Chapter 573 573. Where are you going?

At this moment, a cell phone rang, and it was Yusuke's cell phone that rang.

Yusuke looked at it, it was the call from the master, picked up the phone, and said respectfully: "Master!"

"Yusuke, I know everything." Hu Che's tone was very serious.

Toru mobilized his contacts, and finally found Yasuda Sanosuke, and the two sides had a direct dialogue.

Yasuda Zuanosuke is very strange. He has also heard a little about the Sasaki family. This is a huge invisible group. Dare to entrust big.

After the politeness of the two parties, the topic quickly entered the topic. Sasaki Tororu told the story again. The younger sister of the apprentice heard that it was related to the Yasuda Group and wanted to ask if it was true.

Yasuda Zuanosuke was very surprised. He didn't expect it to be involved here, but he didn't care. After all, his sister had been expelled from the family and severed. To see him, this niece has nothing to do with him.

The other party entrusted such a long-term relationship, isn't it because he wants to take a bite out of the Yasuda Group?That was really a daydream!

Father's order: Bring it back to my mother to meet, and then go their own way.

Now that the relationship is severed, don't even think about walking back.

Yasuda Zuanosuke wanted to say something sarcastic, but considering that there was no need to make enemies, he hinted, and Toru knew what he meant.

The two sides complimented each other and ended the call. Everyone still had little contact, but they were not enemies either.

"Thank you master!" Yusuke said sincerely, this is good news for the Misawa family, but the master was a little angry.

"It's okay." Hu Che said with a smile: "He doesn't dare to embarrass me, and he's not his father."

Yasuda Kosuke founded the consortium with one hand, this is a tycoon, the means are beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and Huche will be a little scared if he meets him.

Yusuke ended the call, and then told the news again, everyone was refreshed, this is good news.

Just meeting once, and then we all go our separate ways, this is the best result.

The next step is how to get in touch with the Yasuda family. In this regard, Yusuke will not be allowed to intervene. This is the responsibility of the father.

Yusuke nodded, some things are very important to a man and a father, and that is the responsibility of a father.

Next came the meeting of the fathers, Yusuke left the study first, and the two continued to discuss.

"Yusuke" Tsukage came over at this time, "The hot water has been put away, after a hard day, you are also tired, go take a bath"

Yusuke remembered, they didn't bring any laundry.

"It's okay." Yueying said with a smile: "You put on Xiufeng's clothes first, the two of you are about the same height."

Yusuke nodded.

"By the way, you can't run around anymore tonight," Yueying said with a smile at this moment.

run around?

Yusuke was confused and couldn't understand what she meant.

"Almost forgot," Yueying realized at this moment, "I'll check it for you first, or I'll scare you again later."

Yusuke looked confused, what are you talking about!

Looking at Yusuke with a blank face, Tsukikage smiled and said: "Don't think so much, it's all over, this is the experience of a man's growth, it's not a big deal"

What the hell is going on!

Yusuke thought about it for a while, and decided to ask the matter to the end. It is really confusing to play charades like this.

"There are no more mice." Miyuki appeared at this moment, looking at Yusuke with a smile, "Don't worry, wash it, I've already checked it, just remember to close the window."

rats, windows...

In an instant, a flood of memories flooded in.

Yusuke remembered, about the memories of Matsushige’s family, they were indeed his father’s friends, and they would come to their house for gatherings every year to visit the grave. As for why he subconsciously forgot about them, it was because a very unforgettable thing happened to Hara, that was The black history in the black history made him selectively forget these memories.

Last year's grave sweeping was a dark point in life.

It was when I was in the second year of middle school, everyone knew that I had the title of King of the Night, Xiufeng urged me to perform it, but I foolishly performed it on the spot, the eye-catching scene, now looking back, I can’t wait to find someone Drill down.

Of course, there are so many strange things in life, this is just a small scene, and the important things come later.

It was also evening, after dinner, and it was also his turn to take a bath. Yusuke was soaking in the bathtub with the window open, and then he saw a small figure running in from the window and fell on the in his bathtub.

It was a mouse that accidentally ran in and fell into the bathtub.

Yusuke was terrified at that time!
That's right, the original body was most afraid of mice.

He screamed and ran out of the bathroom. Everyone was sitting in the living room at the time, and then he ran out naked like this.

Yes, she ran out naked, and everyone saw it clearly.

A certain unscrupulous middle-aged couple discussed the size afterwards.

Thinking back on that scene, Yusuke was so embarrassed, it was a real social death!

Because of this incident, the original body blocked all the memories, it was impossible to tell everyone about the black history!

Yusuke finally knew why there were no memories of them, who would want to recall such a death scene!

"Yusuke, there are no more mice, don't be afraid"

"Call if there is a mouse, and I will go in and help you"

The mother and daughter said with a smile, Yusuke was very familiar with that smile, it was an unscrupulous smile.

Well, as expected of a family!

Yusuke turned around and walked away with a black line on his face.

What kind of mouse, if I dare to come, I will squash it with one foot!

No mice appeared tonight, and Yusuke did not lose his composure, which disappointed Tsukikage and Miyuki, and there was no good show to watch.

Yusuke's mouth twitched, and Aunt Tsukikage could understand that married women are tigers, and they drive faster than men, but Miyuki, you're just a girl, aren't you ashamed at all?

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you teach it in physiology class?" Michelle said indifferently, "I often help my brother take a bath, and sometimes play with his little Jiji. What's the matter?"

Yusuke is convinced, girl, you won, you are so fierce and messed up!

Everyone has been busy until after twelve o'clock in the evening, and then went back to sleep.

Kazuya and his wife slept in the guest room, Ai went to sleep with Miyuki, and Yusuke could only sleep in the living room.

Not long after Yusuke fell asleep, he heard light footsteps, opened his eyes, and saw Miyuki sneaking down from upstairs, looking around.

She was neatly dressed, carrying a small backpack, and sneaked to the door, as if she was about to go out.

"Miyuki, where are you going in the middle of the night?"

(End of this chapter)

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