Chapter 555. 555. Mihaqi's Problem
The ambulance came, and so did the teachers.

The scene where the ambulance came to the school was so rare that it shocked the teachers of the school. After knowing everything, the teachers didn't know how to comment.

The school also knew about this match, but knocking everyone unconscious was a bit excessive, and the school must punish them accordingly.

But the other party is Yusuke Misawa, who is the most trouble-making man. He has many names: brave for righteousness, the champion of the Yulong Banner competition.

The most important thing is that several people have called from just now: the school must deal with it fairly, but more importantly, the rights of the students must be guaranteed.

There is someone behind this Yusuke Misawa!

Noya Mishima looked at Yusuke with a helpless expression on his face. He said yesterday that he would definitely win. He was very happy, but he didn't expect to do such a thing to him today. It was so difficult!

Looking at the helpless homeroom teacher, Yusuke smiled and said, "We won!"

Is this your way to win?
Mishima Noya opened his mouth, and finally nodded helplessly.

"Congratulations, then, don't do this again next time"

Yusuke nodded, he also understood the distress of the head teacher, and persuaded with a smile: "Next time I will get more medals, and I will make up for you, teacher."

Mishima Noya shook his hands, "Just stop making trouble!"

Yusuke was a little embarrassed, it seemed that the name of this troublemaker still fell on him after all.

The game only took one morning. After the ambulance left, everyone was ready to go back.

Xiangzi came over at this time and said, "Yusuke, you have done me a great favor, let me treat you to dinner."

Yusuke shook his head with a smile, "You still have club activities, don't bother."

"But..." Xiangzi felt a little sorry.

The Holy Son said at this time: "We are all friends, so there is no need to talk about this"

"Okay then." Xiangzi nodded and said, "If you have anything to do in the future, just say hello, we are all your best partners!"

Everyone said goodbye at the gate of the Kendo Club. Osamu Sakata had club activities for the Kendo Club, and Takashiro Mu also had club activities today. Let's go first. Only Yusuke, Seiko, and Eri were left at the scene.

Yusuke looked at the two and said, "I'm going to the studio, how about you?"

"Yusuke, I have something to ask you" Seiko said at this time.

"What's going on?"

"About Mihaqi, recently Mihaqi seems to have something on his mind"

"Let's take a look together"

"Who is Mihachi?" Eri asked at this moment, seeing the intimate conversation between the two, she couldn't get involved at all, and suddenly became a little anxious.

"Mihachi is my dog, husky." The Son said calmly, and added at the end: "Given to me by Yusuke."

Eri suddenly felt uncomfortable, and Yusuke was too kind to Seiko!
Yusuke felt that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit weird, and told him intuitively that they could not continue to communicate, and then said, "Eri, Seiko and I will go first."

"Wait a minute!" Eri shouted anxiously at this moment, I can't just let you go, you don't know where you are going to flirt with each other again, this is not possible!
"I'll go with you too!" Eri said, "It happens that I have nothing to do, so let's go with you."

Yusuke looked at Seiko, Seiko nodded calmly, "Then let's come together"

The three came to Sasaki's house together and found Mihaqi, who was lying on his stomach in the kennel.

"Mihaqi!" The Son greeted.

Hearing the voice of the Son, Hamich moved his ears, raised his dog's head, and ran over excitedly when he saw the Son.

After running dozens of steps, at this moment, with a leap on its hind legs, the whole dog flew over.

Although it is Mihazi, it still has the attributes of Erha.

The Son stretched out his arms and hugged it directly. Mihaqi stuck out his tongue and licked the Son's face excitedly.

"Okay, Mihaqi, don't lick my face." The Son put down Mihaqi and stroked its head, while Mihaqi walked back and forth excitedly around the Son.

At this time, it finally found Yusuke, recalled it for a while, and suddenly jumped towards Yusuke excitedly.

Still used this trick!
Yusuke smiled and hugged it.

"Woof (Yusuke, long time no see)"

"You still remember me, Mihachi" Yusuke said with a smile.

"Wow woof (Of course, my brain is very smart!)"

Mihaqi slobbered and shouted confidently.

Eri looked curiously at the two ears of this husky. These two ears are round, just like Mickey Mouse. Is it because of this that it is called Mihaqi?
This dog is so strange!

Yusuke played with Mihachi for a while, and Mihachi called out, "Wow woof (Yusuke, can I help you?)"

Yusuke was a little surprised, he didn't expect it to bring it up by itself, at this moment he touched its dog's head with a smile, and asked, "Mihaqi, do you have any questions?"

"Wow (my stuff is missing)"

"Your things are missing." Yusuke was a little surprised.

"Woof (my puppy is missing)"

Yusuke was very surprised. Could it be that Mihaqi was pregnant and then gave birth to a puppy, and the puppy was sent away?
Then he asked the Holy Son, and the Holy Son was even more surprised and shook his head, "No, Mihaqi has never been pregnant before."

Where did the puppy come from?
The two were communicating, while Eri next to her looked dazed.

Yusuke can communicate with dogs, what's the matter?

"Wait! Yusuke, can you communicate with dogs?" Eri asked suspiciously, her eyes were full of surprise, as if meeting Yusuke for the first time.

Yusuke nodded, Eri's eyes changed instantly, and he asked seriously, "Are you Deilu?"

"You think too much, it's just an ordinary skill"

Yusuke replied calmly, Seiko next to him also nodded in agreement.

Eri looked confused, is this a common skill?

How many secrets did Yusuke hide?

Damn, why do I feel like I don't really know Yusuke!

The husky has a limited IQ, and keeps saying that its puppy is missing. The Son also said that Mihaqi has never been pregnant or given birth to a puppy, so where did the puppy come from?

Yusuke pondered for a moment, then asked, "Who usually takes care of it?"

"When we were in school, we were usually taken care of by our mother at home." Shengzi realized at this moment, "Maybe I can get some useful information from my mother."

I found Sasaki Mikoto, said hello, and asked her about Mihachi's situation.

"Mihachi has always been very lively. I take him out for a walk every day. He is very obedient and nothing has happened to him."

"Then did you help it organize something recently? Or throw away something?" Yusuke asked.

Meiqin thought for a while and said, "Mihaqi likes to pick up some things from the outside and hide them in the dog house. When I helped him tidy up the dog house a few days ago, I did throw away some things."

Everyone is refreshed, and the answer is here.

(End of this chapter)

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