Chapter 570 570. So it was like this
Yusuke smiled and said, "Thank you uncle for your kindness, but I have my own ideas."

Hidetoyo Matsushige didn't care, and said with a smile: "You have changed a lot, you haven't seen each other for a year, you're so mature, have you graduated yet?"

"What graduated?" Yusuke asked a little strangely.

Hidetaka Matsushige showed a weird smile, which made Yusuke a little frightened, as if the prank had succeeded.

"King of the night, fallen angel, well, it's a shame to read these words!"

Even though he said so, he had a gloating look on his face.

Yusuke froze, why would he know!

My dark history!

Kazuya smiled and said, "Don't mind, this is a necessary stage for men."

"Wait a minute!" Yusuke asked anxiously, "Father, how many people still know about my dark history?"

Kazuya replied with a smile: "Everyone knows, including your uncle Takuya."

Yusuke suddenly felt that life was bleak. He thought he had changed his mind and started a new life, but he didn't expect that everyone already knew it, and he was just pretending to be confused. This blow was too great!

Matsushige Hidetoyo said with a smile: "This is not a place to talk, go to my house, we haven't chatted together for a long time, let's have a drink tonight"

And also nodded.

Back in the car, Meihe was relieved to see that the father and son were safe.

Aiyi was still a little flustered, what happened today hit her hard, and Kazuya touched her head with a smile, "Don't worry, you will always be our family."

Aiyi nodded happily, the image of her father at this moment is very tall!
The two cars, one in front and one behind, quickly stopped in front of a house under the leadership of Matsushige Hidetoyo.

This is a Japanese-style single-family house.

Kazuya said with emotion at this moment: "It's been a long time since I came to your house."

"Indeed, you guys only come once a year, it's too ruthless"

"No way, you already know my profession," Kazuya replied with a smile.

When people reach middle age, many things are beyond their control, Matsushige Hidetoyo nodded in agreement, and the two middle-aged people felt a burst of emotion.

Matsushige Hidetoyo said at this time: "Let's go in, Tsukage must be very happy to know that you are here."

"It's been a long time since I saw Miyuki and Ryota." Kazuya said with a smile, "I don't know how they are doing now?"

"Sure to scare you"

A group of people talked and laughed, and walked into the house.

"Yueying, who do you think is coming?" Matsushige Hidetoyo called out.

A beautiful woman came out of the kitchen, her long black hair was tied into a ponytail, she was wearing an apron, and she smelled like a married woman.

Seeing Kazuya, they were a little surprised, "Kazuya, Miwa, long time no see!"

She is Hidetaka Matsushige's wife, Tsukage Matsushige.

"Yueying, you are still so beautiful" Kazuya praised with a smile.

"Praise my wife in front of me, are you looking for death?" Matsushige Hidetoyo said with a smile.

"You're right, go back and kneel on the washboard at night," Meihe echoed beside her.

"No, I'm wrong wife, please forgive me"

"I can't forgive him!" Xiufeng said with a smile, "Let him sleep on the sofa tonight."

"So familiar, it seems that you often sleep on the sofa" Kazuya countered at this time.

"Who said that? I never have to sleep on the couch"

"Then you can sleep on the sofa tonight." Yueying joined the battlefield with a smile.

Several people laughed loudly, it seems that their relationship is very good.

Tsukikage looked over at this moment, "Isn't this Yusuke and Aiyi, they've grown up so much?"

"This is your Aunt Yueying, let's say hello," my mother introduced from the side.

"Hello Aunt Moon Shadow" X2
Both said hello.

"Aiyi is getting cuter and cuter." Yueying walked over at this moment, hugged Aiyi, and kissed her cheek.

Aiyi smiled, she could feel the other party's concern.

Tsukikage let go, trying to come and hug Yusuke, but Yusuke avoided him.

Yusuke smiled and said, "Aunt Tsukikage, I'm not a child anymore."

"I'm shy," Tsukage said with a smile, "I didn't expect Yusuke to be so tall."

To be honest, Yusuke has a very vague impression of Matsushige and his wife, but looking at the two of them, it seems that they are very familiar with him, which is very strange.

"Are you still playing that game? The Night King" came Moon Shadow's voice.

Yusuke's movements froze, looking at the smiling Tsukikage, Yusuke suddenly felt that the future was dark.

How come so many people know about my dark history!

"No, Yusuke has already graduated," Matsushige Hidetoyo said seriously.

Tsukikage nodded seriously, "No wonder I thought Yusuke has changed so much just now!"

Looking at the two people who were smiling, Yusuke felt a strong malice at this time, these two guys did it on purpose!

Disrespectful to the old!

"By the way, where are Miyuki and Ryota?" Miwa asked at this moment.

Miyuki is Xiufeng's eldest daughter, and Ryota is his youngest son.

"The two of you went to study, and it's not over yet," Yueying replied with a smile.

"I almost forgot, today is Friday"

"Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday. You guys are fine. If you don't rest here for two days, we haven't been together for a long time," Matsushige Hidetoyo suggested at this time.

"This..." Meihe looked at Kazuya, and Kazuya pondered for a while, the matter of Aiyi must be resolved, two days is necessary, so she nodded, "Then excuse me."

"It's okay." Yue Ying smiled and stood up, "Then I'll help you tidy up your room."

"Let me go and help too." Meihe also stood up, and even took away her sister. Both of them were very winking, leaving the scene to the men.

Without a woman, everyone immediately put away their laughing faces and turned serious.

"What's the matter with the Nagasegawa family?" Kazuya asked at this time, the people of the Nagasegawa family appeared too strangely, they must have bad intentions, and Matsushige Hidetoyo, who is a local snake, must know something information.

"I've heard about this too." Hidetoyo Matsushige took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket at this time, opened it, handed it to Kazuya, and Kazuya accepted it, and handed it to Yusuke, who waved his hand." I don't smoke"

"Good boy" Hidetoshi Matsushige smiled, put the cigarette back, and the two middle-aged men lit their cigarettes, took a puff, and the smoke was faint.

"Kazuya, do you know Cauliflower's natal family?"

Cauliflower is Aiyi's biological mother.

Kazuya shook his head. He knew the situation of Nagasegawa's family very well, but he knew nothing about his mother's family.

"Cauliflower's original name is Yasuda Huacai. She and Tian Yan met when they were in college, but Huacai's father did not approve of their relationship, and even said that if she continues to be with Tian Yan, she will sever the father-daughter relationship."

Xiufeng took a deep breath and let out a puff of smoke.

"Everyone understands what happened next. The two eloped for love, so Aiyi was born. The life of a family of three is very good, but it's a pity that fate is unpredictable and good luck tricks people."

"Then this incident was caused by Huacai's natal family." Kazuya said at this time, "I didn't see the Yasuda family appearing at the funeral. It was only after three years that I remembered what their intentions are?"

"I heard that Yasuda Huacai's mother is dying, and before leaving, I want to meet my granddaughter whom I have never met before"

"By the way, the Yasuda family is a big family. The Yasuda Group knows it. It is a famous big group in China."

Everything is clear, it turned out to be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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