Chapter 576 576. Kosuke Yasuda
Yasuda Zuanosuke exchanged pleasantries with Kazuya. It was not worth it, but the Misawa family was lucky. He had a good son who was a disciple of the Sasaki family, and he was also a direct disciple. According to the news he got, Sasaki Hu Che intends to train him as his son-in-law, so the other party is entitled to his respect.

Kazuya's face was very calm, but he calmed down when the matter came to an end.

Although the other party behaved well and talked, he could clearly see the arrogance in his bones. The other party didn't bother to communicate at all, and it was entirely because of Aiyi's existence that he was able to stand here.

Yasuda Zuanosuke said at this time: "You all know the matter, but I have to do a test before that."

"What test?"

"Detection of Identity"

After all, Huacai had severed ties with the Yasuda family for several years. The Yasuda family must have doubts about the fact that a child appeared out of nowhere.

And He also didn't object, it would be better if it was detected that the child was not from their family, he would not care about getting involved with these wealthy families.

Yasuda Sanosuke raised his hand, and the assistant next to him said a few words on the intercom. After a while, several doctors in white coats came in.

Identification is very simple, a little blood drawn and a little hair cut will do.

"The result will be available in two hours, if you don't mind, we will wait here"

After finishing speaking, Yasuda Sanosuke sat directly on the sofa.

What he said just now was just talking, and he didn't care about other people's attitudes.

The Misawa family also sat down, Tsukage poured a cup of tea for the other party, Yasuda Sanosuke nodded without even touching her.

Two hours later, the doctor came in and handed him a report. After reading the report, Yasuda Sanosuke looked at Aiyi, and Aiyi suddenly panicked
"The report came out, Aiyi is Huacai's daughter"

He also sighed regretfully. Although this is true, he still has some expectations. It would be best if it wasn't.

"Mr. Yasuda" Kazuya said calmly, "Let Aiyi go to see her grandmother. I have no objection in this regard, but Aiyi is still too young. As parents, we must be by her side."

Yasuda Sanosuke frowned, thought for a moment, then nodded, "Then let's come together."

Yasuda Sanosuke walked out of the house directly, followed by Misawa's family, and Hidetoyo followed, but was stopped by his bodyguards.

"You can't keep up"

"Why?" Xiufeng said calmly, "This is my home, why can't I go out?"

The bodyguards were expressionless and ignored.

Xiushou is ready to break through with force, these guys must be underestimating him!

"Xiufeng, it's okay, we can take care of it" Kazuya said at this time.

There is no need to conflict with him here, Xiufeng must be the one who will suffer.

Xiufeng pouted, and then gave up.

Yasuda Zuanosuke originally wanted to arrange for the Misawa family to sit in the back car, but Kazuya refused.

In the end, Kazuya drove behind them by himself, and Xiufeng was the last one, and he also set off together.

After driving for more than an hour, we finally arrived at our destination.

It was a huge house.

Four cars drove in, and Xiufeng's car stopped nearby, looking at the door.

As soon as Xiufeng stopped, bodyguards in black immediately came over to inquire. Xiufeng directly took out his police ID, and the other party had no choice but to give up, but Xiufeng could sense that there were more people observing here.

Hehe, rich people are really afraid of death.

Kazuya's car drove into the house, and only then did he really see the true face of the house.

This is a very huge house with many buildings, corridors and eaves everywhere, antique.

Compared with the Sasaki House, which is also huge, this place is more luxurious and occupies a larger area. Everywhere here reveals a delicate and natural atmosphere.

The people who designed it must have put a lot of effort into it.

Under the guidance of the assistant, the family walked through countless corridors and came to a large room, where they waited.

Aiyi was a little nervous, her mother held her hand tightly, and her father comforted her at this moment: "Don't worry, Aiyi, Mom and Dad will be by your side"

Aiyi nodded seriously, "I will not leave Mom and Dad"

"No one can take us apart" He Ye replied seriously, his eyes were very firm.

After waiting for a while, the wooden door of the room opened, and two figures appeared.

It was an old man, with silver hair shaking and a tough face. Although he was not very tall, he stood there with an aura of calmness and self-prestige.

Everyone's face became serious, he is the head of the Yasuda family, Yasuda Kosuke.

Although he looks like an ordinary old man now, his sharp eyes and strong aura all show that he is not an ordinary person.

This is the real hero who founded the Yasuda Group. Although he put on a kind face, he can't hide the aura on his body.

Yusuke is a little startled, this is the first time he has really faced the world's top dignitaries, Yukino and Enoka's sisters are also top dignitaries, but they are too young, domineering is domineering, but it always makes people feel uncomfortable convinced.

But the old man in front of him is different. Although he is not very tall, every word is very powerful. Every move makes people look at him. As soon as he appeared, he immediately controlled the rhythm of the audience .

In contrast, Yasuda Sanosuke, who was standing next to him, did not have such a strong sense of presence. Although he was very domineering when he appeared in the afternoon, but facing the real hero, facing his father, his momentum was still the same. Much weaker.

Facing such a powerful figure, the whole family cheered up and did not dare to neglect at all.

Yasuda Kosuke looked at the Misawa family, and finally looked at Aiyi, narrowed his eyes, and smiled, like an amiable old man.

"This is the Patriarch of the Sanze family, Sanza Kazuya, right?"

Yasuda Kosuke came over, stretched out his palm, Kazuya was a little flattered, and quickly stretched out his hand to shake him.

"Aiyi is bothering you"

"This is my duty." Kazuya also came back to his senses at this time, "Aiyi is also our family."

No matter how powerful the other party is, they can't separate their family.

Yasuda Kosuke smiled, and didn't care about Kazuya's determination. At this moment, he looked at Aiyi and waved to Aiyi.

Aiyi was a little hesitant, looked at her mother, and her mother nodded gently, then Aiyi came over, nodded and said: "Grandpa is good."

Before, my mother had already explained to Aiyi that no matter what she said, the other party was also her grandfather, so the etiquette should not be lost.

Yasuda Kosuke nodded in relief: "Good boy!"

(End of this chapter)

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