Chapter 563 563. Cold
Yusuke brought Rie to the house, but unexpectedly, they saw Aiyi in the living room, she was wrapped in a quilt and sitting on the sofa watching TV, and they were a little surprised to see Yusuke.

Yusuke was startled, walked over quickly, and asked with concern: "Aiyi, why are you here watching TV alone?"

"Mom went shopping, and I was alone at home. I was a little bored, so I came out to watch TV"

Yusuke touched her forehead with his hand, and he was relieved that the fever was gone.

"Brother, my fever has subsided," Aiyi said happily.

Yusuke smiled, "The fever is gone, but you still have to pay attention to your body, if you are not careful, it will recur."

"But I'm so boring in the room by myself!" Ai Yi said with her mouth flattened.

Although she can play with her mobile phone, she still finds it difficult to accept the loneliness of being alone. She ran out of the room, turned on the TV, and let the house have more sound.

Yusuke touched her head with some distress, "Brother will accompany you today?"

Ai Yi suddenly showed a happy smile.

Li Hui also came over at this time, and asked with concern: "Sister Aiyi, are you okay?"

"Sister Lihui!" Aiyi greeted with a smile, "I'm already healthy." At this time, he saw the dirt on Lihui's body, and then found that his brother's body was also covered with mud. He was a little surprised and asked: "Brother, sister, you What's wrong?"

"Accidentally splashed all over with water just now," Yusuke explained, "Ai Yi, you rest here first, brother and sister go to change clothes first."

Yusuke greeted, brought Rie to the room, and took out a set of sportswear.

"Sorry, Rie, there are only my clothes here, so just make do with it"

"It's okay" Rie replied with a smile, took the clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

Looking at Yusuke's clothes, Rie suddenly looked forward to it, this is Yusuke's clothes, it smells like Yusuke.

For a moment Rie thought of something, her face turned red, but she quickly shook her head, I was thinking about something!
Yusuke has a large figure, and his clothes look very loose on Rie's body, but Rie is beautiful, and the loose clothes show a unique sense of beauty.

Rie came to the first floor, Yusuke was busy in the kitchen, it was so cold, he was cooking something warm to warm up.

Rie came to the living room and sat with Aiyi, who looked at her with a smile.

To some extent, Aiyi is a very precocious child, she can see that this sister is interested in her brother.

My brother is amazing!
I don't know which one my brother will choose, but she personally prefers sister Yuyi, there is no reason, everyone is more familiar.

For Yusuke's younger sister, Rie also loves the house.

This is my sister-in-law, so I have to establish a good relationship!
One big and one small are communicating, and the relationship is very harmonious.

After a while, Yusuke came in with some drinks.

Aiyi smelled the sweet smell, and asked expectantly: "Brother, what delicious food did you cook?"

"Ginger Coke!" Yusuke smiled and handed the sugar water to the two.

Aiyi took a sip, and her eyes lit up immediately.

The sweetness of cola and the spiciness of ginger, the combination of the two has a wonderful feeling. After drinking it, the whole person is warmed and feels much more comfortable.

Everyone is a little bit cold, this is the best time to drink ginger cola.

After drinking the sugar water, Aiyi was sweating all over, the warm feeling made her a little dazed, and she was a little sleepy at this moment.

Yongsuke picked up Aiyi, came to her room, put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

After a while, accompanied by Yusuke, Aiyi fell asleep.

Yusuke exited the room lightly, and Rie who followed behind said with a smile, "Your brother is really competent!"

"I remember that you are the youngest child in the family. Haven't your brothers and sisters taken care of you like this?"

Rie shook his head, and said with some regret: "Brothers and sisters are more focused on academics, not very keen on this aspect."

Her brother had forgotten her birthday last time, so I can think of it from this incident.

"It's okay, just find someone who can love you in the future," Yusuke said with a smile.

The two were stunned at the same time, and for a moment, the atmosphere became a little ambiguous.

Only then did Rie remember that her younger sister was asleep, and a man and a widow were living together in the same room. If this guy did something, what would she do?

To accept it?Or accept it?Or accept it?

Rie's face instantly turned red.

Yusuke also felt that the atmosphere was very ambiguous at first, but soon he found that something was wrong with Rie. Her head was so hot that it was about to smoke, and she was a little surprised. Could it be a cold?
At this time, he hurried over and reached out to touch her forehead.

This action startled Rie, and immediately took a step back, but the sudden action made her body unbalanced, and she was about to fall backwards.

Yusuke was quick-sighted, grabbed Rie and held her in his arms.

The little man was hugged in his arms, and the two sides suddenly fell silent.

Yusuke could feel the warm body in his arms, and the fragrance made him a little confused.

Rie was even more nervous and trembling all over.

Yusuke really made a move, what should we do now?We are still very young!
And it's still at home, which is too bold, what if my mother comes back?What if my sister wakes up?

At this moment, Rie remembered a dream she had before, the scene in the dream was exactly the same as the current scene!

Recalling the situation in the dream, Rie's face was almost smoking.

Yusuke could feel the trembling of the person in his arms, but the trembling frequency was too wrong, it was a bit like shivering instead.

At this time, I took a look and found that Li Hui's face was very red, touched her forehead, she had a low fever, and said in surprise: "Rie, you have a fever!"

"Fever? What kind of fever?"

"you caught a cold"

Rie's consciousness was very slow, and she couldn't react at all.

Yusuke saw it, it must have caught a cold accidentally after being splashed with muddy water just now, and she had to rest.

Thinking of this, Yusuke hugged Rie directly.

This action startled Rie, and her mind suddenly became tense.

What should I do?This is going so fast!
What should I do when my mother comes back?What if my sister wakes up?
I should have no smell, right?
Li Hui recalled that she washed clean last night, so she was fine.

The line of sight in front of him changed from the ceiling to Yusuke's room.

Rie's face was so red that it was about to smoke, and she was already lying on Yusuke's bed.

Oops, why am I lying here all of a sudden?

Can not be done!I should have resisted.

But the body can't resist!

His legs were subconsciously clamped, his fists were clenched tightly, and his face was turned inward, with a shy and nervous expression on his face.

This is my first time, I hope Yusuke can be gentler.

Then, a quilt was covered on Rie's body, a cooling patch was stuck on her forehead, and Yusuke's voice came.

"You have a cold, take a rest first"

(End of this chapter)

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