Chapter 562 562. It’s Snowing

The new week begins again.

After getting up and brushing his teeth, Yusuke got dressed and came downstairs, said hello to his mother, and then found that his sister was not here.

"Mom, isn't Aiyi up yet?" Yongsuke sat on his seat while talking, the four of them played very late yesterday, the two children had a great time playing, they should be very tired today, and said Maybe still sleeping.

"Aiyi has a cold!" Mom came out of the kitchen at this time, and looked at Yusuke with some blame, "Yesterday you played so crazy! Aiyi woke up this morning with a low-grade fever, and now she is still sleeping in bed."

Yusuke was a little surprised, but also a little worried. He stood up and said, "I took a look."

In Aiyi's room, Aiyi was lying on the bed, her face was reddish, and there was a cooling sticker on her forehead. She was sleeping in a daze, and she didn't even know that Yusuke had entered the room.

In a daze, she felt someone put a hand on her forehead and opened her eyes slightly.

"Brother!" Aiyi's voice was weak, and he looked haggard, which made Yusuke a little distressed.

"Aiyi, rest more, drink more water, and take medicine"

"Okay, brother, Dad told me this morning"

"Well, Aiyi, you are the most obedient, get well soon, brother will take you to eat delicious food"


"When did brother lie to you?"

"Great, then I want my brother to make it for me."

"Okay, get well soon"

Yusuke helped her cover the quilt and left the room lightly.

Seeing Yusuke who was a little worried, mother comforted: "Don't worry, I will watch Aiyi today"

Yusuke nodded, but his mood was still a little tangled.

Mom smiled and said, "You look just like Dad. Dad doesn't want to go to work in the morning. Aiyi just has a mild low-grade fever. It's not that serious. Take some medicine and take a rest. Instead, it's you. Pay attention to your health."

Yusuke nodded, he was finally able to understand his father's feelings a little bit.

After eating and going out, Yui hurried out after waiting at Miyajima's house for a long time.

"Sorry, Xiaoye was sick this morning, and it was hard to put her to sleep"

"Saya also caught a cold?" Yusuke was a little surprised.

"Ai Yi too?"

"I probably played too late yesterday. This kind of weather is the easiest way to catch a cold. My mother told me to pay more attention."

The two walked towards the school while chatting.

At this time, dots of white fell from the sky, little by little, dancing in the air.

"It's snowing?" Yusuke was a little surprised, he stretched out his palm, and the white snowflakes fell on the palm and disappeared soon.

"It's snowing!" Youyi's eyes lit up, she stretched out her hand, and spun around in the air. White snowflakes fell on her arm and slowly disappeared.

"It's snowing!" Yui exclaimed excitedly.

It was snowing, which was a happy thing, and the two of them were a little depressed, and they were much more cheerful.

The weather is still gloomy, but snowing is a completely different feeling. Pedestrians on the road slow down, feeling the first snow in early winter.

The two came to the school, and the students were a little excited. The first snow this year finally came, and everyone was discussing whether to go to the snowball fight.

"Yusuke!" Sakata Osamu walked over excitedly, "It's snowing, I don't know how heavy the snow is today, can we have a snowball fight?
"Probably not enough." Yusuke looked out of the window, a little white snowflakes fell from the sky, ethereal, very beautiful.

This is the first snowfall in early winter. The snow is not very big. When it falls on the ground, the snowflakes disappear quickly. It may take two or three more snowfalls to pile up the white snow layer.

"It's snowing, it's really exciting!" Gao Chengmu also looked excited.

The three discussed and went to have a snowball fight when the snow was thick.

Snowing is a new topic and a new activity. Yusuke has received many invitations from clubs and Jessica. Everyone met with him to celebrate the first snow in early winter, but Yusuke rejected them all.

Yusuke's answer was that his sister was sick, so he went back to accompany her.

We are sorry, but we also understand this.

After school was over in the afternoon, everyone greeted each other, and then went their separate ways. Those who went to clubs went to clubs, and those who should go home went home. Yusuke picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the school gate.


Rie's voice came from behind, Yusuke stopped, and the two met.

"Yusuke, are you going to the studio now?" Rie asked at this moment.

Yusuke shook his head, "I promised my sister that I will go back to accompany her."

"What happened to Sister Aiyi?"

Yusuke explained, and Rie understood.

"By the way, where's Yui?"

Yusuke didn't see Yui's figure, a little strange.

Both of them are very good friends and often act together.

"Yuyi made an appointment with friends in middle school to go to a party today"

Yusuke nodded, everyone has their own life.

The direction of the two is the same, so they walk together.

Today's snow was not very heavy, and it stopped at noon. The snow in the morning had already turned into water, and the road was very slippery. The two of them were walking on the road, and their shoes were a little wet after a while.

When they reached the intersection, the two had to say goodbye, the studio was on the left, and Yusuke's home was on the right.

Rie waved her hand and said, "Yusuke, see you tomorrow!"

At this time, a small car drove by quickly, splashing muddy water.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Yusuke pulled Rie to avoid the splashing sewage, but the lower bodies of the two were still splashed with muddy water, and the car left quickly, ignoring them.

"Really, that guy is so rude!" Rie said angrily, seeing the muddy water on her body, she felt a little disgusted.

The pantyhose was splashed wet, even the shoes were wet, how could I go to the studio like this!

At this time the mood is very bad.

And Yusuke's trousers were also covered with muddy water, wet and uncomfortable, and even in a bad mood.

This month's luck is very bad. It seems that I have to take some time to go to the shrine to pray and go to the bad luck.

Rie sneezed at this moment, and the cold pants stuck to her body made her feel cold and her body shivered.

Yusuke said at this time: "Why don't you go to my house and change your clothes, you can't do things in the studio like this."

"Would that be too convenient?" Rie was a little surprised and a little nervous.

"It's okay, everyone is so familiar"

Even so, Rie didn't refuse.

The two came to Misawa's house and stood at the door, Rie was a little nervous at this moment.

I've come to Yongsuke's house two or three times already, and this is the first time I've come to visit alone. Could my parents and aunts have misunderstood something?
But looking at his own appearance, he shook his head again.

I was thinking wildly again.

Not thinking so much, Rie followed Yusuke into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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