Chapter 582 582. Supper
"Your comfort items are here," Yusuke said with a smile, Miyuki and the three of them came back to their senses at this moment.

"Drink something hot and warm your body"

"Thank you" x3
The three of them didn't talk nonsense, they directly picked up the drink and drank it, killing half of the bottle at once, and then took a breath.

"Finally alive!" The three sighed in unison.

"Aren't you done yet?"

"It's not our turn yet"

Yusuke was a little surprised, "Why so long?"

"No way, extras are like this"

Yusuke doesn't even know where they got such strong motivation, but seeing their excited expressions, maybe this is youth.

The filming started, and everyone was watching, including Yusuke.

At this time, I found that the middle-aged man Qing Shanzheng was not far away, talking with two young people at this time, as if he was telling something, Yusuke took a look and stopped paying attention.

After filming for about half an hour, it was finally time for the three of Miyuki to play.

The role of the three of them is very simple, they act as the background board, there is no dialogue, just stand there, but even so, the three of them take it very seriously.

After shooting for 5 minutes, this one passed directly, and the three of them left.

"How is it?" Miyuki asked excitedly, "How is our performance?"

Yusuke was silent, he didn't know how to answer, you only performed for 5 minutes, and it was still a background board, so you have to wait all night, is it worth it?
I really don't understand their thinking.

Forget it, as long as you are happy.

Having fulfilled their wishes, Miyuki and the three were satisfied, and everyone was ready to go home.

"Let's have some supper," Meiya suggested at this time.



Both Miyuki and Juanzi agreed, Yusuke checked the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning, it was freezing cold, and we had to go to eat supper, wouldn't you be tired?
"It's rare to come out, of course I have to have a good time," Juanzi replied with a smile.

Miyuki also said at this time: "Young people should be more energetic, Yusuke, don't look forward and backward like an old man."

Yusuke is a little helpless, young is ignorant.

If you can't trust yourself, one man and three women hang out together in the middle of the night, do you think there is anything good about it?
"I know," Miyuki said, "Dad taught me since I was a child, don't talk to strangers, girls must protect themselves when they are outside, but Yusuke is different from you"

Miyuki patted Yusuke on the shoulder with a smile, "Everyone's good friend for many years, I trust you very much, aren't you very happy?"

Well, this sentence really made Yusuke a little relieved.

That being the case, everyone has decided so.

It was already past two o'clock in the morning, and many restaurants were closed at this time, but Yusuke and the others were lucky and found a ramen stand by the side of the road.

The stall owners are young couples, and the stalls are small but clean.

When the four of Yusuke came here, there happened to be a seat, and everyone stood there waiting after ordering.

The stall owner acted quickly, and after a while, the hot ramen was on the table. Yusuke tasted it, and the taste was not bad.

After Yusuke finished eating first, he chatted with the male stall owner.

"There are a lot of young people these few nights," the young man said with a smile, "Is there any activity around here?"

"Don't you know?" Yusuke was a little surprised, "There is a TV nearby that is filming exterior scenes, and many people have come to watch it these days."

"So that's how it is." The young man suddenly realized, "I sold out the ingredients early in the morning last night. If I had known this, I would have prepared more things."

"Then you may be disappointed." Yusuke replied with a smile, "Tonight is the last location scene."

"That's a pity." The young man felt a little regretful, he accidentally missed the business opportunity.

"By the way, what kind of star is that?" The young man asked at this moment.

"I don't know." Yusuke shook his head, then looked at Miyuki and asked, "Which celebrity are you here to see today?"

"Sataka Yamada!" Miyuki replied excitedly.

"It's Yamada Zuoxiao!" The female stall owner interjected at this time, with a look of surprise on her face, "I like him the most, if I knew it, I would have gone to have a look."

The three of Miyuki also looked excited, they didn't expect to meet the same fans.

The three girls chatted excitedly with the female stall owner, and soon began to gossip about various idol news, while the young man and Yusuke glanced at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"By the way, which one is your girlfriend?" The young man asked in a low voice at this time.

Yusuke shook his head, "They are all my friends"


In the middle of the night, a man and three women were hanging out together. Are they friends?
Could it be that I'm old and don't understand the world of young people?
Or is this a new way for teenagers to play?

The young man looked at Yusuke's appearance, and suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is a handsome guy's way of playing!
At this time, he gave Yusuke a thumbs up, and Yusuke had a black line on his face. This guy must have imagined something!
"Boss, do you still have ramen?" A male voice came from outside.

The voice of Yusuke was somewhat familiar, and he turned his head, suddenly a little surprised, the person who came was the manager who accosted him at the convenience store, Masaaki Kiyoyama.

Behind Kiyoyamamasa and these two young men, they look very handsome, Yusuke has some impressions, these are the two young men who were on the set just now, they are artists under Kiyoyamamasa,

Seeing Yusuke Kiyoyamamasa was also a little surprised. At this time, he waved his hand, and Yusuke also nodded.

The three of Miyuki saw the interaction between the two, and asked in a low voice, "Yusuke, do you know each other?"

"I just met," Yusuke replied, and Kiyoyama Masa also came up at this time.

"Young man, we are really destined."

Kiyoyama Masahara wanted to say hello, but then he remembered that he didn't even know the name of the other person in the exchange with Yusuke just now, so he had to call him a boy.

"Hello, Mr. Kiyoyama," Yusuke responded, "Are you coming to eat too?"

"That's right, I just finished filming a TV series, so I went out to eat something"

"TV drama!"

The three of Miyuki were a little surprised. They looked at Masaaki Kiyoyama and the two young men behind him, and it took a while to realize that these two people were the male numbers on the set, and they called so and so.

Although I can't remember their names, I can confirm that I must have met them on the set just now, which means that these people are all from the entertainment industry.

The three of Miyuki were a little surprised, since when did Yusuke know people in the entertainment industry?
Yusuke looked at Miyuki and the others, and found that they had finished eating, and said, "Miyuki, we should go and give up the space to others."

Qing Shanzheng smiled and waved his hands, "No, you go on, we'll just wait." At this moment, he looked at Miyuki and the others, and said with a smile: "I saw the performance of the three of you on the field just now, it was very good. "

This was obviously a polite remark, but the three of Miyuki were very happy, and they were suddenly full of interest in their identities.

(End of this chapter)

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