Chapter 577. Chapter 577.
Yasuda Kosuke looked at Aiyi for a while, then turned his eyes to Kazuya.

"My wife is sick, so I can't come out to meet guests, Aiyi and I will go see my wife."

He also nodded, already mentally prepared for this matter.

"Sanosuke, please entertain the guests"

After leaving these words, Yasuda Kosuke took Aiyi's hand and left.

Yasuda Zuanosuke called the assistant, who greeted him, and soon, more than a dozen maids came in, and all kinds of delicacies came in one by one, and each one was very delicate.

"Everyone, you're welcome." Yasuda Sanosuke greeted, "I still have something to do, you can do it yourself"

After speaking, he left directly, ignoring Sanze's house.

Faced with so many delicacies, everyone has no appetite and is waiting quietly.

An hour later, a maid came back with Aiyi.

Seeing Aiyi, mother ran up immediately and hugged him tightly.

Meihe is very scared, the other party is rich and powerful, she has no sense of security at all, now seeing Aiyi, she can finally feel relieved.

"Master ordered, the guests can leave," the maid said with a smile.

Throw it away after use, without even saying hello, the capitalists are really ruthless.

But Kazuya didn't care, and said, "Get out of here first."

The family left in a hurry, drove the car, and left Yasuda's house very quickly.

Seeing the gate going away, the family breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiufeng's car followed behind, and the lights signaled.

The two cars stopped by the side of the road, and Xiufeng ran up anxiously, "Are you all right?" After looking around, Sanze and his family were all here.

He also shook his head, and replied: "Just ask Aiyi to meet up, there is nothing wrong"

"That's good." Xiufeng breathed a sigh of relief, if something happened to Sanze's family at Yasuda's house, he would really be beyond his reach.

Everyone is safe, now is the time to ask Aiyi what happened just now.

Ai Yi briefly recounted it.

After she was taken away by Kosuke Yasuda, she came to a huge room and met an old woman.

The old grandma was very kind to her, holding her hand and talking a lot, but Aiyi could find out that what the other party said was actually to Aiyi's mother, and she regarded Aiyi as a substitute for her daughter.

Aiyi didn't say much throughout the whole process, the old man said all that was in his heart, and after fulfilling his wish, he felt a little sleepy, pressed the wall bell, a group of maids appeared, and then a maid led her out.

And Yasuda Kosuke disappeared after Aiyi entered the room, and never saw anyone again.

It seemed that it was just an ordinary meeting, so everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

There is nothing better than this development.

"It's over," Xiufeng said with a smile at this moment, "Then let's go back and celebrate."

Mom and Dad finally showed a smile, and the matter finally came to an end.

After returning to Songzhong's house, she told Yueying the good news, and Yueying was also very happy. Everyone decided to hold a banquet at noon to celebrate.

Yusuke called the master and reported the situation. The master put a lot of effort into this matter. If the master hadn't come forward to circle around, the Yasuda family would not have entertained them so politely. After all, the status of the two parties is very different. I will come to thank you when I go back.

Hu Che responded with a smile, and the two chatted a little more, before ending the call soon.

"Yusuke, can I go buy something?" Tsukikage appeared at this moment, and asked with a smile: "The seasoning at home is not enough, Miyuki ran out and couldn't find anyone, can I trouble you to buy it?"

Yusuke nodded, Tsukage gave the general direction, and Yusuke went out.

After buying things in the shopping street, Yusuke came back with the things after rejecting the approach of several women.

When passing through the park, she accidentally found that Miyuki was with two girls.

Two girls, one with long hair and one with short hair, with handsome faces, were sitting there chatting.

"Miyuki, you let us go!" the short-haired girl shouted angrily, "Do you know how long the two of us waited outside last night?"

"Sorry" Miyuki clasped her hands together and pleaded, "I was unlucky last night, I was almost caught by my parents, and you know my dad's job, if he finds out, you two can't escape either."

"That's right." The long-haired girl nodded and said, "You said that you were almost close, so you should have escaped. Why didn't you come out?"

"Because there is another guy blocking me!"

"Who is it?"

"An annoying guy!" Miyuki said through gritted teeth.

"You can't speak ill of me behind my back!" Yusuke's voice suddenly came from behind, startling Miyuki.

The three of them turned their heads. Under the sun, a handsome boy was standing there. His bright smile made people very warm.

"Who is this handsome guy?" The long-haired woman asked in a low voice, this guy is so handsome, all the male students in the school are not so handsome, especially the way he smiles, it makes people's heart beat endlessly.

It's so handsome!

Ignoring her companion's question, Miyuki pointed at Yusuke and shouted angrily, "You bastard actually eavesdropped on our chat!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I just passed by after shopping, and I saw you here." Yusuke raised the bag in Yang's hand, "It's almost lunch time, are you going home to eat?"

"Don't eat!"

"Okay then, I'll go first, next time don't speak ill of others behind their backs, it will be troublesome if they are caught on the spot"

"Cut!" Miyuki pouted, Yusuke smiled, took the bag and left.

At this moment, Miyuki's two partners surrounded her with gossip.

"Who is this handsome guy?"

"Why do I know you so well, and ask you if you will go home for dinner?"

"Do you live together? When did you get to this point?"

"It's been so hard for you to hide it from me, and you actually got a boyfriend!"

"Are you two living together?"

The two girls were gossiping and gossiping very much, which was really shocking!

Miyuki waved her hand to stop the gossip between the two.

"He's not my boyfriend, and he has a girlfriend, you two give up!"

Miyuki immediately revealed the relationship between the two, and killed their thoughts at the same time.

She understood the expectant eyes of her companion just now, and Yusuke's smile was so charming that even her heart was a little moved just now.

It was said before that he picked up girls by smiling, maybe it was true.

"Then why do you live together?"

The two girls felt a little regretful, but soon started gossiping again.

"He is the son of my father's friend. He is a guest at our house these two days. It's as simple as that."

"Is your father's friend? That means you have known each other since childhood"

"That's right!"

The eyes of the two brightened, "So you are childhood sweethearts!"

(End of this chapter)

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