Chapter 556 556. Green Tea
"It should be a toy puppy." Toranojiro's voice came from the side at this moment.

He happened to go home, and when he heard what Yusuke and the others were saying, he walked over and told what happened a few days ago.

A few days ago, he took Mihachi for a walk outside, and picked up a doll on the road. I don’t know who dropped it, but Mihachi liked it very much, and kept biting it to play with. Torajiro didn’t care, so he let it Played with it all the time, then forgot about it.

It should be that Mihaqi hid in the kennel, and then the mother threw it away without knowing the situation.

And tidying up the garbage was done a few days ago, and it must have disappeared by now, so to make up for Mihaqi's wounded heart, I have to buy a new toy puppy.

At this moment, Shengzi asked, "Torajiro, do you know what that toy puppy looks like?"

"Let me look for it." Torajiro took out his phone and Googled it, and found a picture, "This is it!"

It was a husky doll.

Yusuke looked at it, confirmed the appearance, and said, "Then let's go now."

The three greeted each other and went out. They came to the commercial street, a toy store selling dolls. There were a lot of dolls here, and the types were complete.

Coming to this kind of place, both Seiko and Eri's eyes lighted up. This kind of soft and cute doll is irresistible to girls!
Yusuke quickly found the husky doll, but Eri and Seiko are still playing with the toy, and it seems that they won't be able to leave for a while.

Forget it, let's play with them.

"Handsome guy!" A woman's voice came from the side at this moment.

Yusuke turned his head, it was a woman in a sailor suit, with short dyed blonde hair, twinkling eyes, pretty blush on her face, and a sweet smile.

"Can you help me get the doll above?" The girl pointed to the doll above the cabinet and said, it was a Shiba Inu doll.

The girl is about 1 meters tall, and it is very difficult for her to get the doll above.

Yusuke reached out and took off the doll on it, and handed it to the other party, "Here you are"

"Thank you!" The girl smiled sweetly.

"You like husky dolls!" the girl said with a sweet smile, "I didn't expect boys to like playing with dolls too."

"I bought this for the family dog," Yusuke replied casually, he always felt that the girl's smile was weird, and there was an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

"You are also buying toys for the dog at home!" The girl looked surprised, "Me too, I guess you must have a husky, my family has a Pomeranian, let's take it together when we are free. Bring the dog out, let’s talk together.”

The girl looked at Yusuke with a smile on her face like a flower, her bright eyes were full of anticipation.

"No need!" Eri's voice came at this moment, the girl turned her head, and Seiko and Eri had already walked over.

The two looked at her calmly.

"The dog is mine, so you don't need to worry about it," Shengzi said calmly.

"It's okay." The girl smiled all over her face, "This handsome guy also likes dogs. Raising dogs is a lot of fun. We can communicate with each other."

"no need!"

Eri and Seiko stood next to Yusuke at this time, and said in a bad tone: "We are very busy and don't have time to play with you here."

"It looks like this" The girl looked a little disappointed, her eyes looked aggrieved, "Then we can talk when I have time"

At this time, Chao Yusuke showed an innocent, aggrieved, decent, and cute smile, waved his little hand, and left quickly.

"This damn green tea bitch!" Eri curled her lips with a look of displeasure.

These little bitches accidentally surrounded them like flies, it's really disgusting!

If you want to poach my corner, you want to be beautiful!
"Yusuke, why are you talking to her!" Eri looked at Yusuke and said unhappily, Seiko also looked at Yusuke coldly, she also needed an explanation.

"She asked me to help her get a dog doll just now. I didn't think too much about it, so I helped her get it."

"Then why are you still talking to her!"

Hearing this explanation, both Seiko and Eri were not very happy.

"I don't know that either," Yusuke smiled wryly.

No wonder I always feel that her smile is very strange, and that contrived breath rushes towards my face.

This is a green tea bitch!

"Hmph, next time you meet this kind of person, just ignore her. If you can't get something, there is a ladder over there, or just ask the clerk to get it. Don't worry about it so much!"

Eri yelled angrily.

Yusuke surrendered, "Okay, I get it, don't be angry"

Eri blushed instantly, "Who is angry!"

This reaction is so subtle!
At this time, Yusuke was startled, turned his head, and Seiko was looking at him calmly, but the little hand underneath was pinching Yusuke's waist.

Seiko was smiling, but Yusuke knew that Seiko was already jealous.

Well, now it's difficult.

Yusuke felt that he was really mean-spirited, and he would have ignored him if he had known earlier.

Looking at the angry two people, Yusuke had to find a topic to change immediately, and asked, "Eri, why were you so sure they would come over in the morning? Did you do something behind your back?"

The question was so good that it attracted the attention of both of them.

Eri replied: "I asked my family to help. They can't bully my friends, but they can't be fooled so easily."

"Then what do you do?" Yusuke continued to ask, although he didn't care, but in order to divert the two people's attention, he had to find something to talk about.

"This..." Eri hesitated, but after a while she made up her mind and said in a low voice: "My uncle has some relationship with some people on the road, and I will take care of them these two days."

"Aren't you afraid of the police?" Sheng Zi asked at this time, "After all, you are a foreigner."

"What about foreigners? This is Japan!" Eri replied confidently.

It's not that foreigners are great. People who don't have money or power are not valued anywhere.

The three of them chatted about other topics, and the atmosphere finally became less awkward.

After shopping, the three went back.

Walking on the road, I saw two little girls screaming nervously on the side of the road ahead.

The three of them were a little curious, so they walked over, and it turned out that three puppies were fighting.

It was a white Pomeranian and two little yellow dogs fighting, or in other words, a Pomeranian was beating two little yellow dogs.

Although this Pomeranian is petite in stature, it has a high aura and fights very fiercely.

And these two little girls should be the owners of the two little yellow dogs. Seeing the little yellow dogs being crushed and beaten was very distressing, but they didn't dare to step forward to stop them, so they had to cheer on them.

The three puppies fought together, and the scene was very chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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