Chapter 568 568. This is courting death

He also looked at him calmly, and said, "I'm not here to discuss any agreement with you, but to warn you, don't pester us anymore, or you will be punished sooner or later!"

"You are so majestic!" The man said disdainfully, "Don't think I don't know, you are just an ordinary civil servant, how capable do you think you are! Let me tell you, we are bound to win Aiyi, know each other Hurry up and hand her over, maybe you will be compensated."

At this time, the man tore his face and threatened directly.

Facing the man's yelling, He Ye was very calm. A dog that can bite will not bark. This guy is just bluffing.

The middle-aged man showed an unhappy face. The attitude of Kazuya Misawa is very annoying. It is exactly the same as when he signed the agreement. It is really disgusting.

"Let me tell you, Aiyi's surname is Nagasegawa, not Sanze. The strength of the Nagasegawa family is beyond what you can imagine. We..."

"Is it your relative who is a congressman?" Kazuya's calm voice came, "I have already investigated, and the Nagasegawa family is all ordinary people, and the most powerful person is the Nagasegawa Tomasa who is a congressman. , but it’s just an ordinary relationship with you, I don’t think he will stand up for you.”

The middle-aged man was shocked, "I didn't expect you to investigate this step!"

Kazuya looked at him calmly. After knowing that Aiyi was adopted, he investigated the entire Nagasegawa family tree just in case, and he used it now.

But soon the man's surprise turned into disdain, and then returned to his arrogant look.

"Here's what I said, think about it for yourself, don't force us to do it, it won't look good then"

After speaking, the man strode away directly.

He also frowned, is there anything missing?Otherwise he wouldn't act like this.


He also shook his head, it's not that he looked down on him, from the time he knew this guy to now, He also knew that this guy didn't look down on the city at all, and all his thoughts were shown on his face, this guy is a bastard.

Although they are two brothers with Tian Yan, they are completely different.

Tian Yan is very popular and very capable. If he hadn't died young, he would definitely have made some achievements.

But his younger brother is different. The mud cannot support the wall. He is completely different from his elder brother. He is sneaky, ignorant, selfish, and always wants to suck blood from his relatives.

No, it's not just him, Tian Yan's relatives also look the same.

Nagasegawa is all a bunch of weirdos.

"Father" Yusuke said at this time, "Can you tell me what happened at that time?"

He also thought for a moment, then nodded.

Yusuke is already a mature adult, and it's time to know these things.

Soon, Kazuya recounted Aiyi's past.

Three years ago, Aiyi's parents died in a car accident, and only Aiyi who was in kindergarten was left behind. Aiyi was stimulated and kept silent.

And all the consequences broke out at the funeral of Nagase Kawatahiko and his wife. The relatives lifted up all the conflicts. As the closest guardians, that is, Tianyan's younger brother and Aiyi's uncle, they didn't want to take this responsibility at all. In his opinion, Aiyi is just an oil bottle.

At the funeral, everyone teared up their faces, and the relatives were not very good people. Everyone was eyeing Tian Yan's inheritance, but no one wanted to bring this oil bottle.

Everyone attacked each other and shied away from each other. No one dared to stand up and take responsibility. The whole funeral was a mess, which shocked the Kazuya couple who attended the funeral.

Seeing Aiyi who was silent and lost all color, and looking at the friend in the photo, Kazuya made up his mind that he wanted to adopt Aiyi.

After some negotiations between the two parties, He also became the guardian of Aiyi, but he also gave up all his rights.

So far Aiyi has officially become a child of Sanze's family, all of Aiyi's relatives have disappeared, and he hasn't seen Aiyi for three years, and Sanze's family visits the grave every year.

Human feelings are warm and cold, but that's all.

Kazuya also saw through their essence and disdain to associate with them.

It took the Sanze family three years to let Aiyi get out of the sadness, and the family of four enjoyed themselves happily. Such an ordinary daily life will continue until this year's grave sweeping.

Yusuke nodded, the matter was clear, Aiyi's uncle suddenly appeared and wanted to take back the custody, there must be some intentions.

"I'll take care of these things, Yusuke, take a look at Aiyi more, don't let her think wildly," Kazuya warned.

Yusuke nodded and asked, "Dad, do you need help?"

He also smiled, "Don't underestimate your ability."

Kazuya was able to overcome all opinions three years ago and raised Aiyi as an outsider. On the one hand, Chang Shuchuan's relatives were unreliable, and on the other hand, it was Kazuya's method. He also has connections here and can help push things.

The family left the cemetery and walked towards the parking lot. Before they reached the parking lot, seven or eight people appeared from around and surrounded them.

Yusuke's family stopped in their tracks, his mother hugged Aiyi tightly, and Kazuya's face was very gloomy.

He recognized these people, all of them were relatives of Aiyi. They met at the funeral three years ago, and they were the ones who quarreled with him the most at that time, and the one who took the lead was Aiyi's uncle.

At this time, he had a smile on his face, but no matter how he looked at it, it was that kind of complacent arrogance.

"I'm here to take Aiyi back!"

"Come on, let's go home with uncle!"

"You are from the Nagasegawa family."

The man said proudly, his voice made Aiyi tremble, this guy's voice was like the whisper of a devil.

He also took a look around, and there were 8 men in total, surrounding them, there was no way out.

These guys are going to grab it by force!
This is a bit of a hassle.

The place where Chang Shuchuan was buried was in their hometown, which was their territory, and a strong dragon would not overwhelm a local snake.

Whether it is the number of people or the situation, my side is not dominant.

But no matter what, when a man should stand up, he still has to stand up!
"Yusuke, wait a moment and take care of Mom and Aiyi"

Kazuya took off his suit at this time, there is no need to say anything in this situation, wait a while before desperately.

Mom and Aiyi were very nervous when they heard the words, especially Aiyi, who hugged his mother tightly with both hands, and looked around in horror.

Aiyi is not an ignorant child, she knows that these people are here to snatch her away, once she is taken away, she will never be able to return to Sanze's house.

"Dad, I'm going first!" Yusuke's voice came at this moment.

"Wait for Yusuke!" Kazuya came back to his senses, Yusuke was too impulsive, there were too many people on the other side, there was no advantage here, and one person couldn't handle it!

He also didn't have time to stop, a black shadow rushed out in a flash.

Yusuke's eyes are like knives, dare to touch my family, you are courting death!
(End of this chapter)

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