Chapter 561. Reality

Looking at the familiar anime images, Saya and Aiyi were very excited, and ran around as soon as they entered the scene.

Today is the day to go to Disneyland!
Disneyland is a very popular tourist destination, with many tourists and lively noises everywhere, Yusuke and Yui followed closely behind the two children to prevent them from getting lost.

Carousel, pirate ship, bumper cars, spinning cups, a group of four had a great time.

Aiyi and Xiaoye were very excited, after playing for two or three hours, they were still full of energy.

"Let's take a rest first," Yusuke said, and they took a rest on the chairs next to them.

Although it was still winter, the two little girls were sweating from playing, Yui was helping them wipe off their sweat, and Yusuke was going to buy drinks.

"Here you are!" Yusuke smiled and handed over the drink.

Everyone took a cup, took a sip, and the cold drink entered the mouth, and the spirit instantly recovered.


A familiar female voice came from the side.

Yusuke turned his head and saw a familiar figure in front of him.

The freelance artist, Nanako Hirano, was looking at Yusuke with surprise.

"Hello, Miss Hirano," Yusuke greeted.

Nanako Hirano walked over happily, Yui and the three girls were a little surprised, Saya and Aiyi immediately started gossiping, this is a girl they have never seen before.

"Misawa-kun, I didn't expect to meet you here!" Nanako Hirano said happily, seeing Yui and the others, she nodded with a smile, and Yui also nodded in response.

"Miss Hirano, are you here alone to play?"

"Yeah, come get some inspiration"

Yusuke was a little curious, "Literary and artistic creators like you, don't you need a quiet place to find inspiration?"

"Everyone has different habits. I like to observe subtle things from various angles." Nanako Hirano replied with a smile, "I won't bother you guys, let's chat when I have time."


The two sides waved and said goodbye to each other.

"Yusuke, who is she?" Yui asked a little jealously.

Yusuke knows too many girls!Before she knew it, this guy met a girl again, and this guy was too good at attracting bees and butterflies.

Thinking of this, the jealousy in Youyi's heart exploded, her little mouth almost pouted.

Seeing Yuyi who was jealous, Yusuke explained the process of their acquaintance, Yuyi suddenly realized, and the jealousy in his heart disappeared immediately.

That's how it is!

However, seeing Yusuke's satisfied eyes, Yui immediately reacted, his face turned red, and then he became angry from embarrassment.

This guy did it on purpose!definitely is!

At this time, he stretched out his hand and pinched Yusuke's waist, and asked angrily, "You guy did it on purpose!"

"What on purpose, I don't know what you're talking about"

"Don't play dumb!"

Yui's small hand grabbed it, and Yusuke dodged in an instant.

"Don't hide, let me deal with you!"

"Kids here, watch the impact"

Only then did Yuyi react, and withdrew her palm.

Only then did Xiaoye and Aiyi retract their gazes with regret, and there was no good show to watch.

After lunch, everyone continued to play. In the afternoon, there was a drama performance, which was also the favorite part of the children.

There are many children here in the Grand Theater, basically parents with children.

Surprisingly, they met Nanako Hirano again here. Both of them were a little surprised. The amusement park is so big that they could meet twice. It was really fate.

"Are you also here to watch the show?" Nanako Hirano asked with a smile.

"Bringing my sister and her friends over here" Yusuke gestured to the two little girls.

"Is this lady your girlfriend?" Nanako looked at Yuyi with a smile on her face, Yuyi blushed a little and did not refute.

"This one is my childhood sweetheart Miyajima Yui, the one next to her is her younger sister Saya, and this one is my younger sister Aiyi"

The two got to know each other.

"I didn't expect Miss Hirano to like watching this kind of program too." Yui was a little surprised, this kind of young program is usually watched by parents with children, adults like Nanako Hirano rarely watch it.

"This is my hobby." Nanako said with a smile, "I have liked this kind of relatively young things since I was a child."

"Are all literary and artistic creators like this?" After knowing the other party's occupation, Yuyi was very curious. The occupation of a painter sounds too lofty.

"No, everyone has different interests. It may have something to do with what I draw. I draw children's picture books"

"Oh, what is Miss Hirano doing?"

Nanako Hirano said with some embarrassment: "Well, I have just entered the industry, so I don't have any yet."

"It doesn't matter." Yuyi said with a smile, "Everyone starts from scratch, and it is a great thing to be able to move towards their ideals."

The three of them were talking, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The performance started, and everyone stopped chatting and started watching.

Although it is a program for young children, the performance is also very interesting, and everyone watched it with gusto.

After watching the performance, everyone said goodbye again.

"Yusuke, do you think Miss Hirano can succeed?" Yui asked at this moment.

Yusuke was a little surprised, "Why do you say that?"

"It's just a little emotional," Yuyi replied, she had a lot of exchanges with Nanako Hirano just now, and gained a lot of knowledge.

To become a successful painter, it takes at least 10 years to have a foundation, but most of them are unknown, which makes him very emotional.

"I feel that ideals are getting farther and farther away from us, and now there are fewer and fewer people who can stick to their ideals"

Indeed, only elementary school students have ideals. When they reach middle school, everyone begins to recognize the reality, and very few can realize their ideals.

"Yuyi, what is your ideal?" Yusuke asked at this time.

"My ideal?" Yui hesitated, "When I was young, I wanted to be a policeman and bring justice to justice."

Yusuke was a little surprised, he didn't expect Yui's ideal to be this.

"I don't think I've seen you work hard," Yusuke asked strangely.

"Nowhere!" Youyi gave him a white look, "When I was young, my grades were always very good, and my athletic performance was also very strong. I have been working hard."

Yusuke remembered that Yui seemed to be like this when he was a child, and now he smiled and said: "Then you are not bad now!"

"But I don't really want to be a policeman anymore"


"I don't know, maybe I've changed." Yui shook her head.

"It's true that people change"

"What about you? What is your ideal?" Yui asked with a smile, "A brave man or a demon king?"

"Why these two?" Yusuke asked a little strangely.

"When you were in elementary school, you wanted to be a hero. When you were in junior high school, you wanted to be a devil king. Now that you are in high school, what do you want to be?"

Yusuke was in a cold sweat, you still remember this dark history clearly!

"I want to make money"

"What a vulgar dream!"

"That's right, I'm just a layman!"

"Brother, I also want to make money!" Aiyi said excitedly beside her.

Yusuke and Yui suddenly laughed, "Aiyi, you can have better dreams"

"But" Aiyi thought for a while, "Where there is no money, there is no dream."

This is so realistic!

Neither Yusuke nor Yui could refute.

"Me too!" Xiao Ye said quickly.

"Xiaoye, don't you want to be a cartoonist?" Aiyi looked at her strangely, Xiaoye hesitated, and said seriously: "I want to make money, I want to be a cartoonist, I want them all!"

"Okay!" Yusuke smiled, "No matter what the ideal is, let's work towards it together!"

(End of this chapter)

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