Chapter 571 571. Pretty Powerful

He also took a drag on his cigarette, and put out the rest on the ashtray.

"If the old woman wants to die, she will die, and she will cut off all ties, so stop doing these messy things"

He became angry and felt like they were playing a joke. It was you who said they wanted to sever ties, and you are the ones who want to see people now, and you have the final say on everything.

"I also agree with you." Xiufeng also put out the cigarette in the ashtray, "But we can't guess what the rich think."

"So, Ji Liang just posted it?" Kazuya sneered, "Could they think that Aiyi can get a share of the family property?"

"They really have such a plan. The Yasuda family has a big business, and just a little bit of leakage is enough for them to eat."

People die for money, and birds die for food. It is normal for the people of the Nagasegawa family to have such actions. They are all white-eyed wolves.

Their purpose is already known, and the next step is how to solve this matter.

The people in the Nagasegawa family are not enough, the important thing is the people in the Yasuda family.

Kazuya asked at this time: "Xiufeng, do you have any information on the Yasuda family?"

As a policeman, as a local, he must be able to get in touch with more news.

Xiufeng nodded, "I'll make arrangements."

"That troubles you"

Kazuya's expression is still a bit embarrassed, the other party is a big consortium, and it is unimaginable to fight against them.

Yusuke said at this time, "Father, why don't I tell the master"

Kazuya thought for a moment, then nodded, "That's up to Yusuke."

"Who is Yusuke's master?"

Xiufeng was a little strange, listening to Kazuya's tone, it seemed that the other party was a heavyweight.

"My master is Sasaki Torutsu," Yusuke replied.

Sasaki Toru...

Xiufeng remembered, he is a well-known great swordsman in China, known as a contemporary sword master, but he is just a famous teacher, what can he do?

So Yusuke explained it, and Xiufeng suddenly realized that there is still such a relationship!

"I didn't expect Yusuke to become the disciple of the great swordsman. It's really surprising." Xiufeng said with a smile, "When did you start learning kendo?"

"After High School"

"That must be great"

"Yongsuke won the Yulong Banner champion." Dad interjected at this moment, he was very satisfied with his son's achievements, and couldn't help showing off to his friends for many years.

"Champion of Jade Dragon Banner!" Xiufeng was surprised. He knew the gold content of this championship. He didn't expect to win the championship. , this change is too fast!

"Yusuke is amazing!" Hideyoshi praised with a smile, Kazuya was full of joy, his son was his pride,
"As expected of the King of the Night, Fallen Angel"

Yusuke's smile froze, so don't mention it, okay?
Seeing Yusuke's expression, Xiufeng burst out laughing, who told you that you were so proud just now!

At this time, voices came from outside, it was Meihe and Yueying, and there were two strange voices, a man and a woman.

"It should be Miyuki and Ryota who are back," Xiufeng said with a smile.

Soon, a group of people appeared at the door of the living room.

Meihe, Tsukage, Aiyi, a girl and a little boy.

The girl is tall and has a beautiful face, and her sharp eyes add a lot of heroism to her, while the little boy looks very cute and cute.

"Miyuki, Ryota, come over and say hello, this is Uncle Kazuya"

"Uncle Kazuya!" X2
Both the girl and the little boy greeted each other, and Kazuya nodded with a smile, and praised: "I haven't seen you for a year, and Miyuki has become a big girl."

"Uncle, you're welcome!" The girl responded with a smile, then looked at Yusuke, and was amazed by Yusuke's appearance.

"How is it? Are you surprised by Yusuke's change?" Tsukikage said behind him at this time.

"He is Yusuke?" The girl was a little surprised, and looked at Yusuke with eyes full of surprise, "That stinky kid from middle school has become like this?"

The black line on Yusuke's face, how come everyone knows about his dark history!

"Yusuke, what kind of makeup do you use? Your skin is so good!" Miyuki was a little surprised, rubbing her hands on Yusuke's face.

Yusuke was shocked, you guys are too familiar!

"I didn't expect Yusuke to be shy!" Miyuki showed a smug smile, Yusuke was very familiar with that smile, it was exactly the same as Hideyoshi's unscrupulous smile, as expected of his daughter!
Yusuke searched his memory again, and there is no memory of Matsushige's family at all, but seeing how familiar they are with him, this situation is very strange!

The two families sat together and chatted for a while, and then went to work for nothing. Aiyi and Ryota were already getting together. Ryota was younger than Aiyi. Aiyi had fully played the role of a sister and was accompanying him. Play with toys together.

The two mothers went to prepare lunch, Xiufeng went to investigate the matter, and Kazuya went to ask for leave. The incident was too sudden, and he now needs more time to deal with it.

Yusuke called the master, told the situation here, and asked the master for help. Hu Che said that he would help to deal with this matter.

Hanging up the phone, Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yusuke!" Miyuki ran over at this moment, looking at him in surprise.

"I heard that you won the Yulong Banner championship and became a video blogger. It's only been a year since you last met. You've changed so much!"

The news of the girl was learned from Meihe. Every parent wants to show off their child's achievements. The mother inadvertently leaked the son's achievements during the conversation, and then received a lot of admiring eyes. That is a mother's Required skills!
In the process of communicating with Tsukikage, Miwawa quickly vented all of Yusuke's old background, and then received a series of compliments.

Then, the two families knew everything about Yusuke.

Miyuki was very surprised. A year ago, the boy in the second year of middle school did not expect to become a super swordsman, successfully started a business, became a super blogger, appeared on TV, acted bravely, received an award from the police station, and perfectly became someone else's family. My child, this change is too fast!
This is not the Yusuke she knew!

Facing the familiar appearance of the girl, Yusuke really didn't know how to respond to her, he really had no memory of her.

I have no choice but to smile now.

"Why are you smiling so proudly!" Miyuki said angrily.

Yusuke shook his head, "Absolutely not!"

Miyuki was very dissatisfied with Yusuke's attitude, "Hmph, is it great to have a girlfriend?"

Why did you suddenly get involved with your girlfriend?
wrong!How did you know I had a girlfriend?

"Auntie Meihe said, you are quite powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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