Chapter 567 567. Relatives
Today, Yusuke woke up early in the morning.

Today is a special day, Yusuke did not wear school uniform, but put on a black suit.

When I came downstairs, my father, mother, and sister were all here. The same thing was that everyone was wearing black clothes with serious expressions.

"Let's go!"

Dad drove the car and the family went out together.

Today is an unforgettable day for my sister.

In the cemetery, the mother and sister were pouring water on the tombstone to wash away the dust on it.

Soon, the words on the tombstone became clear.

Nagase Kawatahiko, Nagasegawa Cauliflower

Aiyi touched the tombstone sadly, and said in a low voice, "Mom and Dad, I'm here to see you again."

The mother gently hugged the younger sister, and comforted her softly, the deceased is dead.

The four members of Sanze's family stood in front of the tombstone, presented flowers, and mourned silently.

After a long time, Dad took out a cigarette from his arms, lit it, and took a deep breath. The smoke was faint, and he looked at the tombstone with some emotion.

Those lying inside were his best friend, Aiyi's biological parents.

Time can heal sadness, and heal all traces. Dad calmly told about every bit of Aiyi's growth. He remembered every important moment clearly. A biological daughter is even more important.

"Don't worry, Aiyi is fine!" Dad said with a smile, the cigarette in his hand had already been burned out, he extinguished the cigarette butt, and said hello, "Let's go."

The family packed up and prepared to leave.

"Is it Aiyi?"

A rough male voice came, and everyone stopped.

In front of him was an ordinary middle-aged man standing in front of the road, his eyes sizing up Aiyi.

Seeing the middle-aged man, Kazuya's face turned cold.

"Let's go!"

"Wait a moment!"

The middle-aged man immediately stood in front of Kazuya, looked at Kazuya, "Let me say something to Aiyi"

"There's nothing to say." Dad's attitude was very cold, and he wanted to push the middle-aged man away, but the middle-aged man was very stubborn and refused to walk away when he blocked the intersection.

At this time, Yusuke stepped forward and stood beside his father, looking at the man calmly.

"Dad, who is he?"

Hearing Yusuke's voice, the man turned his head, looked at Yusuke a little surprised, but soon came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "This one should be Yusuke-kun, I haven't seen you for a few years, you have grown up so much."

Yusuke looked at the other party calmly, recalled all the memories, but there was no impression of this man, who is this man?

Seeing that Yusuke didn't say hello, the man didn't care, looked at Aiyi with a smile, and waved to her.

"Aiyi, long time no see, I didn't expect you to grow up so big"

Aiyi looked at him suspiciously, then looked at her mother, who hugged her in her arms and ignored the man.

The man's expression showed a hint of displeasure, but he quickly covered it up.

At this moment, he looked at Kazuya and said, "Mr. Misawa, no matter what, I am also Aiyi's uncle. Let me say a few words, it's not too much."

"It's too much!" Kazuya said calmly, "Don't get in the way, we're leaving now!"

The man's smiling face froze, and his expression suddenly became indifferent.

"You have no right to stop me, I am one of Aiyi's guardians"

"From the moment you sign the agreement, I am her real guardian"

"But you have no right to stop us from visiting Aiyi." The man showed no sign of weakness, and confronted each other.

From the content of the conversation between the two, Yusuke can almost figure out the general situation of the matter. The matter is very bloody, but it is also very realistic. This kind of situation happens every moment.

Both parents died, the daughter was treated as a burden, the relatives pushed each other, and finally the father adopted him. Now for some unknown reason, the relatives came to greet him. It must be uneasy and well-intentioned. One word: interest.

The father and the middle-aged man were still arguing, but in the end the father took a step back, after all, he was also Aiyi's relative.

The middle-aged man came over and looked at Aiyi with a smile. Aiyi was a little flustered, and looked at her father and mother, who nodded to her.

"Aiyi, do you remember me? I am your uncle"

Aiyi shook his head, the middle-aged man didn't care, and continued: "You were too young at that time, but now that you have grown up, you can also recognize us."

People don't like to hear this sentence.

Mom hurriedly protected Aiyi, pulled her behind, and stared at him seriously.

"Mr. Nagasegawa, what does this mean? Aiyi is a child of our family"

The middle-aged man glanced at Aiyi, didn't care about his mother's attitude, turned his head to Kazuya and said: "Sanze, I want to talk to you about something"

"There's nothing to talk about." Dad waved his hand, "Tian Yan's inheritance has been divided up by you, and I don't think there is anything else worthy of your attention."

The middle-aged man's face was gloomy, as if his scars had been uncovered, but he smiled the next moment.

"Don't make it so ugly, we're just taking care of Tian Yan temporarily, as long as Aiyi comes back, we relatives will return the things to her"

This sentence deceives a three-year-old child!
"Let's go!" Dad greeted, and he really had nothing to say to these people.

Everyone ignored him and left directly.

The voice of the middle-aged man came at this time, "I found a lawyer, and the lawyer said that the agreements we signed before are not legal."

Dad's footsteps stopped, Ai Yi looked at Dad in horror, Mom was holding her at this time, and Yusuke stood beside Dad.

Kazuya pondered for a moment, and said to his mother and Yusuke, "You guys go first, I'll talk to him"

Mom nodded and took Aiyi to leave, but Yusuke didn't stay away.

"Yusuke, the matter of your lord..."

"Father, you also admit that I have become an adult on my own." Yusuke said seriously, "I can help"
Kazuya looked at him, thought for a while, and nodded.

The middle-aged man didn't care, there were only three people left on the scene.

"Let's talk, why did you suddenly come to find Aiyi? I don't think it's your conscience breaking out," Kazuya said calmly.

"Don't say it so harshly. After all, I am also Aiyi's uncle. Now I want to adopt her. Among the guardians, I have the most rights."

"Don't forget, you shared Tian Yan's estate equally, and none of you wanted to take care of the remaining daughter. I adopted it and signed the agreement at that time."

"That agreement is invalid," the middle-aged man said proudly, as if he had a chance of winning.

"No, it's valid." He also said seriously, "I also asked the lawyer afterwards, and it was notarized, and it was confirmed to be valid."

The smiling face of the middle-aged man froze, and there was a mistake in his infallible grasp.

"It's impossible!" The middle-aged man shouted angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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