Chapter 574

Yusuke's voice startled Miyuki and almost screamed, then she patted her chest and complained in a low voice: "You bastard, do you want to scare people to death!"

"You want to scare people to death?" Yusuke replied, "I slept in the living room, you sneaked down without turning on the light, dressed like this, where are you going?"

"Well, pretend you can't see me, go back to sleep"

"That's impossible!" Yusuke shook his head, "It's very dangerous for a girl to go out in the middle of the night."

"Why do you look like an old woman, young people should be brave!"

"Are you very old?"

"Do you want to court death?" Miyuki stared at Yusuke viciously.

"Tell me where are you going?"

"Go to sleep and leave me alone"

"Then I wake up Uncle Xiufeng now. I believe he must be very interested. My beloved daughter ran out in the middle of the night, and she must be dating a man."

"Who is dating a man!" Michelle yelled angrily, the voice was so loud that she realized it and quickly covered her mouth.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, which startled Miyuki and quickly hid in the kitchen.

The light was turned on, and it was Matsushige Hidetoyo who came down in pajamas.

"Just now I heard a sound and came down to take a look, Yusuke, are you still asleep?"

"Sorry, Uncle, I was on the phone just now"

"Are you chatting with your girlfriend? I heard you talking about a date just now"

Yusuke smiled, but didn't answer.
"It's a good thing to have a girlfriend, but you can't waste your studies. More importantly, you can't mess around. You can't afford that responsibility now."

Yusuke nodded, "I know"

"Xiufeng, Yusuke, are you still asleep?" Kazuya also walked down at this time.

"Why did you come down?" Xiufeng asked in surprise.

"I can't sleep because I think too much," Kazuya replied with a smile.

"Why don't we drink some wine and sleep well later" Xiufeng suggested, "Sometimes it's useless to think too much, it's better to get drunk"

"Okay" He also nodded, taking this rare opportunity to relax.

The two of them didn't leave, and they wanted to stay here for a drink. Miyuki, who was hiding in the kitchen, was so anxious, how could they go out without leaving her!
"I'll get the bar." Xiufeng said with a smile, and walked to the kitchen.

Hearing the footsteps, Miyuki was taken aback. If her father saw her here, she would be in big trouble!
Miyuki's head turned sharply, what can I do now?
Shit, there is no way!

The only way now is for Yusuke to save her, let him come in to get the wine instead of his father, Yusuke hurry up and save me!

"Uncle Xiufeng, let me help you"

When Yusuke's voice came, Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief, as expected of Yusuke.

"Then trouble you, Yusuke, can you find it?"

"It's okay, I can find it"

Shufeng's footsteps left, Yusuke walked in, saw Miyuki hiding in the corner, and smiled.

This guy is mocking me!
Miyuki was about to explode with anger, and wanted to go up and fix him, but thinking that her father and the others would see her if she stood up, she could only swallow her anger now.

Wait a minute to make you look good!
Yusuke went out with a bottle of sake and a few glasses, and soon, the sound of them drinking came from the living room.

“Almost have food and drink”

"Let me go get it!" Xiufeng's voice came, which startled Miyuki again.

It was Yusuke who came to the rescue.

"Let me do it"

"Yusuke, can you cook?"

"Don't worry." It was Kazuya who spoke, "Yusuke's craftsmanship is very good."

"Then I'm going to give it a try"

Yusuke walked into the kitchen again, looked at Miyuki who was crouching in the corner, and smiled strangely again.

This guy has it all!Didn't I just say a few words to you?This guy is so vengeful!

I remember this hatred!
After a while, a strange fragrance came, and Miyuki was refreshed.

The scent was so sweet that it immediately attracted all of her attention.

Yusuke was standing in front of the stove, frying a sweetfish.

I didn't expect this guy to cook!

It smells so good!

Miyuki had never smelled this kind of smell before, and her saliva was almost drooling.

After a while, Yusuke went out with the fried fish, Miyuki looked at him eagerly, but Yusuke ignored him.

Miyuki felt a little regretful, wouldn't this guy give her one!

"This fish smells so good!" Xiufeng's surprised voice came, "Yusuke's cooking skills are amazing!"

"Normal, you guys eat first, I'll fry some peanuts later"

Yusuke fried some peanuts again, the aroma was also charming, which made Miyuki's mouth water while hiding in the kitchen, did this guy do it on purpose?How do you make it so fragrant!

Yusuke found some ingredients in the refrigerator again, vegetable tempura, fried chicken nuggets, hot protein, the aroma made Miyuki's saliva almost flow down, it was really unbearable, looked at Yusuke eagerly, but Yusuke all They all took it out.

Damn it, you don't even leave me some.

This fragrance was so fragrant that even Tsukikage and Miwa were attracted.

"You guys are stealing food!" Yue Ying said angrily, sniffed it, looked at the food on the table, and said in surprise, "This food is so delicious!"

"This is made by Yusuke," Hideyoshi said with a smile, "Come and taste Yusuke's handicraft, it's very delicious."

"Then we're welcome too"

A few adults sat down. It was a rare opportunity. Everyone drank beer and chatted. It seemed that they would stop for a while, which made Miyuki, who was hiding in the kitchen, itch with hatred.

Did Yusuke do it on purpose, making so many delicious things to attract the adults, and now he can't go out.

Miyuki checked the time, she was already late, but she had an appointment with a friend.

At this time, the phone vibrated, Miyuki quickly picked it up, looked at it, it was a message from a friend, asking why she hadn't come out yet, she was already late.

Miyuki made an appointment with a friend tonight, to be a passerby in a TV drama.

This TV series was filmed outside and needed some extras. Her friend had some skills and was able to get in touch with this aspect. She asked Michelle if she was interested, and if she had the opportunity, she could get in touch with the stars up close.

This is irresistible for young girls!
Because the shooting is a night scene, they can only act in the middle of the night.

According to Miyuki's understanding of her father, her father would never agree, so she could only act in a sneaky way, but she did not expect to be caught by Yusuke, and now she is stuck at home and cannot get out.Judging by the way parents are chatting, it is estimated that they will not be able to get out for a while.

The friend told her that if she didn't come out in another 10 minutes, she would have to go first. She had been waiting for a long time, and if it was later, there would be no show.

Miyuki was very distressed, she was in the kitchen, her parents were in the living room, what to do if she couldn't get out!
(End of this chapter)

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