Chapter 580 580. Let's Go Together

At night, everyone was already asleep, and Yusuke continued to be his director.

With the sound of light footsteps, Yusuke opened his eyes and sat up, just in time to see Miyuki coming down the stairs.

Miyuki was dressed neatly, the same as last night, and was very surprised to see Yusuke woke up at this time.

"You bastard hasn't slept yet!"

She drank a lot of wine for him tonight, but he wasn't drunk!

Seeing Miyuki's appearance, Yusuke immediately understood that during dinner tonight, Miyuki was very enthusiastic and poured wine for everyone in person, pouring non-stop, so it turned out that it was to get them drunk.

In fact, Yusuke is also a little drunk, if he is later, he will fall asleep, but Miyuki is out of luck.

Yusuke didn't bother to talk nonsense to her, and was about to use his big move: call the parents.

Seeing Yusuke's appearance, Miyuki knew what he was going to do, rushed up and covered his mouth.

"This guy, hurry up and shut up!"

Looking at the flustered Miyuki who was right in front of him, Yusuke pulled her hand away and smiled.

"Do you still want to go out?"

Miyuki sighed helplessly, "You're such a fool!"

But to give up like this, Miyuki felt unwilling, hesitated for a while, and decided to use bitter tactics.

"Yusuke, I have already made an appointment with my friends for tonight's event. I broke my promise last night. I can't break my promise again tonight. You don't want me to be a villain who doesn't keep promises." Miyuki looked at Yusuke pitifully , eyes full of requests.

Yusuke nodded, Miyuki's heart felt warm, it seemed that there was hope.

"That's what you said, but your situation is unreasonable"

Miyuki's smile froze, and she asked angrily, "Why?"

"It's very dangerous for a girl to wander outside in the middle of the night"

"I can protect myself"

"But I don't believe it"

"Why are you such a dick?"

"Forget it, I'd better ask uncle to tell you."

"No, because of the friendship between the two of us, let me go out for a while."

Yusuke had a headache, logically he said he shouldn't care about this matter, but the relationship between Matsushige's family and his own is not normal, and Miyuki has been good friends with him for many years, so I still feel a little worried about letting her hang out alone.

Seeing Miyuki's pitiful look, although it was mostly an act, Yusuke didn't want to make the relationship too rigid with her, so he finally compromised.

"Okay, I can let you out, but I want to go out with you"

Miyuki was a little happy at first, but frowned after hearing the second half of the sentence.

"How about it? If you agree, we will go out together now." Yusuke asked with a smile.

At this time, Michelle's mobile phone vibrated. It was a message from her friends, asking why she hadn't come out yet, and if she didn't come out again, they would have to take a step first.

No time to hesitate, Miyuki nodded and said, "Yes, but on one condition."

"What conditions?"

"You can't lay hands on my friend"

Yusuke was speechless, "Do I look like that kind of person?"

Miyuki nodded solemnly.

"I think it's better to let Uncle Xiufeng come down."

"No, I was wrong"

The two were noisy, cleaned up and went out soon.

Yusuke was still a little drunk at first, but when he went out, he was blown by the cold wind, and his mind became a little clearer.

"Yusuke, hurry up," Miyuki urged as she walked ahead.

Yusuke's head was still a little dizzy, but the basic actions were still fine, and he quickly followed.

At the intersection, two figures were standing there.

It was still snowing outside, and the two of them were wearing thick cotton clothes, scarves and hats, looking at their phones from time to time, looking anxious.

"Meiya, Juanzi"

Hearing the voice, the two came back to their senses immediately, turned their heads, and saw a girl running towards them.

"Miyuki, you are so slow!" the short-haired woman shouted angrily.

"Sorry" Miyuki apologized with clasped hands, "I was caught up in something when I went out just now."

"Hello!" A voice came, and only then did the two realize that there was another figure following Miyuki.

Under the light, that handsome face was very clear. It was the handsome guy I met in the afternoon.

The two were a little surprised, how could he appear here?
"Well, does Yusuke want to go and see with us? It shouldn't be a problem," Miyuki said with a haha.

The two stared fixedly at Miyuki, not believing it at all.

In less than 1 minute, Miyuki surrendered.

"Sorry, I was discovered, I have to come out under his nose"

It was so!
"Hello!" Yusuke greeted at this time, because of drinking alcohol, he was in a strange spirit at this time, and his charm was fully activated by accident.

Seeing his smiling face, the two girls blushed. This is so handsome!

"Hello!" The two girls responded with a smile. They were a little concerned about his joining at first, but they didn't have any emotions. With such a pretty smiling face, it's okay to let him join.

Miyuki next to him breathed a sigh of relief. This guy really picked up his girl with a smile. At this moment, he looked at the time and said anxiously: "Let's go, we're going to be late soon."

Only then did the two girls come to their senses, and the group set off together.

On the way, Yusuke also knew the names of the two, the long-haired one is called Meiya, and the short-haired one is called Juanzi.

Maybe because he was drinking, his consciousness was a little fuzzy. Yusuke could only improve his concentration by talking, but his charisma value was always fully activated, which made the two girls who communicated with him very excited.

The young man spoke softly and smiled warmly, as if he wanted to sweeten his heart, which made both of them a little excited. Hearing that he had a girlfriend, he didn't know whether to pry it or not.

Miyuki, who was next to her, didn't care much at first, but she heard that something was wrong. The ambiguous atmosphere of the three of them, and the expectant eyes of her companion made her feel a little pimple.

At this time, he pulled Yusuke over and said viciously: "You bastard promised me that you wouldn't attack my friend!"

"What shot?" Yusuke was confused, "I'm just chatting."

"Then why are you smiling so brightly?"

"Yes?" Yusuke replied with a smile.

"It's your smiling face now"

"Sorry, I misunderstood you, I'm a little drunk, I can only sober myself up by talking"

It was only then that Miyuki remembered that he drank a lot tonight.

No wonder she always felt that Yusuke was not the same as usual, so it was due to alcoholism!

Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief, then it's all right.

Wait a minute, telling the truth after drinking, isn't this his true face?

Looking at the smiling Yusuke, this guy really wants to pick up girls, right?
But after thinking about it, this guy is really drunk, it's useless to tell him any more, I'd better remind my friend.

After listening to Miyuki's explanation, Meiya and Juanzi suddenly realized that he was drunk and happy for nothing.

No, how could he be drunk?
At this time, the eyes looking at Miyuki were full of suspicion, why did you get him drunk?
(End of this chapter)

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