Chapter 581 581. Drunk
As expected of good friends, Miyuki understood everything when she saw the expressions of the two of them, and she was almost furious.

What kind of eyes are you looking at!

Miyuki had no choice but to explain what happened tonight, and the two girls nodded, that's why.

The two of them also quickly adjusted their mentality and stopped thinking about any messy things.

The four talked and laughed, and finally arrived at the shooting location.

This is Yiting Park. Unlike the cold weather outside, it is very hot here. The photography team, lighting team, actors, and many TV crews gathered here.

There are still many onlookers around, all young people, all of them are extremely excited at this time, as if they are attending some kind of party.

Although it was in the middle of the night, and it was still a cold night, the power of the idol was strong, and the power of the idol could make them ignore the cold and hunger.

Juanzi went up to greet a staff member. The staff member looked at them and nodded, and Juanzi came back happily.

"It's done, we can go on stage when the director calls us later"

Michelle and Meiya also became excited at this time, they can finally play!
"Then I'll wait for you nearby." Yusuke said at this time, he has no interest in idols and the like.

"Hey, aren't you going to participate?" Juanzi was a little surprised, she even reported for Yusuke.

"No, I have to take a break." Yusuke said with a smile, indicating his condition.

The stamina of the wine is coming up, so I have to eat something to sober up, it will be troublesome if I fall asleep on such a cold night.

Miyuki and the others also knew his state, so they didn't force it anymore, and everyone continued to move independently.

There is a 24-hour convenience store near the park. The heating is turned on inside the store. The warm air contrasts sharply with the cold outside.

Yusuke's drunkenness became stronger at this time, and he shook his head to wake himself up a little.

I have to find something to cushion my stomach and hangover at the same time. Fortunately, this kind of shop sells hot food.

Yusuke finally bought a bottle of hot milk and a bowl of glutinous rice balls.

Milk can soothe the hangover, and hot glutinous rice balls can cushion the stomach.

After eating, Yusuke felt much more comfortable, and his mind was not so swollen.

Yusuke sat on a chair, looked at the snow outside, and rested while drinking milk.

This is the only convenience store near the park, people come in and out from time to time, and soon, Yusuke's existence has attracted some people's attention.

A handsome teenager was sitting on a chair, holding a cup of hot milk, looking at the snowy scenery outside.

Snow scene, hot drink, handsome boy, this is a very beautiful picture.

The girls were all attracted, where did this idol come from, this is too handsome!
Then, Yusuke ushered in wave after wave of strike-ups.

The girls are very passionate, the idol is far away, but the handsome guy in front of him is close at hand.

Maybe it was the stimulation of alcohol, but Yusuke didn't directly refuse with a cold face like usual, instead he would reply to Zhuang from time to time, his gentle attitude made many girls' hearts flutter, this handsome guy is so humble!

But unexpectedly, not only girls came to strike up a conversation, but even middle-aged people came to strike up a conversation.

Seeing the smiling middle-aged man holding the business card in both hands, Yusuke hesitated for a moment, took the business card and looked at it.

Johnny & Associates, Broker, Qing Shanzheng
Yusuke was a little surprised, Johnny & Associates is well-known and mainly promotes male idols, even people outside the circle like him have heard of it.

Only then did he take a look at the middle-aged man in front of him. He was wearing a decent suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and a gentle smile. The first impression was very good, looking like a social elite.

For Qing Shanzheng, tonight was a huge surprise.

In the past few days, he took his artists out on location to shoot a TV series. Although he was a male character, the artists under his banner were all newcomers. Such an opportunity should not be missed.

So even on a cold night, in the middle of the night, he was very excited.

But the weather is too cold, and the artists are working very hard. As a manager, he has to take care of them, so he ran to the convenience store to buy some warm things, ready to comfort everyone.

But he didn't expect him to have a major surprise in the convenience store.

A handsome man was sitting there, looking at the snowy scenery outside, he was a little touched by that beautiful scene.

He sensed the scent of a super idol.

I heard from the seniors that there is a kind of person who is born suitable for various stages and can become a super idol, and the biggest dream of every manager is to have a super idol in his hand.

The appearance of every super idol can make people's hearts move. It is a wonderful feeling. Qing Shanzheng has now confirmed that he has met a super idol.

At this time, he was very excited and immediately asked.

And observing closely, Qing Shanzheng also found that the man in front of him was really outstanding, no matter his appearance, or his temperament and aura, every aspect was very special.

A person's appearance can be changed, but temperament and aura are innate, not simply cultivated.

He had an intuition that this boy must be very good.

Qing Shanzheng believes that he can definitely win the opponent, the reason is very simple, Johnny's firm is the best firm!

But Yusuke refused with a smile: "Sorry, I'm not interested"

This answer was somewhat beyond Qing Shanzheng's expectations, but he was not discouraged, and he was sure that he could persuade the other party.

But unexpectedly, his three-inch tongue completely failed in front of the man. He didn't know how to persuade him, but the other party always had a smiling attitude, which made him somewhat unable to grasp the other party's thoughts.

"Don't you suspect that I'm a liar?" Qing Shanzheng asked hesitantly.

Yusuke shook his head, "I don't think so."

"Then why?"

"Everyone has his own aspirations"

Qing Shanzheng didn't want to give up and continued to persuade, but no matter how much he persuaded, Yusuke's answer was so firm.

Qing Shanzheng finally came to his senses, although the other party seemed easy to talk to, but the things he was determined to never change.

Qing Shanzheng sighed, this was too disappointing for him.

"Sorry to bother you," Masaaki Kiyoyama said apologetically, and Yusuke nodded in response.

Qing Shanmasa took his things and left, Yusuke continued to sit there and enjoy the snow scene.

The drunkenness gradually disappeared, the consciousness gradually became clear, and the state also recovered a little bit. At this moment, I thought of Miyuki and the others.

The three of them didn't know what was going on, the weather was so cold, they were eating the northwest wind outside, they should buy something to comfort them, and now they were not drunk, so they stood up, bought three bottles of hot drinks and set off.

When the three of them were found, the three of them were standing in the corner to keep warm.

(End of this chapter)

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