Chapter 566 566. Stay tuned

Yuyi returned to the room, Xiaoye walked over anxiously.

"Sister, what did that scumbag say?"

Yui knocked Xiao Ye on the head, and said angrily: "You guys don't talk nonsense, Rie is just visiting Yusuke's house, don't spread any rumors, and Yusuke is not a scumbag, don't talk nonsense, Otherwise, it would be bad to cause a misunderstanding.”

Xiao Ye nodded, it turned out to be a misunderstanding!

Brother Yusuke is not a scumbag, let me just say, how could brother Yusuke be a scumbag?
How could Yusuke be such a scumbag when he is so generous?
Xiao Ye left, Yui breathed a sigh of relief, but her mood was a little tangled, she didn't expect that it was Rie who made the move tonight
Everyone maintained a common front before, but now she didn't expect Rie to make a sudden move, so she was caught off guard!

Yui was thinking wildly all night, and fell asleep in a daze.

The next morning, Youyi woke up in a daze, feeling cold all over and her head swollen, and sneezed.

I am sick?

Well, it really is a cold.

Yusuke waited at the door of Miyajima's house for a long time, but did not see Yuyi coming out, and then he got the news from Lingxiang and came up to visit the sick.

My recent luck is very bad, and everyone I know is sick. Could it be that I am a lone star?
Pushing this plausible thought out of his head, Yusuke came to Yui's room.

At this time, Yuyi was lying on the bed sleeping, heard the sound of the door opening, opened his eyes, and was a little surprised to see that it was Yusuke.

"Why did you come here?"

"I've been outside for more than ten minutes with the northwest wind, and I can't wait for you, so I come up to see you"

Yusuke came over and touched her forehead with his hand.

Youyi shuddered, "Your hands are so cold!"

"Let me see how you burn"

"You're not a doctor!" Yuyi complained.

"Your situation is bad"

Yusuke said regretfully that Yui's forehead was very hot, which was much worse than Rie's condition yesterday.

"Colds are like this." Yuyi said vaguely, "Hurry up, you're going to be late."

"It's not a matter of urgency." Yusuke said with a smile, "Do you need me to accompany you?"

"Hmph! Don't! Let's go!" Yuyi shouted angrily, pulled the quilt, and turned her face to the wall.

Yusuke smiled awkwardly, and said: "Then you have to pay attention to your health, take medicine, and drink more hot water. I'm going to school first, and I'll see you after school."

Soon, the sound of closing the door came, Yui turned his head at this time, Yusuke had already left.

At this time, he pouted angrily, what is this!Just a few words of comfort, no action!

hateful!Obviously, Rie can take good care of her when she is sick, but when it's my turn, it's as simple as asking a few words and then running away. What's the point of that?

Yuyi was about to explode with anger, her chest heaving and falling.

After a long time, the quilt was covered.

Never mind, go to sleep!

However, after thinking about it, I was still in a bad mood and couldn't sleep at all.

After a while, my mother came in, looked at Yuyi's face, and asked, "Youyi, how are you?"

Yui shook her head, "I feel bad, my head is so heavy, my mouth is so thirsty"

"Then let me feed you some medicine. After taking the medicine, I will lie on the bed and rest. Mom, I am going out to buy something now. You are fine by yourself."

In a daze, my mother's voice became farther and farther away.

Yuyi was in a bad mood, her whole body was very uncomfortable, and her head was even more painful.

The younger sister went to study, the father went to work, and the mother also went out. She was the only one left at home, quietly, with a sense of loneliness and loneliness covering her body, tired, painful, and tired. At this time, Youyi's heart was very fragile. I didn't remember what Yusuke said in the morning, and for some reason, tears suddenly flowed down my face.

"Damn Yusuke, won't you stay with me!"

"That's why I'm here." Yusuke's voice came from the side at this time, Yui turned his head in surprise, and at some point, Yusuke was already sitting beside him and looking at him.

Yuyi was a little surprised, a little happy, a little flustered.

"Why are you here?"

"I thought about it, and decided to skip today's class and come to see you, after all, you are an important person."

Yusuke's words made Yui blush a little, the bad mood just now disappeared, and the mood became beautiful.

"Then how did you get in?"

What Yuyi didn't know was that her voice became very gentle at this moment.

"I happened to meet Aunt Lingxiang when I came here. Aunt Lingxiang was going shopping, so I will take care of you."

"Mom, it's true that you actually lured wolves into the house!"

No matter how you say it, a smile appeared on Yui’s face.

"That's right, to lure wolves into the house," Yusuke replied with a smile.

He didn't expect it to be so simple, he greeted Aunt Lingxiang, and Aunt Lingxiang didn't bother to ask, just let him in like this, it was too simple!

Of course, from another perspective, this is also an acknowledgment of the relationship between the two.

Yui didn't know the details, she was startled by Yusuke's words, her face turned red, and she whispered, "Don't be too impatient, I'm still sick."

Yusuke's ears were sharp, and he asked with a smile, "Why are you so anxious?"

Seeing Yusuke's disgusting smile, Yui instantly understood that he was teasing her, and immediately became angry from embarrassment.

"go to hell!"

Yui immediately got up and hit Yusuke with his fist.

But unexpectedly, Yusuke didn't dodge at this time, and hit his chest directly with his fist,
"Why didn't you run away?"

"If I dodge, you're going to fall"

Yui withdrew her fist, pulled up the quilt to cover her body, and turned her face to the wall, her face was already flushed.

How did this guy become so talkative all of a sudden!
I seem to be moved!

At this time, a hot towel was placed on her forehead, and Yui, who was thinking wildly, came back to her senses.

"Don't think so much, just go to sleep"

Yusuke's tone was unprecedentedly gentle, "Don't worry, I will be by your side"

Yui nodded slightly, closed her eyes, and couldn't help but smile on her face.

Lingxiang came back from shopping and went to Yuyi's room to have a look.

Yui was resting on the bed, Yusuke was sitting beside her, helping her change the towel on her forehead from time to time, and Yui's hand was on the corner of Yusuke's clothes, even if she fell asleep, she would not let go.

Lingxiang nodded in satisfaction and left quietly.

The high fever came and went quickly, but Yui's body was still weak.

At noon, Yusuke cooked the food himself. With good luck, special attributes were aroused, and it was another brilliant cooking.

Lingxiang was a little surprised, and suspected that she was fooling around.

Yusuke said, you are indeed looking at flowers.

After drinking the hot porridge blessed with special attributes, Yuyi suddenly became full of energy, and her energy returned again.

Open dishes are different!
Yui is very happy today, because of Yusuke's enthusiasm for taking care of herself today, she said that she will weave a towel and give it to Yusuke, so please look forward to it!

(End of this chapter)

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