Chapter 564 564. Why I Don’t Know

Rie finally realized that it was a cold!

No, why do I have a cold?
But the heavy feeling in her body told her that she really had a cold.

Then Yusuke came over with two pills and a glass of water.

"Take some medicine," Yusuke's voice came.

Rie was in a daze, feeling her body being lifted up, two pills were stuffed into her mouth, and a glass of water was placed near her mouth, the temperature of the water was just right, she drank the water instantly like a hungry pedestrian in the desert up.

Lying on the bed, under the warm quilt, and Yusuke's breath, in a daze, Rie closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Looking at Rie who fell asleep, Yusuke heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was at home, otherwise he would be in trouble if he fell down halfway.

I found it early and took some medicine, but the situation is not very serious.

The mother came home, and was surprised. Just in time to buy some vegetables, the son came home with a girl, and the girl was still sleeping on the son's bed.

Although the son kept explaining that the other party just had a cold, the mother didn't believe it at all, why did she go to someone else's house when she was sick, and she was still a widow.

Well, it doesn't count if my sister is sick, something must have happened!
Mother was a little relieved, but also a little nervous and tangled. They didn't know if they had taken safety measures.

Looking at his mother who was in trouble, Yusuke shook his head helplessly. No matter how he explained, it seemed that his mother had already confirmed it.

After all, it was too coincidental that even I didn't quite believe it.

I was splashed by a car on the road, caught a cold when I got home, and then lay on the bed of a male classmate. Who would believe this!

This is too coincidental!

It can only be said that reality is always stranger than fiction.

The mother finally figured it out, and gave her son a thumbs up: the son is so capable!
In a daze, Rie opened his eyes, looked around, and recovered after a while.

Rie remembered, she fell asleep at Yusuke's house, looked around, it was dark outside, what time is it now?
She picked up her phone to check, it is already past seven o'clock in the evening, did I sleep for more than three hours?
Rie lifted the quilt and sat up. At this moment, she found that all the clothes on her body were gone, and she was already wearing white pajamas.

Wait a minute, where are my clothes?
Who changed my clothes here?
Rie was startled for a moment, and subconsciously touched her own body, feeling no pain, she was relieved, but also a little shy.

Could it be Yusuke? Doesn't that mean...

The next moment, Rie's face turned red.

After struggling for a few minutes, Rie regained her composure.

Just about to get up, the door opened, and a middle-aged woman walked in with a smile.

Rie knew each other, it was Yusuke's mother.

"Auntie!" Rie greeted subconsciously, then was taken aback.

shit!I was seen by my aunt, what should I do now?What would my aunt think?

"Rie, you're awake." Meihe walked over with a smile, looking at Rie with caring eyes.

"How is your body? Has the fever gone?"

At this time, I put my hand on Rie's forehead, felt the temperature, and said with a smile: "It seems that there should be nothing wrong."

Only then did Rie, who was in a dazed state, come back to her senses.

"That" Rie lowered her head and said shyly, "This, that"

Rie doesn't know how to explain this!
Meihe smiled and said: "Yongsuke told me the matter, you are not feeling well, you should take a rest, by the way, I changed your clothes for you, it is my own pajamas, I don't know if it suits you , put it on for you first."

Rie breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said sincerely, "Thank you, Auntie."

"Nothing" Meihe replied with a smile, looking at Rie with satisfaction in her eyes, Rie's image and temperament are unique, she is very satisfied.

The son's vision is really good!

Miwa's naked gaze made Rie flustered, her eyes wandered around, she didn't know how to respond.

Meihe also reacted at this time, and said with a smile: "Clean up, you can come down to eat, tonight is Yusuke's cooking, you are lucky."

"Okay!" Rie nodded.

After Miwa left the room, Rie breathed a sigh of relief, mother is very reasonable!
Wait a minute, look at my mother's reaction. There is no objection. Could it be that this is recognized by the family?

For a moment, Rie's mood was a little excited, and she didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise!

When she changed her clothes, Sanze's family was here.

The younger sister's fever subsided, and now she was jumping around, playing with toys, Meihe and Yusuke were busy in the kitchen, a middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper, at this moment he heard a voice, looked up and saw Rie , nodded with a smile.

Rie's eyes lit up, this must be Yusuke's father!

"How is your body?" Kazuya put away the newspaper and asked with a smile.

"It's much better already," Rie replied seriously.

"The weather is getting colder, take care of yourself"

"Thank you uncle for your concern!" Rie nodded seriously, her behavior was very decent.

"Sister Lihui!" Aiyi also ran over at this time, "Brother said that you also have a cold, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Rie responded with a smile, "Aiyi, how about you?"

"My body has recovered a long time ago!" Ai Yi said excitedly.

Rie always felt a little uncomfortable staying here, so she went into the kitchen.

Yusuke and Miwa are cooking.

"Yusuke, Auntie, do you need my help?"

"No need." Yusuke shook his head with a smile and asked, "How is your body?"

"It's all right"

Seeing the atmosphere at the scene, Meihe said with a smile at this time: "Then leave this here to you, I'll take a rest outside" and walked out of the kitchen, leaving the place to the two young people.

Seeing Miwa walk out of the kitchen, Rie breathed a sigh of relief, staying with their family all of a sudden, it was a lot of pressure!

Although everyone is very kind, she is also very nervous.

"Don't be so nervous!" Yusuke said with a smile, "Just treat it as a family member."

My own family members?
Rie froze for a moment, what does this sentence mean?

"That's what you mean," Yusuke's voice came.

Seeing Yusuke's serious expression, Rie blushed.

Yusuke is so active tonight!
But, it also feels good.

Miwa and Kazuya were sitting on the sofa, although they were watching TV, their attention was on the kitchen.

"Husband, how long do you think we can hold our grandson?"

"It's too fast!" Kazuya shook his head, "Young people focus on their careers, but Yusuke's career has also started a bit, so you can also consider it."

The two chatted gossip, and soon the topic changed, and they had already talked about what their grandson's name should be.

The younger sister next to her looked surprised.

Is my brother getting married?I do not know how!
(End of this chapter)

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