Chapter 559 559. Eri's Sister

Revenge came so fast!
Seeing the proud look of the girl sitting behind the motorcycle, they knew what was going on.

The girl smiled happily, and asked her best friend's boyfriend to come out, and she had to accompany him tonight, but it was nothing to the girl, the most important thing was that she got back the lost face.

She wants to see that little bitch kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

But the imagined situation didn't happen. The three of them didn't have the panic they imagined. Instead, they looked calm, especially the girl who beat someone, but showed a disdainful smile.

That's right, disdain!

This guy is so stubborn when he is about to die!

"Are these people the ones who hurt you, Sakura?"

A burly man with long hair and sunglasses got out of the car and said in a rough voice.

He looked around the crowd, and was a little surprised to see Seiko and Eri.

I didn't expect it to be two beauties!
Suddenly a lewd smile appeared on his face!

I was lucky today. My girlfriend's best friend called him, crying and begging him for help. He had seen that girl before, and she was the kind who wanted to hold her down as soon as she saw it.

He agreed on the condition that he would spend the night with him tonight.

There's no reason not to eat this kind of meat delivered to your door!

It's absolutely easy to teach three students a lesson, but I didn't expect these two female students to be so beautiful.

He has seen a lot of female students, but such a beautiful one is unique, her appearance is even better than the girls around her, and her temperament is so good!

He changed his mind, he wants these two too!
As for the little boy next to him, just beat him up.

"It's that bitch!" The girl pointed at Eri and shouted, her tone full of complacency.

The man winked at the younger brothers around him, who immediately understood and surrounded him one by one.

There have been so many dramas like this recently!
Yusuke had a helpless look on his face, isn't he unlucky recently?This happens all the time.

"Seiko, Eri, you two stand behind, I'll take care of them." Yusuke stood up, his tone very calm.

"Do you want to help?" Eri asked at this moment, she is not a woman who is powerless.

"No need" Yusuke replied calmly, "Give me 1 minute"

"Then let me count down for you." Eri didn't think it was a big deal, so she picked up her phone and prepared to count down.

Yong's voice was not concealed, and everyone heard it.

The men all laughed triumphantly, it's been a long time since they met such an arrogant kid.

That kid was so arrogant last time, but he knelt on the ground and begged them.

Yusuke flexed his fist, ready to strike.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of brakes, and three vans suddenly stopped around, surrounding everyone.

A dozen strong men in black got out of the van, and rushed towards the men without saying a word.

This group of people appeared too fast, before the men could react, they were already knocked down on the ground.

The three of Yusuke were a little surprised, the development of this matter was too sudden!
It's as if the painting style has changed suddenly, making them unable to react.

At this moment, a stretched car slowly drove over, the window was rolled down, and a woman was sitting in the car, looking at this side calmly.

It was a very beautiful woman, with long black hair coiled on her head, green eyebrows and light makeup, very feminine, but the woman's eyes were very sharp, and her aura was very domineering. High momentum.

Yusuke has a strong sense of déjà vu, the appearance of this woman is exactly the same as Yukino's appearance!
"Sister!" Eri exclaimed in surprise.

Both Yusuke and Seiko were a little surprised. At this time, they looked at the woman again, and they were indeed somewhat similar to Eri.

The difference is that Eri's expression is full of vitality, while this woman is more mature and more powerful.

Is this Eri's sister?
Yusuke recalled the previous rumors that Eri's sister is a very domineering person who has a strong desire to control Eri.

These people are not always around to protect Eri, right?
Eri ran over and chatted with her sister by the car.

The surrounding strong men in black had already pushed the men into the car, and even dragged the girl up together. The girl resisted a little at first, but after being beaten up by them, she immediately became honest.

The locomotives on the ground were also driven away by the brawny men. Within 5 minutes, all the brawny men in black and the men on the locomotive disappeared.

The scene was restored to its original appearance.

This familiar style is exactly the same as Yukino's style of doing things. Does the domineering president like to do this?
"Sister, why are you here?" Eri asked in surprise.

"Just passing by here, I saw you walking on the road surrounded by people, so I came here."

The woman replied calmly, her eyes glanced at Yusuke and Seiko, it was a kind of scrutiny.

But he quickly withdrew his eyes and focused on his sister.

"I think it's better to have a bodyguard for you."

"No need." Eri shook her head, she wouldn't be so stupid, wouldn't she be so stupid to have a bodyguard to monitor her, after finally gaining three years of free time, she wouldn't be so stupid and fall into the trap!

"Then what will you do next time you encounter such a thing?" the woman said calmly.

Eri is a little nervous, she knows her sister's character, if she can't be persuaded, she will intervene forcefully, she doesn't care if you agree or not.

"I have Yusuke to protect me, no need"


The boy's name, the woman immediately looked at Yusuke, her eyes full of scrutiny.

Facing the other person's gaze, Yusuke smiled calmly and nodded in greeting.

"It's handsome, but it's useless," the woman said calmly.

Eri was a little angry at this time, "Yusuke is the one who won the Jade Dragon Banner champion, so is Seiko, and I am also, the three of us are members of the same club, we have the ability to protect ourselves, sister, stop talking !"

The woman looked at Eri calmly, and Eri looked at her without hesitation.

Finally, a woman's voice came.

"That's fine, but next time I encounter this situation, I will terminate the previous agreement"

Eri breathed a sigh of relief.

Since they are two sisters, since she was a child, her elder sister's shadow has always shrouded her, and she can't resist her at all.

The only time she resisted was two years ago when she won three years of freedom.

"Do you want to go home? Let's go together now," the woman said.

Eri opened her mouth to say something, but under her sister's calm eyes, Eri had no choice but to nod.

At this time, he came over and greeted Yusuke and the two.

"My sister is here to pick me up, I'm leaving first"

Both Yusuke and Seiko nodded.

Soon, the black car left.

(End of this chapter)

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