The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 589. 589. Xicheng Dance's Love Problem

Chapter 589. 589. Xicheng Dance's Love Problem
"If you can join the club, it might be possible," Yusuke replied after thinking for a while.

"But the conditions of the two of you are not enough to join our society"

"Your requirements are so high! What are the conditions?" Both of them were very curious.

"There are two conditions, one is interesting talent, the other must be handsome and beautiful, and you are not eligible for the second condition"

"Fuck!" X2
The two raised their middle fingers at the same time to express their contempt.

The day's class ended soon, Yusuke said hello, and came to the club.

Eri called last week, and Yusuke happened to have something to do, so the club's affairs were put on hold, and he had to come to the club to report this week.

Members came to the club one after another, and after a while, everyone arrived, and Eri stood on the podium and coughed.

"Now announce today's club activities, our task today: play with the snow"

"Wait a minute" Yusuke raised his hand at this moment, "You told me last Saturday 'the cake competition is about to start, you have to hurry up and practice', why did you suddenly become playing with snow?"

"We'll talk about the competition tomorrow. It doesn't snow often. We should take this opportunity to have a good time."

Eri replied seriously, and the others nodded in agreement.

Well, as long as you like it.

"Then let's go!"

There are many people playing in the snow on the playground, because only the school has such a wide place for them to play.

However, the snow was too thick, and some outdoor club activities were suspended, such as the baseball club. They had to clean up the snow on the field, otherwise there was no way to carry out club activities.

Among the playing crowd, Yusuke found West City Mai, who was playing in the snow alone.

Yusuke was a little strange, she should be in the Kendo club at this time, why is she here?He went up to say hello: "Xiao Wu"

Xicheng Mai was playing with the snow boredly. He came back to his senses when he heard Yusuke's voice, and greeted with a smile: "Senior Misawa!"

"Why are you here alone? Don't you need to go to club activities?"

"This..." Xi Chengwu hesitated for a while, and then said: "Senior Sanze, I have a problem, can you help me as a staff officer?"

Yongsuke nodded with a smile, Xichengwu is his good friend and has helped him a lot, it is rare for her to ask for help, of course Yusuke will not refuse.

With Yusuke's promise, Saijou is very happy.

"Senior Sanze, you can definitely help me with this question, it's about love"

Yusuke's smile froze.

There is something wrong with this answer!
Why do you ask me love questions?
No, why should I be able to answer it?Who do you take me for!
Yusuke is wondering if his reputation has gone bad again?

My reputation has been up and down all the time, maybe Xicheng Dance is affected by this.

Yes, that's right, it must be like this!
"Love problem, what's the problem?"

At this time, Eri's voice came from the side, and the two turned their heads, and Eri did not know when he had come over, with a gossip look on his face.

"Eri, when did you come here?" Yusuke asked strangely, your appearance was too sudden.

"Just now I saw you coming over to strike up a conversation with a girl, so I came over to see what's going on. I didn't expect you were talking to Xicheng Wu."

There is nothing wrong with this answer, but Yusuke always finds it strange.

"Xiao Wu, someone confessed to you?" Eri asked excitedly at this time, Xi Chengwu quickly covered her mouth.

"Senior Eri, please don't make too much noise." Xi Chengwu was very nervous, "This is my secret, you two don't reveal it."

"What secret?"

Yui's voice came from the side at this time, and everyone in the club had already come over at this time.

Xicheng Wu sighed helplessly, well, now there are no secrets left.

Then he told what happened.

Last week, Xicheng Dance accepted a friend's invitation and had a fellowship with classmates from the same school.

This friendship was not bad, a few male and female students fell in love with each other, but Xicheng Dance didn't feel anything, and decided not to waste this time next time.

But unexpectedly, when she was leaving, a male classmate took the initiative to strike up a conversation with her.

That is Hideo Moto from the baseball club. He looks clean and very sunny. He is the main player of the baseball club.

By the way, the baseball club's performance this year was terrible, and they couldn't even make it to the national championship.

Hideda Moto expressed his admiration for West City Dance and hoped to be friends with her.

It was the first time for Xicheng Dance to face this kind of situation, and she was stunned for the first time. Although she is usually bold and shrewd, but she has never had this kind of experience, and she couldn't turn her head all of a sudden.

Under the other party's offensive, she exchanged mailboxes with the other party in a daze.

It's a done deal, and Xicheng Wu also tried to communicate with him, and after a week, the chat between the two of them is still very normal, nothing special.

But today the other party suddenly proposed that they want to go out on a date together.

Xicheng Wu was a little distressed, she didn't understand her feelings, and she didn't know how to deal with it, so she didn't even participate in club activities, and came out to play in the snow to relieve boredom.

"Understood!" Everyone nodded.

"Then what should I do now?" Xicheng Wu looked at everyone expectantly.

"Now there is the most important question," Rika said at this time, "What do you think of the other party? Do you like the other party?"

"This..." Xicheng Wu fell silent.

"Okay, I see, you just don't like this reaction," Lixiang replied with a smile.

Yui next to her was a little surprised, "Is this too arbitrary? Maybe Xiao Wu is thinking about how to answer."

Xicheng Wu was also a little hesitant when she heard the words.

Rika smiled calmly, her tone unprecedentedly confident.

"The first feeling is the most important. Xiao Wu's first feeling is that she doesn't like the other party, and it doesn't make any sense, and her subsequent reaction is completely passive acceptance.

Let me use this analogy, Xiao Wu was attacked by a strange person with strange means in an unfamiliar environment, and she couldn't react immediately, so she had to follow the rhythm of the other party and leave."

Everyone thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized that this analysis is so correct!

"Lixiang, you are amazing!" Yui said in surprise, "Where did you get so many theories?"

"I write novels!" Rika replied confidently, "I have studied all kinds of love psychology."

"Does writing novels need to be so strong!"

"Okay, don't change the subject," Eri interjected at this moment, looking at Xi Chengwu.

"Xiao Wu, do you feel it yourself? Recall your own inner thoughts. If you like the other party, we can give you advice. If you don't like the other party, we will ask him to come out and speak clearly. There is no need to delay."

(End of this chapter)

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