Chapter 565

"It's time to eat!" Yusuke's voice came, and the parents who were chatting about family plans stopped.

Several people washed their hands, and the family sat at the dining table and prepared to eat.

Father and mother were sitting on the side, originally the younger sister was supposed to be sitting with Yusuke, but tonight there were more Rie, the younger sister was sitting next to mother, facing Yusuke and Rie.

Rie had a strange feeling, they sat together like a family, feeling a little joyful.

Everyone had a very pleasant dinner. On the one hand, Yusuke's excellent cooking skills were unanimously agreed, and even his mother appreciated it very much. This skill greatly surpassed hers.

Aiyi had the happiest meal. Tonight's meal was prepared for her. Every dish was her favorite. My brother really loved her very much!

On the one hand, because there are too many Rie, Yusuke has never brought girls home for dinner. Although it is because of various elements, sitting together now also represents a kind of meaning.

At the dining table, the family enjoyed themselves happily. After dinner, Rie took the initiative to help wash the dishes. The two women chatted happily in the kitchen, but Aiyi had already quietly run into the room.

Xiao Ye, there is big news!

It's almost time, and Rie is about to go back.

"I'll take you home!" Yusuke said standing up.

Rie rested for three hours and took medicine, but she was still a little weak at this time, Yusuke didn't dare to take risks, so he greeted his parents, and the two went out.

After walking out the door, the cold air hit, and Rie couldn't help shivering.

"Wait for me!" Yusuke immediately ran back to the room, and came down with a blue scarf.

Wrapping the scarf around Rie's neck, only her small head was exposed.

"It won't be so cold this way," Yusuke said with a smile.

With a warm heart, Rie asked, "What about you?"

"I'm strong and strong, it doesn't matter, let's go"

Walking on the road, the two talked and laughed.

Rie was very happy tonight, and unconsciously, she had already returned to the door of the house, but Rie was a little reluctant to part.

"You have taken medicine tonight, take a hot bath later, go to bed early, and be careful not to suffer from the cold again"

Yusuke exhorted softly, and Rie nodded seriously.

"Then I'll go first"

"Wait a minute!" Rie yelled at this moment, and Yusuke stopped.

Rie untied the scarf around her neck and wrapped it around Yusuke's neck.

The girl's breath came to her nostrils.

"It's cold, you should wear this scarf"

When the lights were on, Rie's smile was very soft.

Yusuke nodded with a smile, and disappeared at the intersection under Rie's reluctant eyes.

At Miyajima's house, Yui was arranging things on the bed.

Tonight, she went to the party with Yuanzi and others. They went shopping together and had a great time.

At this time, a bag was taken out, which was the biggest harvest tonight.

Looking at the wool and instruction manual inside, Yui was a little happy, wondering what expression Yusuke would have when he received the gift.

But it's my first time doing this kind of work, so I have a lot to learn, so let's read the manual first.

"Sister, something is wrong!"

Xiaoye's panicked voice came, and she rushed in without saying a word.

"Xiaoye, you have to knock on the door before entering!" Yuyi frowned and said.

"It's something bad, big sister!" Xiao Ye cried anxiously.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Yusuke is getting married!"

Yuyi was speechless, "Speak clearly!"

"Sister, aren't you nervous?" Yuyi's reaction made Xiao Ye very strange.

"Why am I nervous?"

They went to school together in the morning, and told me that Yusuke was getting married at night.

"Sister, you are careless!"

Xiao Ye shook her head with regret on her face.

"Go out if you don't speak well"

"No, sister, I'm thinking of you!" Xiao Ye said anxiously.

For the relationship between Yusuke's brother and sister, Xiao Ye agrees, without it, everyone is too familiar with it.

There is another reason, brother Yusuke is too successful, even with Saya's short-sightedness, he knows that Yusuke is the legendary child of someone else's family, this is the best boy!
In her opinion, sister and brother Yusuke are a natural pair.

But tonight a major accident happened suddenly, Aiyi suddenly told her that her brother was getting married, which caught Xiaoye by surprise.

She didn't believe it at first, but Aiyi explained the matter again, her parents were actually discussing what the grandson's name was, as we all know, the Sanze family only had one son, and now they even have a grandson, that is Brother Yusuke Already getting married!
It was so sudden that my sister didn't even say it.

Obviously, the bride is someone else!

Oops!My sister got dumped!My sister was played by a scumbag!
Xiao Ye was very anxious, and immediately ran to tell her sister about this matter, and wanted to seek justice for her.

After listening to Saya's narration, Yui fell silent.

Who is eating at Yusuke's house tonight, and even his parents have seen him, who made the move?
Son?Eri?Rie?Or someone else I don't know?

Yuyi's heart was disturbed, and she was in a bad mood!
"Sister, what should I do?" Xiaoye asked anxiously.

Seeing the silent elder sister, she knew that her elder sister must have been cheated by the scumbag, and she was very angry at this moment.

The corners of his eyes glanced out the window, and he was suddenly surprised.

"Look, sister, that scumbag is back!"

Yui also looked out of the window at this time, Yusuke just came back from outside.

As if he had a tacit understanding, Yusuke raised his head, saw Yui just in time, smiled and waved.

"Scum..." Xiao Ye was about to yell and let everyone see his true face, but You Yi covered her mouth instantly with quick eyes and swallowed the rest of her words back into her stomach.

If you shout like this, it will be ugly to meet everyone!
Yusuke looked at them a little strangely, what are the sisters doing?

After thinking about it, he picked up his phone and called Yui.

In Yuyi's room, Yuyi said to Xiaoye angrily: "Xiaoye, don't talk nonsense!"

"What I said is true." Xiao Ye was a little disappointed.

"Before things are figured out, don't give others random definitions, judge everything by yourself, and don't be confused by superficial phenomena," Youyi taught earnestly, while Xiaoye was thoughtful.

At this time, the phone rang, and Yui took a look, it was Yusuke, who was waving his hand outside the window, thought for a moment, picked up the phone and answered it.

"What were you doing just now?"

"I have something to ask you"

Yui's voice was a little cold, Yusuke was a little strange, and said, "Then I'll wait for you at the door of the house."

After a while, Yui came down with his coat on, feeling a little upset, but when he saw Yusuke who was covered in wind and snow, he couldn't blame him immediately, and asked with concern: "Where did you go? Did you freeze?"

"Just sent Rie home" Yusuke explained what happened tonight.

After listening to all the things, Yuyi suddenly realized that it turned out to be like this, Xiao Ye only spoke half of what he said, which shocked me!
(End of this chapter)

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