Chapter 578. 578. Drunk Him

childhood sweetheart?

Miyuki froze for a moment, but quickly shook her head.

"It's not a childhood sweetheart, we only meet once a year, how can we call it a childhood sweetheart?"

"It doesn't matter if you're not a childhood sweetheart." The short-haired woman urged at this time: "Don't you have any thoughts about him? He looks so handsome."

Miyuki shook her head, "He has a girlfriend."

"What a pity!" The long-haired woman looked regretful.

"It's someone who got ahead of you, Miyuki, you are so serious, you have such a good resource and you don't know how to grasp it!"

Miyuki was about to reveal his previous dark history. You guys don't know what kind of virtue he was before, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it.

It is better to save some face for the partners every year.

"Okay, let's not talk about this topic." Miyuki waved her hand, "Didn't you say that there will be outdoor scenes tonight? Let's start again tonight."

The subject was successfully changed, and the three girls chatted about what to do tonight.

"Tonight is the last location scene." The short-haired woman said, "If you don't show up, you won't have a chance."

"Don't worry, I will definitely succeed tonight!" Miyuki replied confidently.

She will not miss again tonight.

The Songzhong family is holding a banquet at this time, everyone is very happy, the adults are all drinking, even Yusuke has a few sips, and the banquet is full of songs and words.

Without the ups and downs outside, everyone is very relaxed.

The banquet lasted until after four o'clock in the afternoon. The two mothers were clearing up the mess, while the two fathers were resting after drinking too much.

The two children were full of energy and went to play with toys, while Yusuke was talking on the phone.

The itinerary for these two days exceeded his plan, and many things had to be rearranged.

When Miyuki returned home, she saw such a scene.

"Yuyi, how is the studio? Are you busy? I'll be back tomorrow"

"It's nothing, okay, that's it, let's talk about it tomorrow"

"Zuo Shouchuan, I'm so surprised! You actually called me"

"Okay, just kidding, what's the matter?"

"Bear hunting!"

"Will this be too sudden? Well, let me think about it. I'm leaving tomorrow? This is too urgent, and the Holy Son agreed. Wait a minute, I will talk to the Holy Son first."

"Holy Son, what are you doing? You're training. I'm sorry to bother you. I'll be back tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it, it's like this, are you going to hunt bears with Zuo Shouchuan tomorrow? It's sudden"

"Okay then, I'll go with you tomorrow, that's all"

"Yuyi, things are a little sudden, we are going to shoot outdoors tomorrow, please tell everyone, the theme is bear hunting"

"Sorry, I'm not joking. Tell everyone. If you are interested, come together. I will announce the situation in the group later."

"Zuo Shouchuan, what are you doing? Patrolling again? Well, to make a long story short, I'll go with you tomorrow, so I won't bother you anymore."

"Jessica, what's the matter? I'm sorry, I have something to do at home. Tomorrow? There's nothing I can do about it tomorrow. Next week, I'll definitely be with you again then. Well, it's settled like this."

"Ji Xiong, I'm sorry, I've been too busy recently, I didn't mean to forget you, well, I'll make it up to you next time"

"A date, this one"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, I'll check the arrangement and let you know."

"Eri, tomorrow, I'm sorry, I have something to do tomorrow, when will I be free? I'll take a look at this, next week."

"The game is next week? Well, let's talk about it when I get back to school"

Miyuki looked at Yusuke's non-stop phone calls, and was a little surprised at first. This guy has a lot of business, and he kept making phone calls, but then he became a little confused.

Why are all the girls who contacted this guy? From just now to now, there are already five or six girls' names, and judging by the way he chats, it seems that something is wrong!
This guy is on multiple boats, is he a scumbag?
Yusuke was a little depressed, he had only been away for two days, why suddenly a lot of things broke out, everyone called.

And the most important thing, Zuo Chuan and Seiko decided to go bear hunting, Zuo Chuan Naru asked Yusuke if he was interested.

The two have already decided that if Yusuke is not interested, they will go alone. For the safety of the Son, Yusuke decided to follow, and this is also a rare experience.

Hunting wild boar is no problem, but it is the first time to hunt bears.

We're leaving tomorrow, time is tight, we have to arrange some things first today.

After everything was arranged, when they returned to the house, what they saw was Miyuki's contemptuous eyes.

Yusuke asked strangely, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Aren't you guys on multiple boats?"

Yusuke felt a lump in his heart, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he said calmly, "What are you talking about?"

"There are already five or six girls who contacted you just now, and many people are looking for you. Your affair is not bad."

"You think too much" Yusuke replied calmly, "This is a work problem"

"What's the problem?"

Yusuke felt that he had to explain, otherwise his reputation would be lost, so he told about the video blogger.

Kawanaru, the left hand, is a signed blogger of the studio. He is going hunting tomorrow and is preparing for things today.

"Hunting!" Miyuki was a little surprised, but was suddenly full of interest, "What are you hunting for?"

"We usually hunt wild boars, but tomorrow is different, we are going to hunt bears"

"Bear hunting!" Miyuki was taken aback, then became excited, "Is it that kind of big bear?"

"Probably a brown bear"

"It's amazing!" Miyuki said excitedly, "I didn't expect to be able to hunt bears. It's great. I want to hunt bears too."

"I advise you to dismiss this idea, non-professionals should not engage in such activities," Yusuke said seriously.

"Do you have a hunter license?"

"I don't have one, but the signed blogger does, she's a cop"

"It turned out to be a policeman!" Miyuki was a little surprised, "Isn't that older than you?"

"Yeah." Yusuke nodded, "What's the problem?"

"It's a big problem." Miyuki looked at Yusuke seriously, "Can the other party listen to your command?"

"Don't worry, my personality is very attractive."

"When did you become so arrogant"

At this moment, Yusuke's cell phone rang, he waved his hand, and said, "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to be busy"

Seeing Yusuke who was busy with business, Miyuki curled her lips and went back to her room.

I don't care about Yusuke's affairs, I have to find a way to get out of the house tonight, it's awesome, I must go out tonight!

But Yusuke is sleeping in the living room, this guy will definitely find out if he goes out, so he has to find a way to deal with him.

Miyuki thought of everything, but there was only one way, to get him drunk tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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