Chapter 558
"Forget it," Yusuke said calmly, "The person you should apologize to is not me, but the two little girls bitten by this dog."

The girl still wanted to quibble, but Yusuke reached out to stop her at this moment.

"Stop talking anymore, if you say any more, my friend will beat you up"

Eri next to her was gearing up, with an unhappy expression on her face, no matter how much she talked to these green tea bitches, it would be more practical to beat her up, this kind of person would not gain much knowledge without a beat up!
The girl shut up instantly. Although green tea belongs to green tea, she still understands the situation. This person seems not to be fooled!

Cut, I wasted so much effort.

But just leaving like this, I always feel too ashamed.

And she had an intuition that this man must be very valuable!

This is her experience!

Try again, there must be a way to make him change his attitude!
The girl suddenly showed an expression of grievance, her eyes were red, and she said in a crying voice: "I don't know what misunderstanding you have about me, I just..."...

Before she could finish her sentence, a fist hit her fiercely, hitting her nose directly.

Severe pain came, and the girl burst into tears.

The next moment, the girl covered her face in pain, and looked at the girl in front of her in horror.

This guy hit someone!
Did something go wrong?
She had never been beaten before, but was beaten by this guy?

In an instant, the girl's expression became ferocious!
What elegance, what decency, what grievances, all disappeared at this moment, only one thought, the old lady wants to kill her!

At this time, the girl rushed towards her like a vicious dog, completely different from the flimsy look just now.

But she is not facing ordinary people, she is facing Eri.

Eri has developed athletic nerves. When she was in the first grade, she singled out all the clubs, whether it was the art club or the sports club, she tried them all. It can be said that she is both civil and military!

The next scene was a completely unilateral beating!
The girl was completely powerless to fight back.

But this guy was also very clever, after being punched a few times, he immediately realized that he was not someone she could provoke, and immediately threw the Hiromi in his hand, and Eri was taken aback.

He actually used a hidden weapon!

The Pomeranian was also taken aback by this situation, and screamed in horror.

At this moment, a hand reached out and grabbed Hiromi in the air.

Yusuke shook his head, not knowing how to comment on this guy's behavior.

Only then did Eri come back to her senses, heaved a sigh of relief, and turned to look for the girl, but the girl had already run away.

This guy is unreliable, he doesn't even want a dog!

Eri tried to catch up, but was stopped by Yusuke.

"Forget it, you punched her a few times"

It would be too ugly to catch up.

Eri just gave up.

Seiko looked at the Pomeranian in Yusuke's hand at this moment, and asked, "What about this dog?"

Although the dog was abandoned by her owner, it was still very arrogant and kept barking at Yusuke and the others.

This guy is really not afraid of death!
Yusuke took out his mobile phone directly, "Call someone to collect it."

A biting dog like this must be disposed of!

After a while, people from the stray dog ​​treatment center came, and Yusuke told the story of the dog biting people. The people from the stray dog ​​center looked very serious, saying that dogs that bite people are absolutely not allowed, and must be dealt with!
Bomei was locked in the cage, and the car from the Stray Dog Center left soon.

The three of Yusuke also left, and not far away, the girl looked at them unwillingly.

She saw the people in the stray dog ​​center and saw Pomeranian being taken away. She was very angry, but she didn't dare to stand up.

She still remembers the way Eri beat people just now, these people are not to be messed with!

Miscalculation, I didn't expect that this handsome guy would not take the bait, and he was beaten for nothing, and even Xiaomei was taken away.

Well, Xiaomei is not important, just buy another one.

But, being beaten up is not enough!
Especially when the opponent's fists are always greeting his face.

The girl touched her face, her face was a little red and swollen, fortunately she dodged quickly, otherwise she would have had two more panda eyes.

This guy has no martial arts, didn't he say he was good at hitting people but not in the face!

Damn it, this hatred must be avenged!
The girl quietly followed behind him from a distance, and finally watched them enter a big house.

Is that right here?
Looking at this huge house, the girl was a little surprised, it turned out to be a child of a rich family!
This is better!

The girl took out her mobile phone, called up the address book, looked at the hundreds of numbers on it, and thought about it.

Who should I turn to?

That uncle last night?No, it's just an ordinary uncle. Although he has money, he has no influence, so he can't handle such a thing.

A gangster on the road?No way, these people are too greedy, and they won't get a dime by then.

Are you the head of the school?No, those guys don't have the guts to pick up girls, but not fight at all?

Who should I turn to?
By the way, the girl remembered at this time, the last time the party, the best friend brought her boyfriend, I heard that he is a speeder, that guy seems to be interested in her, maybe he can help, I left one last time As for the phone, just look for him.

The girl called, and soon the call was connected.

The girl felt wronged and complained to the other party.

After a while, the girl showed a happy smile, and the matter was settled!
On the other side, the three of Yusuke returned to Sasaki's house, Seiko took Mihachi to play, and Yusuke took the opportunity to put the toy puppy in the dog house.

After a while, Shengzi came back with the dog, and Mihaqi returned to the dog house, and then there was an excited bark, and it ran out of the hut biting the toy puppy, wagging its tail non-stop, very happy.

Mihaqi's matter is settled!
At noon, the three of them had dinner at Sasaki's house, but Eri was very upset.

At the dinner table, Yusuke and Seiko seemed like a family, happy and harmonious, which made her a little envious, but also a little bit heartbroken!

This is her ideal life!

But I didn't expect that the Holy Son had already achieved this achievement, and the progress was too fast!
No, I have to think of a way.

"I'll go to the studio later," Yusuke said at this time.

"Then I'll go with you," said the Holy Son, "I haven't been there for a long time, let's go and see everyone."

"I happen to be fine, I'll go play with you guys" Eri continued immediately.

She was already behind, and she couldn't miss the opportunity at this time, she had to press every step of the way.

Yusuke was a little hesitant, always feeling that something was going to happen, but it was not easy to refuse, so he nodded.

The three of them set off together after resting at Sasaki's house for a while, but soon, an accident happened.

Walking on the road, the three of them were surrounded by several motorcycles.

(End of this chapter)

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