Chapter 590

Xi Chengwu recalled, from the time she met Hideo Moto to the present, the two had very little communication, and she showed no signs of being moved. To herself, Hideo Moto was just an ordinary person, not even a friend, so she Shaking his head, "I don't have any feelings for him, I don't like him"

"Well, now you can confirm your feelings," Eri said seriously, "Since you don't like him, then don't procrastinate, just reject him."

Xicheng Wu confirmed her feelings and nodded seriously, "Thank you, I understand."

"Let's go with you," Yusuke said at this time.

"Isn't that good?" Xicheng Dance was a little embarrassed.

"We will watch you from a distance, in case you have any accidents"

There are many things that turn love into hate. Although the probability is very small, it must be guarded against.

Yui and the others nodded in agreement, Xicheng Wu thought for a while, but did not refuse.

"Okay, let's go now." Lixiang said at this time, "The longer this kind of thing is delayed, it will be detrimental to both parties."

Everyone packed up and set off.

"By the way, where do you plan to meet?"

"We made an appointment to meet near the station at five o'clock"

The Son looked at the time and said, "Then we have to go now."

A group of people divided into two groups, Xicheng Wu walked in front, and Yusuke and others followed far behind, looking around from time to time.

"Is the other party here yet?" Yui asked curiously.

Xicheng Wu was standing there looking left and right, but she didn't see the other party's figure, and now it was already five o'clock, and the other party hadn't come by the appointed time, it was too unpunctual!

Although I haven't seen him in person yet, everyone's impression of Hideo Hideo is not very good.

Late for the first date, this guy doesn't know if it's on purpose or not.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Yusuke and the others observed everyone passing by, but no one approached Xichengwu.

Xicheng Wu was sitting there waiting boredly, but it had been a long time, and there was some snow on her shoulders.

Everyone frowned. Could it be that this guy missed his appointment?
"Let's go up and have a look." Eri said seriously at this moment, "We can't let Xiao Wu wait there all this time."

Everyone was about to step forward, but at this moment, a man finally appeared.

He was wearing a thick cotton coat and his black hair looked clean.

Everyone stopped.

The man was greeting West City Dance.

Apparently that was Hideo Moto.

Xi Chengwu stood there talking with him, the distance was a bit far away, he couldn't hear what they were talking about, only saw Xi Chengwu bowed slightly, and then the man's face became very ugly, as if very angry, And Xicheng Dance waved her hands to explain something.

Something is wrong with this situation!

At this moment, Yusuke took out a coin from his pocket and stuck it between his fingers.

All I saw was that the man raised his palm suddenly, as if he was going to hit someone, but Xicheng Wu was startled by the other's movement, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Everyone was very surprised. They didn't expect things to happen so suddenly, and they couldn't react for a while.

As soon as the man's hand fell, he was hit by a black object. At this moment, he took a step back and covered his palm with pain on his face.

And a coin was lying on the snow, with a faint blood stain on it.

Yusuke rushed up immediately, followed by Seiko, and Eri and the others realized it at this moment, and quickly chased after him.

Moto Hideo covered his palms, gritted his teeth and raised his head, but just when he raised his head, he saw an enlarged foot.

A kick slammed into his face, sending him flying.

Yusuke adjusted his figure, stood in front of Xicheng Wu, and asked with concern: "Xiao Wu, are you okay?"

Only then did Xicheng Wu come back to her senses and nodded, "It's okay."

At this time, Eri and the others also gathered around to protect Xicheng Wu, and Yui asked nervously: "Xiao Wu, what happened? Why did you suddenly have a conflict with him?"

Xicheng Wu shook her head, "I don't know either, I just rejected him, saying that I don't feel anything, please don't contact me in the future, but I didn't expect him to get angry suddenly, saying that he has already notified his friends, and he will take me to talk to him today. Friends met and said I was just playing with him.

I also explained to him: this is the second time we have met, and the email conversation does not exceed 2 sentences, so it is not considered a boyfriend and girlfriend at all.

He was very angry, said some nasty things, and just wanted to hit someone."

Everyone will understand that this is the other party's self-indulgence!

Emotional matters are the most troublesome, there is no right or wrong.

But hitting someone with your hands is not enough.

"This guy is here" came the voice of the Holy Son, and everyone looked over.

Seiko was holding Hideda Moto in his hand, and his face was swollen a lot, which was the mark of being kicked by Yusuke.

Although he was tall, he was trembling like a chicken in the hands of the Holy Son.

Yongsuke went to protect Xichengwu at the first time, and Shengzi went to deal with the other party.

Judging by his current appearance, he must have been beaten up by the Holy Son.

Several people stared at him covetously, Hideo Moto shivered, especially when he met Yusuke's eyes, he lowered his head in fear.

Yusuke remembered his notoriety, which is still useful sometimes.

"What should I do? Beat him up?" Yui said angrily, and the others were all gearing up and ready to do it.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me!" Hideo Moto hurriedly begged for mercy, "I didn't know that Xicheng was your girlfriend, Misawa, please let me go!"

"You bastard, don't talk nonsense!" Everyone said in unison, staring at him even more unkindly.

Hideo Moto was stunned instantly, "I'm sorry, I was forced, please forgive me!"

Everyone froze for a moment, something is wrong!
There is an inside story!
"Explain the matter clearly!" Yusuke said in a calm voice, looking at him with serious eyes, "You should know me, and you should consider the consequences yourself."

Hideo Moto nodded tremblingly and explained the matter.

During the fellowship that day, in the bathroom, several boys gathered together to discuss the matter of this fellowship, and everyone said their favorite goals.

It just happened that the Kendo Club won the Jade Dragon Banner champion this year, and Xicheng Wu will be the president of the Kendo Club next year, Hideo Moto suddenly had an idea.

The performance of the baseball club this year was very poor. They lost to Dongchuan High School in the advanced game, and the main player of the Dongchuan High School baseball club happened to be his deadly opponent. annoyed.

If it weren't for the lack of teammates, he would definitely be able to reach the national championship with his own strength, and winning the Koshien championship is not a dream. Hideo Hideo is so confident!
(End of this chapter)

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