The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 560 Chapter 560. I won't stop you

Chapter 560 Chapter 560. I won't stop you
This is the first time for Yusuke to see Eri's sister, and the impression is very deep. There is no doubt that this kind of high-ranking aura is the real master. Just like Yukino, they are real wealthy nobles. Talent is the top dignitaries in this island nation.

"Is Eri okay?" Seiko asked at this time, "She looks very afraid of her sister, won't she be punished when she goes back?"

A child from a wealthy family like this is very particular about family literacy, and it is not a good move to provoke gangsters outside.

"Probably not!" Yusuke thought for a while, then shook his head, "I heard from Ritsuko that Eri's older sister is very strict with her, but she really cares about Eri, so it shouldn't be."

However, Yusuke always felt a bad premonition in his heart, and always felt that something troublesome happened.

Luck is really bad these days!

Yusuke was thinking about whether to go to the shrine to pray and get rid of his bad luck.

On the other side, in the car, Eri and her sister were sitting in the carriage, the two sisters were silent without speaking.

Eri put one hand on the side of the car window, watching the scenery outside the window.

"What's the matter? Is the angry sister taking you away?" The woman's calm voice came.

"No, I was just thinking about something." Eri replied, and she realized at this moment that she accidentally slipped her mouth just now, and hoped that her sister would not notice.

But the odds are slim!
"Thinking about that boy"

The hair on Eri's body stood on end, and she looked at her sister in horror.

It was indeed discovered!

Is my sister going to attack Yusuke?
With my sister's desire to control, the chances are very high!
That's not okay!That was my first love!How can I be at your disposal!
"Sure enough!" the woman sighed.

It was only then that Eri realized that her behavior was too obvious just now, and she reacted immediately after being so stimulated by her sister, this is terrible!
"I won't stop you!"

Eri's expression was stunned. She had already conceived a bloody drama in her mind, but she didn't expect her sister's words to be completely different from what she imagined!
Sister won't stop?It's not like her sister!Is my sister sick?

"You're not too young," came the elder sister's voice.

Only then did Eri heave a sigh of relief, she didn't expect her sister to be quite open-minded in this regard, and her expression suddenly became a little happy.

"It's okay to play occasionally"

Eri's smile froze, and then she shouted angrily: "My relationship is not just for fun!"

The woman looked at Eri and suddenly laughed.

Her smile was very beautiful. In Eri's memory, her sister always had a sullen face, and it was very rare for her to show a smile like this.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Eri choked for a moment and opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer.

"Anyway, it's my business, sister don't interfere!" Eri finally shouted angrily.

The woman didn't answer or deny it, which made Eri's mood fluctuate.

"There is still one year to go," the woman said at this time.

Eri suddenly had an idea, and she almost forgot that there was only one year left, and after one year, she would return home and accept the family's arrangement.

Thinking of this, Eri's mood suddenly became heavy, so what about her love affair?

After understanding her sister's expression, the woman said calmly: "I won't stop you, enjoy this year, but there is a line that you must not cross"

Eri reacted instantly, her face turned red, and she shouted angrily, "I'm not that kind of person!"

"I believe, but the other party is not necessarily"

"Yusuke is not that kind of person"

"Hehe, man"

The conversation between the sisters ended unhappy.

At the door of the house, Eri immediately got out of the car and walked home, feeling very bad.

The woman was walking behind, and the assistant in the co-pilot's seat came over at this moment.

"Investigate that man." The woman's calm voice came, and the assistant nodded slightly.

On the other side, Yusuke and Seiko came to the studio. Seiko was here last time, and everyone already knew each other.

"Yusuke, how was the result of the competition?" Rie asked curiously, and everyone else looked over, especially Kimura Satomi and Sanzhiin Soka, who were more concerned about the result of the competition.

Yusuke smiled lightly, and recounted what happened in the morning. Everyone was a little surprised, and then his face was full of joy.

Sure enough, the boss is the strongest!

Kimura Satomi and Sanchiin Souka looked at each other and confirmed their thoughts. It's time to make a decision!

Everyone celebrated briefly, and soon got into work.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, everyone went home from get off work.

Saying goodbye to each other at the door, Yusuke and Yui walked together on the way home.

"Yuyi, I won, so the reward you said in the morning should be honored"

Yusuke looked at Yui with a smile, Yui blushed a little, and whispered: "Since you won, I will fulfill my promise."

"Then tomorrow, let's go play together"

"Yeah." Youyi nodded slightly, her face blushing.

Looking at Yui who blushed, Yusuke was in a good mood.

Saying goodbye at the door, Yuyi returned home, took a deep breath, and immediately covered her face.

The heart beats so fast!
It's a date tomorrow!
Really been waiting!

A smile appeared on Yui's face.

By the way, I have to prepare clothes for tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Yui immediately ran back to the room, and started digging through the closet, taking out all the clothes, and competing with each other on her body.

"elder sister!"

Xiao Ye's excited voice came, and she ran into the room at this moment, holding up the test paper in her hand, and shouted excitedly.

"Sister, look, I got 99 points!"

With a smug smile on Saya's face, she looked at Yuyi expectantly.

"Xiaoye is really amazing!" Yuyi smiled and touched Xiaoye's head.

"Disneyland!" Saya exclaimed excitedly.

Only then did Yuyi remember the previous promise, it's too bad.

At Misawa's house, Yusuke looked at the excited Aiyi in front of him.

At this moment, Aiyi held up the test paper in her hand, with full marks on the test coupon.

Yusuke smiled and encouraged, and then Aiyi excitedly proposed the previous promise: Disneyland.

Crashed with tomorrow's date!
Yusuke was suddenly troubled.

Finally decided, come together!
Yusuke called Yui after telling his excited younger sister to prepare things.

Both of them had the same distress, and they quickly reached an agreement that we will handle this matter together tomorrow.
"Sorry" Yusuke said apologetically, the rare date was ruined.

"It doesn't matter," Youyi replied with a smile. Although her younger sister's joining made her a little disappointed, it's not bad to think about it carefully.

Tomorrow, she will be alone with Yusuke, and she will also be very nervous. If Yusuke makes excessive demands, Yui doesn't even know what to do?

What exactly is consent?Or should I agree?Or should I agree?
Yusuke felt a little sorry and said, "Then let's go on a date alone next time."

"Good" Yui's mood is both nervous and happy!

(End of this chapter)

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