Chapter 575 575. The Yasuda Family

After 10 minutes passed, several adults were still eating, drinking and chatting there, accompanied by Yusuke's voice.

Michelle received the message, only two words: goodbye.

Well, no play.

Miyuki sighed, things are always unlucky, and it would be absolutely fine in normal times, but today Sanze's family is here as a guest, so I can't get away!
Not only can't leave the house, but now she can't even leave the kitchen. If she appeared now, she would definitely not be able to explain it clearly.

If parents know, a meal of mixed doubles is indispensable.

There was no other way, Miyuki could only sit in the corner, leaning against the wall and waiting.

But waiting and waiting, a sense of drowsiness hit her, the voices of the adults chatting hadn't stopped, she sat there and fell asleep in a daze.

Suddenly, a hand pushed her gently, and Miyuki reacted at this moment, and quickly opened her eyes, seeing Yusuke's smiling face.

"you woke up"

Miyuki got angry and punched Yusuke directly, but Yusuke avoided it.

"Are you angry about waking up?"

"Let my old lady beat you up." Miyuki said through gritted teeth, "You ruined my good deed."

Yusuke shook his head, "It's not a good girl to hang out outside in the middle of the night."

"I'm not going out to hang out"

"Then what are you going to do?"

The matter had already fallen through, and Miyuki didn't care anymore, so she told what happened tonight.

"Is it necessary to do this?" Yusuke was very strange.

"What do you know, you can get close to the stars"

Looking at her appearance, Yusuke wisely did not continue to quarrel with her, the power of an idol is very powerful!
At this time, there was a gurgling sound, which came from the girl's stomach. She was a little hungry after waiting for so long.

"Is there anything else to eat?" Miyuki asked carelessly, not caring about her image, "Is there anything left just now?"

"No." Yusuke shook his head, "I cleaned all the dishes."

Miyuki felt a little regretful, those dishes were so delicious just now, she was drooling.

"Let me cook a bowl of noodles for you to eat," Yusuke said with a smile.

Miyuki nodded, she was indeed a little hungry.

After waiting on the dining table for a while, a bowl of hot noodles was served, and Yusuke also specially fried an egg.

"I'm starting." Miyuki picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Miyuki's eyes lit up as she entered the noodles. The noodles are delicious. These are just ordinary instant noodles, but the taste is completely different from the usual ones. How does this guy cook them?Wait a minute and ask him the secret.

Miyuki found that Yusuke hadn't eaten, and asked strangely, "Aren't you going to eat?"

"I ate something for supper just now, I'm not very hungry"

"You guys are so good!" Miyuki said while eating noodles, "I didn't expect cooking skills to become so strong, it's like a different person."

Yusuke smiled, but didn't answer.

A bowl of noodles quickly entered her stomach, and Miyuki burped, feeling warm all over. Eating a bowl of hot noodles on a cold night is indeed a kind of enjoyment.

But after eating and drinking enough, she suddenly felt sleepy, so she said hello and went back to the room, lying on the bed, feeling sleepy, and immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, Miyuki was woken up by her mother.

Yueying directly lifted her quilt, and Miyuki who was sleeping soundly woke up from the cold.

"How long are you going to sleep?" Tsukikage yelled angrily, "Yusuke wakes up early in the morning, why are you so lazy as a girl!"

"Mom, you see different things and change your mind"

"What's the difference?"

"You were captured by Yusuke's delicious food, and you despise your daughter"

"I think you're looking for a beating!" Yue Ying raised her eyebrows, "I'll give you 3 minutes, get dressed and come down immediately, or you'll be served with a whip"

"Mom, you little S" Miyuki whispered.

"what are you saying!"

"I didn't say anything." Miyuki shook her head, how could she admit it.

After Miyuki finished tidying up, when she came downstairs, she found that the atmosphere in the house was very strange, and everyone was very serious. Miyuki, who was a little cheerful, didn't dare to mess around at this time, she approached her mother, and asked in a low voice: "Mom, What's wrong?"

"For the matter of Sanze's family, wait for a big person to come over, don't speak casually, behave decently, and don't embarrass our family"

It was rare for Mom and Dad to look very serious, Miyuki also nodded, she could tell the seriousness of the matter clearly.

At this time Aiyi was very nervous, and her mother was comforting her softly.

Kazuya was also a little flustered, Xiufeng joked at this time: "Kazuya, don't be so nervous, your son is calmer than you."

"Fuck you" Kazuya said with a smile, looking at his calm son, he was relieved at this moment, his mind was a little more stable, but he was still a little flustered.

Dad is concerned but chaotic.

The reason is very simple, Yasuda's family is coming, I don't know where they got the news, they know that Aiyi is here, so they come here directly.

The Sanze family only received the news in the morning, and they were caught off guard.

They haven't figured out how to contact each other yet, and the other party has already acted in advance.

According to the news received before, Miyuki Yasuda just wanted to meet with Aiyi, but he couldn't guarantee whether they would have other ideas, which made He also a little nervous.

The initiative is completely in the opponent's hands, and here we can only respond passively.

He also thought about avoiding them directly, avoiding the limelight, and waiting for himself to be ready, but after thinking about it, the matter still had to be resolved, and he couldn't hide from the first day of the junior high school, so he might as well solve it all at once.

At this time, the Sanze family was waiting anxiously.

Yusuke felt a helpless sense of powerlessness about this, his own strength was still too weak after all.

Finally, the three cars stopped at the door of Songzhong's house, and several black-clothed bodyguards ran down from the front and rear cars, protecting the black car in the middle. The door of the car opened, and a middle-aged man stepped out.

He has a majestic Chinese character face, wears a suit, and is very imposing.

Yue Ying, who was waiting at the door, nodded lightly and made a gesture, but the man walked in without looking at it.

The man went directly to the living room, where the members of Sanze's family were waiting, and Xiufeng was by his side.

The man's eyes swept over the crowd, and finally put it on Aiyi's body. He was a little lost for a while, but he recovered quickly.

At this time Xiufeng stood up and introduced the man, and it was Yasuda Sanosuke who came.

Yasuda Sanosuke had already handed it over to his subordinates to deal with, but yesterday's call from Sasaki Toruto made him a little curious. The other party was able to borrow Sasaki Torutsu's contacts. This is not an ordinary family.

Only then did Yasuda Zuanosuke pay attention to it, and decided to take a look for himself, and he was not disappointed.

Aiyi's appearance is exactly the same as that of his younger sister when he was a child. When he met just now, he was a little distracted, as if he saw his younger sister, but he soon became firm.

The younger sister has left the family. This is a matter of his father's death. The most important thing is that there can be no more heirs.

(End of this chapter)

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