Chapter 557

"Xiao Qi Xiao Ba, come on, don't lose to it!" The two little girls shouted nervously

Xiao Qi and Xiao Ba are obviously the two little yellow dogs, but no matter how much the little girls cheer up, they still can't change the fact.

Those two little yellow dogs were really too small, they were no match for the Pomeranian at all, they were beaten and whined, escaped back, and crawled into the arms of the two little girls with a look of grievance on their faces.

Bomei proudly raised her head, let out a cry, twisted her little buttocks and left.

"Don't run, I want to avenge Xiao Qi Xiao Ba!" A little girl stood up angrily and shouted loudly.

And this Pomeranian understood what she said, turned its head, opened its mouth and barked, its vicious look startled the little girl.

Hiromi is small, but very vicious!
The two little girls took a few steps back in an instant, and this Pomeranian got even closer, running towards them, and the two little girls screamed in fright.

This Pomeranian was extremely ferocious, with a leap of its calf, its body jumped up, and it opened its mouth, intending to bite a little girl's arm.

Then, its body stopped in mid-air.

Yusuke grabbed its neck with one hand and lifted it up.

It's okay to fight with the same kind, it's the dog's internal conflict, but it's okay to hurt humans!
This Pomeranian is very vicious, it is not afraid of being caught by Yusuke, instead it screams at Yusuke, its body twists and turns, struggling to jump off.

But this little power is just a drizzle for Yusuke.

Seeing that he couldn't get free, the Pomeranian barked wildly at Yusuke, drooling wildly.

"Wow woof (let go of me, you despicable human being)"

"Wow woof (I'll kill you!)"

"This dog should be a stray dog." Eri stared at the puppy and said, "It's so fierce, call someone to take it away, and it will be fine if it bites someone."

"Wow woof (You are the stray dog! You are the stray dog!)"

The Pomeranian turned its head at this moment, and barked wildly at Eri.

"This dog is so fierce!" Eri smiled indifferently.

"Are you all right!" Shengzi was comforting the two little girls at this moment, and the two little girls only realized it at this moment, feeling a little scared.

The Holy Son comforted me gently, and the little girls relaxed their fear. They nodded and said, "Thank you, sister!"

"If you have nothing to do, go back, leave it to your brothers and sisters, and don't fight with these stray dogs next time."

"We didn't fight, it was this dog who ran over suddenly, startled us, and even came to bite us, and then Xiao Qi Xiao Ba came out to save us," the little girls explained with some grievances.

"So that's how it is! Xiao Qi Xiao Ba is really good!" Sheng Zi praised with a smile.

The holy son's smile was very kind, and his gentle temperament made the two little girls relax. After a while, the two broke into tears and laughed.

The two little girls waved to Sheng Zi, "Thank you sister", and then left with the puppy.

"Holy Son, you are quite good at taking care of children," Eri said in surprise at this moment.

"I took care of my younger brother when I was young," Shengzi replied with a smile, "A well-behaved child like the two of them is easy to coax."

Eri looked at Seiko in surprise, in the impression that Seiko has always been expressionless, but when facing the two little girls, Seiko would show a gentle smile, that kind and gentle temperament even she was a little envious of, this temperament That's great!

Like this iceberg beauty, once it melts, its charm is very great!

"Yongsuke, what about this dog?" Seiko asked calmly at this moment, the smile on his face disappeared, this dog is not a good dog.

Eri also came back to her senses at this time, and said, "Yusuke, call someone to take it away."

The dog understood what the two said, and struggled desperately.

"Wow woof (I'm not a stray dog, I have an owner too)"

"Wow woof (let go of me, you three humans, I'm going to bite you to death!)"

Yusuke looked at it calmly, and said the last word to you, no matter what, he will send you to the stray dog ​​center, this kind of guy is definitely a scourge.

"Xiaomei!" A woman's voice came from behind at this moment, and Hiromi in Yusuke's hand heard the woman's voice at this time, and immediately became excited, screaming desperately, with a very wronged voice.

"Wow woof (Master, I'm here!)"

"Wow woof (hurry up and save me, I'm dying!)"

"Wow woof (this human hit me, I'm about to die!)"

Yusuke turned his head, and it was the girl whom he met in the toy store just now.

The girl was a little surprised when she saw the three of Yusuke, she smiled and waved her hands, "Handsome, we meet again."

It turns out that this guy is its owner!
The faces of Eri and Seiko became serious. The owner is a green tea whore, and the pets he raises are not good things.

"Did you save my puppy?" The girl came over at this moment and said softly, looking at Yusuke with gratitude.

"Wow woof (master, save me quickly, I'm going to bite him to death!)"

"Thank you so much, Xiaomei accidentally ran away just now, I can't find it, I didn't expect to be rescued by you"

"Wow woof (Hurry up and save me, I'm going to bite him to death!)"

"Xiaomei's personality is very gentle and she has always been honest. I don't know if she will be bullied by other dogs. I am very worried that she is gone." The girl showed a scared expression.

"Wow woof (I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill him!)"

"I didn't expect to be saved by you, this must be our fate!" The girl smiled all over her face, and her eyes were full of admiration and gratitude when she looked at Yusuke.

One person and one dog, the two voices complement each other, and Yusuke couldn't help but praise: "Girl, good acting skills!"
"Your dog was going to bite someone just now, and you're an honest dog!" Eri yelled angrily. To a certain extent, Eri also had the attributes of a straight girl, and she was born to be at odds with this kind of green tea bitch.

"Impossible!" The girl was shocked, "My dog ​​is so good, how could he bite people! He is usually a vegetarian!"

At this time, Bomei also understood what the master said, and cried out aggrievedly.

"Wow woof (Master, I'm being bullied, I'm being bullied)"

What a scheming dog!
It really opened Yusuke's eyes!

"What does eating a vegetarian have to do with biting?" Eri asked angrily, "You should take care of the dog that bites, and don't let it run around outside!"

"Did I do something wrong?" The girl looked aggrieved, "I just want Xiaomei to breathe the air freely, is there something wrong?"

At this moment, he looked at Yusuke aggrievedly, "Did I do something wrong?"

Eri laughed angrily at her words, and even Seiko couldn't help it, how could this person make green tea to such an extent!

"Enough!" Yusuke stopped the quarrel between the two, if the quarrel continued, Eri was about to hit someone,
"Remember to bring the leash next time you walk the dog!" Yusuke said in a cold tone.

The owners of the dogs all showed up, and he couldn't handle it well.

"Thank you" the girl said with a crying voice, "Although I don't know what I did wrong, I still have to admit my mistake, I'm sorry"

(End of this chapter)

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