has long been overwhelmed. He didn't care about a little Korean boy, so he sent him away with just a few words.

"Damn it!" Park Peijun thumped the wall violently, with a look of anger on his face, it took so long and created such a big momentum, and the result was a hasty ending, which he couldn't accept!
He wanted to regret it a little bit, and didn't care about tomorrow's game, because the TV station didn't care about it anymore, and it didn't matter whether he played or not.

"Park Peijun, don't you want to give up?" Roscoe Nitti walked over at this moment.

"Why are you here? Don't say you still want to continue. Without a TV station, it's useless even if we win!" Park Peijun cried unwillingly.

"There is no TV station, but I have other channels," Rosk said confidently at this time.

Park Peijun looked at her suspiciously.

"Don't forget, I am a video doctor with hundreds of thousands of fans. I have already told my fans before that I will follow up the whole process of this game. Since the TV station can't broadcast it, we will broadcast it on the Internet. Let’s play it on the Internet, we need to stir up the heat of this matter, I have already started to operate”

Roscoe Nitti took out his mobile phone and showed Park Peijun the interface.

It was a video, and the title was very clear: Western swordsmanship versus Japanese swordsmanship, who is the strongest girl?

The protagonist is Roscoe Nitti herself. She first introduced her own situation, interspersed with the video of the competition where she won the prize, and then explained the situation of the enemy. At the same time, she also interrupted some reports about the Yulong Banner competition.

The whole explanation is very detailed, the analysis of various combat powers looks very reliable, the video clips are very provocative, and the curiosity of the audience is aroused.

And there is a vote under this video: Japanese Kendo or Western Kendo, which one do you like best?
The proportion of votes is increasing rapidly. Park Peijun checked the number of viewers. There are several 10 people watching, and the number of voters has reached several thousand.

Controversial topics like this, as long as the video quality passes the standard, can cause a little heat.

Park Peijun's heart was moved. He spent a lot of trouble running from South Korea to Japan to challenge the strongest boy in Japan. What he wanted was this kind of attention.

Since you can't get it on the TV station, you can get it on the Internet!
Roscoe Nitti said at this time: "The TV station has given up, we can only save ourselves, I will continue the game, I am very confident in myself, I will win this game! Do you want to join? If you want to come together!"

Park Peijun was a little moved, but he was still a little tangled, and always felt a little weird.

"As long as you join, you will be my comrade-in-arms. I can help you post a video to ensure the popularity. There is only one chance!"

Roscoe Nitty's words sounded in his ears, and Park Peijun finally made up his mind.

"I'll join!"

"Okay, then come with me!"

Roscoe Nitti, who was walking ahead, showed a smug smile at this time, no matter how things develop, she has already earned it.

It doesn't matter even if you lose. After all, Western swordsmanship and Japanese swordsmanship are completely different types, and whoever wins or loses can be very controversial.

But Korean kendo is different from Japanese kendo, they belong to the same attribute, and this is the biggest point of controversy.

After knowing that the TV station had abandoned them, Roscoe Nitti began to save himself.

Thanks to the Internet age, everyone can be the focus and channel!

No matter what, she is sure to win!
(End of this chapter)

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